Husband Denied Re-entry

GotPR? said:
right, but how could everybody on this forum conclude OP's husband illegally entered the US. It was not clarified yet. She mentioned he was illegal alien, but some people is often confused between illegals and overstayer.
She also mentioned he entered the US through Tijuana, though did not mentioned with or without inspection.
Til this point is clarified, no judgement should be done.

I'm pretty sure I understood the OP's husband entered illegally.
If he didn't, then he would have been able to adjust status. If he left the country after the overstay, then it was a huge mistake.
machelon said:
If you and Serrabel had it your way....this is exactly how you should be acting. Its very absurd right?. Hope you realize.

I missed you.
Now, what do you base the above on?
IM58U? said:
Ha ha ha - did you have to work hard to try to dig up dirt on me? She entered the country legally, and is currently legal. Read the laws, morons - overstays are forgiven with marriage to an American citizen. Also, she ended up paying way more taxes than she should have since she never worked under the table and never filed to receive her refunds; and she did not steal anyone's identity. At this point everything has been straightened out, too, and she is in compliance with all federal and state laws. So screw you.

what?? ..."she never filed to receive her refunds"?.
:) So not only your marriage begins to sound questionable to me (B2 to GC..mmm?). But also it seems she knowingly avoided FILING taxes (IRS offense) in order to hide her immigration status.

pretty hypocritical for the wife of "Mr Strict with the laws"...

I personally never ask personal questions like this or judge people's actions without knowiwng them...but in YOUR brought ALL this onto yourself, by attacking the OP like if you don't have any dust underneath your carpet.
machelon said:
by attacking the OP like if you don't have any dust underneath your carpet.

Nobody attacked the OP. She has all my simphaty. We just pointed out how dangerous and how much self-damage illegal immigration (as per illegal alien status) could cause.
unitednations said:
Yes, she may be clear from IMMIGRATION LAWS. However, this does not forgive a person for using false social security number, not filing tax returns, etc. Those laws are still violated. You want to follow all laws then let her come clean on these things to the appropriate authorities and pay the price.

Again; don't just follow laws you want enforced; follow all laws.

Stop it un, you're making too much sense :D IM85U, where are you located? I'm wondering if you are married to the same Brazilian chick who tried to dupe a friend of mine in the Miami area to marry her her papers. :p
envision said:
Stop it un, you're making too much sense :D IM85U, where are you located? I'm wondering if you are married to the same Brazilian chick who tried to dupe a friend of mine in the Miami area to marry her her papers. :p

Why are you getting personal on this?
People could have different opinions and fiercely discuss but I don't agree on this personal attacks.
sarrebal said:
Why are you getting personal on this?
People could have different opinions and fiercely discuss but I don't agree on this personal attacks.

Funny how you chose to ignore Addie_Goodvibes and the others who practically had vanidosa27 who came here seeking help in tears, only to come after me :rolleyes: Talk about double standards :eek:
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envision said:
Funny how you chose to ignore Addie_Goodvibes and the others who practically had vanidosa27 who came here seeking help in tears, only to come after me :rolleyes: Talk about double standards :eek:

Nobody ever made low-class irony on anybody's spouse/family here. And nobody should.
IM85U said:
I don't really care what you think, since you're not the immigration officer who interviewed us and gave her your green card. Your opinion is worthless. only if i was an IO you would pretend to be the law abiding citizen you so much proffess to be. How convinient. :)
IM85U said:
And she's legal now - what part of that don't you understand?
I know she's legal now....but she worked illegally (even for one day) and she avoided taxes in purpose. mmmm....i just don't know how you live with someone who broke the same laws you respect and adore so much. Where is your identity?.
IM85U said:
There was a clear legal path and we took it.
well....she should have left the country, and wait for another visa to come here and marry you. But no..."Mr Correctness" found the easier, quicker way around it.
IM85U said:
My case has NOTHING to do with the OP's case and my opinion of it. Are you really having trouble comprehending this? I don't think I remember attacking the OP, but I'm sure you'll take the time to quote me if I did, so go ahead and dig it up.

Yes...I generally don't do this...its not like ME...its actually more like YOU.
But just don't ever come back blaming others without taking a good look at youself first.
illegal immigration should be stopped. it's just not fair. these ppl come here and pop out babies left and right, don't want to learn english and get on welfare. maybe not the starter of this thread, but i live in a neighborhood full of welfare mommies.
the law clearly says that those that enter illegally cannot adjust status. and i agree. i know that laws change. but this one shouldn't. and i hope that they don't get amnesty. they shouldn't just walk in here and think that they can do what they want with the laws.
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and i hate the fact that people always say 'well he's had good behavior all this while, he's followed all the laws".
how is this true when they have broken the law since they first set foot here? the first law they broke was by entering illegally.
if you keep giving them amnesty, then the law is a joke. they will think of the law as a joke.
sarrebal said:
I think you guys are missing the point.
The law says that an out-of-status could adjust status. That's what she did.
You may like that or not. You think it's unfair? Understandable and I'd eventually agree on that. But the law says it's possible, for now.
Immigrant illegally worked during her overstay? IOs always ask that under oath. And the IO has been convinced.
The law also says that you canNOT adjust status when entered the US illegally under any circumstance. It is very clear. What are we talking about then? You want my simpathy? You get plenty of. But that is not the point.

