Husband Denied Re-entry

sarrebal said:
Blah blah blah ouchi walla yada yada yackety-yuk.

U need to be open-minded...

Each case should be judged on its own merit...ur unwillingness to think is no justification for painting every issue black and white....I'm beginning to question why u have a seems u would have been just fine with just a spinal cord....I stand corrected.

This thread has outlived it's is, the course our dialogue has taken is of little use to the originator....I'll leave u to ur own devices.
Hey guys. Sorry I lost this forum. I want to thank all of those who whole heartedly support me in my fight with immigration. I found another site that is more supportive. It is a site full of people waiting for the approval of their I-601 waiver. My husband and I have a legitimate marriage and have created 5 beautiful children from it. We have been together for 9 years now. It has been 7 months since I lost him and I have learned a lot about all of this. I wanted to share a site that I found with you guys. It is called and they have a free immigration attorney chat room every Wednesday morning.
My husband was not here mooching off of the US as some racist people seem to think. We both worked and paid our taxes. I think that the US also had a law that said that negros were to be kept as slaves and not treated equally as whites. But that law changed because they realize how ignorant and racist it was! We are all equal. No matter what continent we were born on. Mexicans come here looking to feed their families back home, they come looking for a better life. In my husband's case, he came looking to help his mother who had 11 children at home and no husband to support her. I am glad he came here. I am glad I met him. I am sorry that the immigration system is so backlogged that we have to be apart.
For those who lack sympathy I would like to tell you a story from the other forum. My friend Tracy's husband had been in Mexico for one year waiting for his approval or denial of the I-601 waiver. Tracy and her husband have 2 children. Well, needless to say, her husband was murdered. He was blugeoned to death in the streets of his home town. Tracy went to Mexico to bury her husband and the father of her two children. A week later, she recieved her denial letter in the mail. Her husband would still be alive if he hadn't been seperated from his wife and children. My heart goes out to this woman and her family. :(