I-140 scan (Project kashmir related small project)

Please let me know

I am new to this thread. I really didn't understand what do you mean by scan of some WAC number?? What is Project Kashimr all about??

Please let me know

- Arivnd
congrats i140wait2002!!

Good to hear that you survived through NOID!!
I think 2 1/2 months is the shortest record for NOID case.
Didn't you have to file appeal?
Re: kashmir and scans

pls see first a few pages of this thread.
There's a link to original kshmiar thread.
as of Sept 2

WAC#(scans/tched%) --     Aprvd Dend/Wthd    Misc RFErecvd  RFEsent    Recvd
WAC03001( 50/ 98%) --  26( 52%)  2(  4%)  3(  6%) 15( 30%)  3(  6%)  1(  2%)
WAC03002( 42/ 90%) --  26( 61%)  2(  4%)  3(  7%)  6( 14%)  1(  2%)  4(  9%)
WAC03003( 60/ 98%) --  37( 61%)  0(  0%)  5(  8%) 16( 26%)  1(  1%)  1(  1%)
WAC03010( 32/ 96%) --  11( 34%)  1(  3%)  0(  0%)  9( 28%) 10( 31%)  1(  3%)
WAC03021( 38/ 94%) --  24( 63%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%) 10( 26%)  2(  5%)  2(  5%)
WAC03040( 33/ 93%) --  15( 45%)  0(  0%)  1(  3%) 10( 30%)  5( 15%)  2(  6%)
WAC03052(102/ 93%) --  35( 34%)  1(  1%)  4(  3%) 36( 35%) 19( 18%)  7(  6%)
WAC03060( 88/ 87%) --  32( 36%)  8(  9%)  1(  1%) 19( 21%) 17( 19%) 11( 12%)
WAC03082( 67/ 86%) --  16( 23%)  0(  0%)  4(  5%) 31( 46%)  7( 10%)  9( 13%)
WAC03089( 75/ 82%) --  26( 34%)  2(  2%)  1(  1%) 22( 29%) 11( 14%) 13( 17%)
WAC03095( 56/ 80%) --  15( 26%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%) 20( 35%) 10( 17%) 11( 19%)
WAC03108(  5/100%) --   4( 80%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1( 20%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)
WAC03120( 59/ 79%) --  16( 27%)  1(  1%)  2(  3%) 14( 23%) 14( 23%) 12( 20%)
WAC03125( 74/ 72%) --  23( 31%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%) 20( 27%) 11( 14%) 20( 27%)
WAC03134(  3/ 66%) --   1( 33%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1( 33%)  1( 33%)
WAC03136(  7/ 85%) --   2( 28%)  0(  0%)  1( 14%)  2( 28%)  1( 14%)  1( 14%)
WAC03140( 56/ 66%) --  10( 17%)  0(  0%)  1(  1%)  7( 12%) 19( 33%) 19( 33%)
WAC03145( 41/ 41%) --   7( 17%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2(  4%)  8( 19%) 24( 58%)
WAC03150( 49/ 59%) --  12( 24%)  0(  0%)  1(  2%)  3(  6%) 13( 26%) 20( 40%)
WAC03155( 56/ 26%) --   5(  8%)  0(  0%)  1(  1%)  3(  5%)  6( 10%) 41( 73%)
WAC03157( 21/ 33%) --   5( 23%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  4%)  1(  4%) 14( 66%)
WAC03158( 44/ 27%) --   9( 20%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  2%)  2(  4%) 32( 72%)
WAC03160( 62/ 20%) --   5(  8%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  1%)  7( 11%) 49( 79%)
WAC03165( 57/  7%) --   3(  5%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  1%) 53( 92%)
WAC03170( 41/ 12%) --   3(  7%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  2%)  1(  2%) 36( 87%)
WAC03180( 46/ 10%) --   3(  6%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2(  4%) 41( 89%)
WAC03181( 51/ 11%) --   2(  3%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  1%)  3(  5%) 45( 88%)
WAC03190( 44/  9%) --   3(  6%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  2%) 40( 90%)
hi tliuca,

Thank you for the list. I've added them to my db :)
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Hey Kenboo and Tliu,

U guys are doing such wonderful job!! Thanx guys

Wondering, if you could please consider scanning WAC03187XXXXX items.

