Husband Denied Re-entry


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I have a question about my immigration situation. Or rather my husbands. I am a USC by birth. My husband and I met 7 years ago and married 4 years ago. He was an illegal alien in the US. We received an approval and were given an appointment for an "adjustment of status" in Ciudad Juarez. When we went to this appointment my husband was denied re-entry into the U.S. :(
He was however able to file an appeal for another $350 USD. :(
So we filed the appeal in August and we were told that it take 6 months to a year to process. My delimma is that we have 5 children. I am a full time college student and only work part time. My children are suffering immensly from the separation of their father and have many behavioral issues. I cannot afford to take care of my family without my husbands income. I spoke to 5 other girls who have been through the same process and one of the girls has been waiting for 11 months.
Is there anything that I can do to speed up with this process? Anyway to bring him home? I have asked my Senator and a Congressman to intervene, but they have yet to call me back.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can do about my situation. Thank you!
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hi there mom, ur story is very sad but try to give more information so people will know what to say or how to help u.ok how did he came to the U.S in the first place,and u made mention that he got refused entry.where was he,how did he go out of the u.s and does he has an advance parole?? i mean ur story wasn,t complete.
vanidosa27 said:
I have a question about my immigration situation. Or rather my husbands. I am a USC by birth. My husband and I met 7 years ago and married 4 years ago. He was an illegal alien in the US. We received an approval and were given an appointment for an "adjustment of status" in Ciudad Juarez. When we went to this appointment my husband was denied re-entry into the U.S. :(
He was however able to file an appeal for another $350 USD. :(
So we filed the appeal in August and we were told that it take 6 months to a year to process. My delimma is that we have 5 children. I am a full time college student and only work part time. My children are suffering immensly from the separation of their father and have many behavioral issues. I cannot afford to take care of my family without my husbands income. I spoke to 5 other girls who have been through the same process and one of the girls has been waiting for 11 months.
Is there anything that I can do to speed up with this process? Anyway to bring him home? I have asked my Senator and a Congressman to intervene, but they have yet to call me back.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can do about my situation. Thank you!
plz try to post ur accurate story, is not complete, cuz it seems u guyz apply for adjustment of status, ok even if he got denied that is he still here, or do u mean he got deported? and u also said u guyz got an appointment, are u refering to the AOS interview or is it an inforpass? plz be clear cuz i feel so sad for u.but i,m still confused with the story
vanidosa27 said:
I have a question about my immigration situation. Or rather my husbands. I am a USC by birth. My husband and I met 7 years ago and married 4 years ago. He was an illegal alien in the US. We received an approval and were given an appointment for an "adjustment of status" in Ciudad Juarez. When we went to this appointment my husband was denied re-entry into the U.S. :(
He was however able to file an appeal for another $350 USD. :(
So we filed the appeal in August and we were told that it take 6 months to a year to process. My delimma is that we have 5 children. I am a full time college student and only work part time. My children are suffering immensly from the separation of their father and have many behavioral issues. I cannot afford to take care of my family without my husbands income. I spoke to 5 other girls who have been through the same process and one of the girls has been waiting for 11 months.
Is there anything that I can do to speed up with this process? Anyway to bring him home? I have asked my Senator and a Congressman to intervene, but they have yet to call me back.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can do about my situation. Thank you!

Received an Approval?? For What, to get the interview?

I assume the interview was in Ciudad Juarez So he was denied at the interview? He was not allowed to come into the US? is this correct?

I suggest until this gets worked out Since you and your children are USC's I suggest you go to where he is and await the appeal process, move in with inlaws in USA, or For your family to eat, drop out of school ( for now, you can always go back) and Get A job!
It is harsh reality & I feel for you & your family; but your options are limited. you need to do whats best for your kids.

When you married an Illegal you already risked this outcome; and your kids are suffering now because of it. This is exactly why he was denied re-Entry, IF he originally had Enterd the US Illegally, & it was found out that applicant had entered the US ILLEGALLY, then that individual can not adjust status and any appication for GC,attempt to re-enter would be denied in most cases. in addition he could face a ban of 5-10 years.