"...unfortunately working with a fake SS number, and has never filed taxes"

Does the law say it's okay to work with a fake social security number and never file taxes too?

Sure...we're all missing the point...alas, the point is a matter of personal's like the proverbial half glass of water.

Sarrebal u're the reason Plato was against democracy....democracy allows people to say what they think...even if they don't think. :D

Sometimes it's better to be quiet(see Kerry)

This is nothing new...hypocrisy is constant in all human endeavors...some of the biggest opponents of illegal immigration are themselves beneficiaries of Ronald Reagan's bright amnesty idea :rolleyes:

Nothing personal...I just enjoy pissing off stuck-up folks...euphemistically called "upright citizens"...

Greencard: Helping ugly citizens get hitched since 1986! :eek:

Hehehehehehe....we maintain a sense of humor down here in TennAkey. :cool:
luv_US said:
illegal immigration should be stopped. it's just not fair. these ppl come here and pop out babies left and right, don't want to learn english and get on welfare. maybe not the starter of this thread, but i live in a neighborhood full of welfare mommies.

Why did u have to make me wait this long to bring out the stereotypical angle that the right ever so often embogue in a wanton fashion? :mad:

Rush Limbaugh comes galloping on his high horse to pollute the debate with sheer ignorance; the sum of unintelligible nonsense.

Someone once argued on this forum that she's against illegal immigration because a "Mexican woman" with six kids had to make her wait in line for 30 minutes to check out at the grocery store....Be it far from me to question her judgement but I'm disinclined to acquiesce to the proposition that every Spanish woman with four or more kids and a weird accent is necessarily an illegal mexican immigrant on welfare(or "wetback" in Limbaugh-speak).


We try hard to give the far-right the benefit of the doubt...and they try their damndest to defeat the purpose.

Kevinglenn -staying in the IM85U :D
kevinglenn said:
"...unfortunately working with a fake SS number, and has never filed taxes"

Does the law say it's okay to work with a fake social security number and never file taxes too?

Sure...we're all missing the point...alas, the point is a matter of personal's like the proverbial half glass of water.

Sarrebal u're the reason Plato was against democracy....democracy allows people to say what they think...even if they don't think. :D

Sometimes it's better to be quiet(see Kerry)

This is nothing new...hypocrisy is constant in all human endeavors...some of the biggest opponents of illegal immigration are themselves beneficiaries of Ronald Reagan's bright amnesty idea :rolleyes:

Nothing personal...I just enjoy pissing off stuck-up folks...euphemistically called "upright citizens"...

Greencard: Helping ugly citizens get hitched since 1986! :eek:

Hehehehehehe....we maintain a sense of humor down here in TennAkey. :cool:

I'm glad you learned how to use google and search on Plato.
Our greek friend was also convinced that states should be ruled by philosophers kissed by wisdom and sole owners of the truth.
Kevinglenn for president! :D :D
sarrebal said:
I'm glad you learned how to use google and search on Plato.
Our greek friend was also convinced that states should be ruled by philosophers kissed by wisdom and sole owners of the truth.
Kevinglenn for president! :D :D

I'm assuming there's a point to this....

Knowing u, I'm not holding my breath.

President?...I'm what do I owe this honor? I appreciate ur confidence in me but besides the fact that I'm constitutionally barred from running for president....I suffer the disadvantage of being fluent in English. :D
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kevinglenn said:
I'm assuming there's a point to this....

Knowing u, I'm not holding my breath.

President?...I'm what do I owe this honor? I appreciate ur confidence in me but I'm constitutionally barred from running for president....I'm fluent in English. :D

What about vice-president then? With Soros president? Wait, he can't be a president either.
Then Howard Dean it is. Enjoy! :D :D
U haven't been deployed to Iraq, have u?...Good...That disproves Kerry's ways-to-get-stuck-in-Iraq theory...

This is Kevinglenn...and I approve this message :)
kevinglenn said:
U haven't been deployed to Iraq, have u?...Good...That disproves Kerry's ways-to-get-stuck-in-Iraq theory...

This is Kevinglenn...and I approve this message :)

You watch too much TV. Keep going with were pretty good with Plato, but it's time to move on to other things, maybe intelligent ones. It's not as hard as it looks like kevin.