High appreciative...

hello am:D

You are doing a wonderful job ! Could you please include wac03229 as well in the scanning ?
Kenboo and others,

Are you there still ? This thread is kind of dying.. No posting or no scanning for so many days !! Cheer up, guys, let's share our frustration !!

Sorry about my absence without a notice.
I was out of the country for vacation.

Today I noticed that BCIS reduced the number of queries
per day to 500/IP which used to be 1000/IP.
I think it's a kind of warning from BCIS not to abuse the
system. So I would stop scanning.

Originally posted by kenboo
hi again

once you guys scanned a series you'd notice that not only I-140 but also other cases are scanned in.

To avoid unnecessary scanning next time, you may sort by status group and remove unwated cases. You can save time and scan new cases. The script skips Approved cases. This also helps to reduce number of scans. Thanks to the original author :)

by the way, I am not using the 'Make Chart' macro.
hi kenboo.
i neeed you hepl please
wuold you please athih look at my case ,how come it is take so long
noa05/09/2003 (I129F)
thank you very much for you help god bless you in and your fammily
i hope hear from you soon ,please sir
john california
tliuca, kenboo & others

Since Kenboo has stopped scanning, I am planning to continue this thread doing my own scanning. But to do that we need to track I140 for WAC03 series. If Kenboo can provide with the latest excel sheet, it would be great. Otherwise, it will take a long time to even perpare the initial list. The effort to prepare the initial list is massive and but to prepare the lists other than I140 will not take much of an extra effort. So I suggest that we prepare list for I140, I485, I765, I131 together.
I can coordinate the consolidation but beacuse of the restriction (1000 queries per IP address per 24 hrs) imposed by USCIS website, we definitely need volunteers to prepare the initial list. We may follow the Kashmir project for WAC02 series using Kashmir's java program or Kenboo's excel sheet. I prefer the excel sheet.

Here is the process

All WAC numbers have this format: WAC03-XXX-YYYYY

03 stands for fiscal year 2003 in which the application was initially put on the center's computers( as per Tasse)

XXX - business day of the fiscal year when the case was input ( as per Tasse)

The range is 50000 - 59999.
I could not get the confirmation by posting the query 'How does USCIS generate WAC numbers' (http://www.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=99941) in the forum '485 Issues in California Service Center'(http://www.immigrationportal.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=30&forumid=99). Can someone please confirm??

Strategy to prepare initial list for WAC03 series

1.Scan all WAC-03-001, WAC-03-002, ......, WAC-03-249,WAC-03-250, ..., WAC-03-LLL) where LLL is the last business day of the fiscal year 2003
WAC-03-001-50000 thru WAC-03-001-59999
WAC-03-002-50000 thru WAC-03-002-59999
WAC-03-LLL-50000 thru WAC-03-LLL-59999

2.Separate I140,I485,I765,I131 for each businessday
3.Consolidate I140, I485, I765, I131 for all business days
4.Publish a weekly report to track progress of USCIS

Any takers for this???

It would be really great if you can post the excel sheet which you already have!!!
Hi Novis,

Thanks for the effort. I am ready for the challenge :).

Please let me no what role would I play. Can u take up the project co-ordination ?

I agree with you. There is absolutely no need for duplication. So we can concentrate on I140 only. Lets make a list of volunteers first
please add to the list of volunteers for tracking WAC03 I140

Anyone who wants the Excel file which I used to maitain, please send me an e-mail.

With my policy I do not want to disclose all the case numbers at the public forum by attaching the file.

