I_140_Takes Forever,
>>Interesting to see the emotions that people are generating on this thread.
You speak like Mr. Spoke of Old StarTrek Enterprise
>>Having been a part of both the petition process as well as actively campaigning for speedy approval process, I can tell you >>that just to get a petition signed by even 10,000 people which is 7,000 more than what the 485 petition got, is not going >>to help the problem.
Why not? I think its the quality and content of the subject that matters more than the total strength
>>Put yourselves in the shoes of the Director of VSC, do you think he gives a damn about 10,000 signatures when he is sitting >>on a backlog of over 1.3 million applications from all over? He will file it in pretty much the same place as he filed the >>485 petition, the dustbin!
If 1.3 million backlog people don't care about the "backlog" why would INS be? I think 10,000 signatures will definitely make a difference. Remember ISN.org ? They started that loop with just 3 people and managed to get attention of billions now.
>>If you guys are serious about your processing delays and want to do something about it, then you must take action. Once the >>petition is up and ready, fire it off to all the Congressmen and Senators that you can. Organize representation at all the >>town meetings and district offices of Congressmen and Senators. File a lawsuit against INS to draw attention to your case. >>Agitate, because that is the only way to get your voice heard.
Let's start with simple petition first.
>>Finally, to those of who, who seem to think 485 is a distant dream and not important in your current state of affairs are >>deluding themselves. If you think AC21 is a panacea for all that ills you in the 140 process, then you are wrong. The wait >>is just as frustrating and worse because of the LONG delays. And the worst thing is that 140 waiters have to go through >>both the 140 backlog as well as 485 backlogs.
Agreed. But still I-140 first and then I-485. You can not not ask a person to get a college degree/ job when he has not eaten for days!! Without I-140 foundation, I-485 can not be acheived, although both are important.
>>There is nothing that says you cannot focus on two things at one time. Keep the 140 petition and agitation going, but at >>the same time support the 485 back log reduction process. Because it is only after both the backlogs are gone will you be >>at your goal. Tackling just one aspect of the problem, doesn't really solve anything, you still have the other half of the >>problem to go.
I don't think people in this thread don't care for I-485.....It's just the question of what's more important or priority based. The majority answer is I-140
Have you got your I-140 approval ? Keep up your feedback its very useful