Hi Kenboo,

I have sent you a private message requesting the file and other useful tips for maintaining the file.


as of Oct 7

Though it's been long time since the last scan, there's not much of progress.
It seems USCIS didn't restrict the number of access per IP.
I am updating the Excel file. Pls wait.

WAC#(scans/tched%) --     Aprvd Dend/Wthd    Misc RFErecvd  RFEsent    Recvd
WAC03001( 50/ 98%) --  28( 56%)  2(  4%)  3(  6%) 13( 26%)  3(  6%)  1(  2%)
WAC03002( 42/ 90%) --  27( 64%)  2(  4%)  3(  7%)  6( 14%)  0(  0%)  4(  9%)
WAC03003( 60/ 98%) --  38( 63%)  0(  0%)  6( 10%) 14( 23%)  1(  1%)  1(  1%)
WAC03010( 32/ 96%) --  13( 40%)  1(  3%)  0(  0%)  8( 25%)  9( 28%)  1(  3%)
WAC03021( 38/ 97%) --  24( 63%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%) 10( 26%)  3(  7%)  1(  2%)
WAC03040( 33/ 93%) --  16( 48%)  0(  0%)  1(  3%)  9( 27%)  5( 15%)  2(  6%)
WAC03052(102/ 93%) --  38( 37%)  1(  1%)  4(  3%) 34( 33%) 18( 17%)  7(  6%)
WAC03060( 88/ 88%) --  33( 37%) 10( 11%)  1(  1%) 18( 20%) 16( 18%) 10( 11%)
WAC03082( 67/ 86%) --  19( 28%)  0(  0%)  7( 10%) 26( 38%)  6(  8%)  9( 13%)
WAC03089( 75/ 85%) --  33( 44%)  2(  2%)  2(  2%) 12( 16%) 15( 20%) 11( 14%)
WAC03095( 56/ 82%) --  20( 35%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%) 14( 25%) 12( 21%) 10( 17%)
WAC03108(  5/100%) --   4( 80%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1( 20%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)
WAC03120( 59/ 81%) --  21( 35%)  2(  3%)  2(  3%) 13( 22%) 10( 16%) 11( 18%)
WAC03125( 74/ 78%) --  25( 33%)  0(  0%)  4(  5%) 14( 18%) 15( 20%) 16( 21%)
WAC03134(  3/100%) --   1( 33%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2( 66%)  0(  0%)
WAC03136(  7/ 85%) --   2( 28%)  0(  0%)  1( 14%)  2( 28%)  1( 14%)  1( 14%)
WAC03140( 56/ 67%) --  13( 23%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%) 12( 21%) 13( 23%) 18( 32%)
WAC03145( 41/ 48%) --   7( 17%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  5( 12%)  8( 19%) 21( 51%)
WAC03150( 49/ 61%) --  14( 28%)  0(  0%)  1(  2%)  7( 14%)  8( 16%) 19( 38%)
WAC03155( 56/ 51%) --   8( 14%)  0(  0%)  1(  1%)  4(  7%) 16( 28%) 27( 48%)
WAC03157( 21/ 57%) --   6( 28%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  4%)  5( 23%)  9( 42%)
WAC03158( 44/ 31%) --   9( 20%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2(  4%)  3(  6%) 30( 68%)
WAC03160( 62/ 22%) --   8( 12%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2(  3%)  4(  6%) 48( 77%)
WAC03165( 57/ 12%) --   3(  5%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  1%)  3(  5%) 50( 87%)
WAC03170( 41/ 14%) --   4(  9%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  2%)  1(  2%) 35( 85%)
WAC03180( 46/ 10%) --   3(  6%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2(  4%)  0(  0%) 41( 89%)
WAC03181( 51/ 11%) --   3(  5%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2(  3%)  1(  1%) 45( 88%)
WAC03190( 44/  9%) --   3(  6%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  2%) 40( 90%)
WAC03215( 59/  3%) --   1(  1%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  1%) 57( 96%)
WAC03236(  6/  0%) --   0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  6(100%)
hey kenboo,

thanx for the wealth of information. Can u please provide some insight into WAC03187XXXXX cases please

as of Oct 13

WAC#(scans/tched%) --     Aprvd Dend/Wthd    Misc RFErecvd  RFEsent    Recvd
WAC03001( 50/ 98%) --  28( 56%)  2(  4%)  3(  6%) 13( 26%)  3(  6%)  1(  2%)
WAC03002( 42/ 90%) --  27( 64%)  2(  4%)  3(  7%)  6( 14%)  0(  0%)  4(  9%)
WAC03003( 60/ 98%) --  38( 63%)  0(  0%)  6( 10%) 14( 23%)  1(  1%)  1(  1%)
WAC03010( 32/ 96%) --  13( 40%)  1(  3%)  0(  0%)  8( 25%)  9( 28%)  1(  3%)
WAC03021( 38/ 97%) --  24( 63%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%) 11( 28%)  2(  5%)  1(  2%)
WAC03040( 33/ 93%) --  16( 48%)  0(  0%)  1(  3%)  9( 27%)  5( 15%)  2(  6%)
WAC03052(102/ 93%) --  38( 37%)  1(  1%)  4(  3%) 36( 35%) 16( 15%)  7(  6%)
WAC03060( 88/ 89%) --  35( 39%) 11( 12%)  3(  3%) 14( 15%) 16( 18%)  9( 10%)
WAC03082( 67/ 86%) --  19( 28%)  1(  1%)  7( 10%) 25( 37%)  6(  8%)  9( 13%)
WAC03089( 75/ 85%) --  33( 44%)  2(  2%)  2(  2%) 11( 14%) 16( 21%) 11( 14%)
WAC03095( 56/ 82%) --  20( 35%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%) 14( 25%) 12( 21%) 10( 17%)
WAC03108(  5/100%) --   4( 80%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1( 20%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)
WAC03120( 59/ 81%) --  21( 35%)  3(  5%)  2(  3%) 12( 20%) 10( 16%) 11( 18%)
WAC03125( 74/ 78%) --  26( 35%)  0(  0%)  4(  5%) 15( 20%) 13( 17%) 16( 21%)
WAC03134(  3/100%) --   1( 33%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2( 66%)  0(  0%)
WAC03136(  7/ 85%) --   2( 28%)  0(  0%)  1( 14%)  2( 28%)  1( 14%)  1( 14%)
WAC03140( 56/ 67%) --  15( 26%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%) 13( 23%) 10( 17%) 18( 32%)
WAC03145( 41/ 48%) --   7( 17%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  6( 14%)  7( 17%) 21( 51%)
WAC03150( 49/ 61%) --  14( 28%)  1(  2%)  1(  2%)  6( 12%)  8( 16%) 19( 38%)
WAC03155( 56/ 51%) --   8( 14%)  0(  0%)  1(  1%)  7( 12%) 13( 23%) 27( 48%)
WAC03157( 21/ 57%) --   6( 28%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2(  9%)  4( 19%)  9( 42%)
WAC03158( 44/ 34%) --  10( 22%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  2%)  4(  9%) 29( 65%)
WAC03160( 62/ 22%) --   8( 12%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  3(  4%)  3(  4%) 48( 77%)
WAC03165( 57/ 12%) --   3(  5%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2(  3%)  2(  3%) 50( 87%)
WAC03170( 41/ 14%) --   4(  9%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  2%)  1(  2%) 35( 85%)
WAC03180( 46/ 10%) --   3(  6%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2(  4%)  0(  0%) 41( 89%)
WAC03181( 51/ 11%) --   3(  5%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  2(  3%)  1(  1%) 45( 88%)
WAC03190( 44/  9%) --   3(  6%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  2%)  0(  0%) 40( 90%)
WAC03215( 59/  3%) --   1(  1%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  1(  1%) 57( 96%)
WAC03236(  6/  0%) --   0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  0(  0%)  6(100%)