So now you need to move forward with the appeal process and make a descicion that is best for you & your children.

In the mean time contact an attorney or look into free legal Aid. to see if there is any way to get his appeal process expidited.

Your story is another example of why Illegal Immigration HAS to be stopped and dealth with harshly to discourage it from continuing to happen! Children suffer when their fathers are not with them due to previously entering Illegally.

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I do have a job, and I will not drop out of school when I only have 7 more classes to graduate. I cannot move to where my husband is, because there is no way he can support us on 120 pesos a day. Translated, $12 USD a day! I refuse to uproot my children in the middle of a school year and take them to a country where they might not even pass the classes because they are entirely in Spanish. I will not take my children from the U.S. and move them to poverty. That would just be dumb.
My husband entered the U.S. through Tijuana. We met in 1998. We dated until 2002 when we married. We put in our application in 2002. We did not receive approval (a letter stating that your Visa application has been approved) until 2005. We received an appointment to go to Juarez in August of 2006. At this appointment he was told he could not come back to the U.S. but he could file an appeal. We filed the appeal in August 2006 and are waiting for a reply.
Your story is another example of why Illegal Immigration HAS to be stopped and dealth with harshly to discourage it from continuing to happen! Children suffer when their fathers are not with them due to previously entering Illegally.

On the contrary, I believe that my story is another example of why amnesty should be granted to those who are here, have stayed out of trouble, and settled down and made a family. Tax payers will not only pay to support these children when they are little, but they will continue to pay out of pocket costs for what these "at risk" children become by being raised in a single family home. :(
vanidosa27 said:
On the contrary, I believe that my story is another example of why amnesty should be granted to those who are here, have stayed out of trouble, and settled down and made a family. Tax payers will not only pay to support these children when they are little, but they will continue to pay out of pocket costs for what these "at risk" children become by being raised in a single family home. :(

Here we go again.
Let me ask you. When you married him, did you know that current laws say that he could not adjust his status. Ever? Did you know about the ban?
Fighting for something you believe in is great. Meanwhile current laws control though.
When we were dating, we knew nothing about immigration laws. It never even crossed our minds, we just lived life like regular people. If we had known, we could've married in 2001 and beat the April 1st deadline. :(
vanidosa27 said:
When we were dating, we knew nothing about immigration laws. It never even crossed our minds, we just lived life like regular people. If we had known, we could've married in 2001 and beat the April 1st deadline. :(


I advise you to consult a good immigration lawyer who has expertise in such matters or wait for the Amnesty Act, 2006 to come in to effect. It may come this year as this is election year in the US and your husband may get the waiver for his illegal stay and become a US citizen.
I want to apologise if my post came across as lacking empathy or understanding. I agree not to move your kids.
Your initial e-mail sounded as though you were in a very bad situation and your kids really needed their Dad.

I hope for your sake the appeal filed is granted he he will be allowed re-entry

vanidosa27 said:
on the contrary, I believe that my story is another example of why amnesty should be granted to those who are here, have stayed out of trouble, and settled down and made a family. Tax payers will not only pay to support these children when they are little, but they will continue to pay out of pocket costs for what these "at risk" children become by being raised in a single family home

And I understand your point about amnesty but I do not agree it is better solution, it only encourgaes this trend of illegals entering the country having children & the other things that happen as a result of illegal entry such as your case where your Husband is seperated from his family.

Tax payers pay for illegals children or not, tax payers also pay for other children of Seperated USC families there are enough at risk children in the USA bron to USC Illegals entering the USA illegally having children are already making bad descisions that risk their childrens future, it should not be a burden of tax payers nor of the children,
Neither should the tax payers have to support Illegals who work illegally and take from a system (education, health care) that is there for those who need it that are already USC or Legal residents. There are millions of American USC families who are also poor and in need of more help however resources for these LEGAL families are limited because ILLEGALS are taking what they are NOT intitled to!
Amnesty does not solve the problem.
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jonty said:

I advise you to consult a good immigration lawyer who has expertise in such matters or wait for the Amnesty Act, 2006 to come in to effect. It may come this year as this is election year in the US and your husband may get the waiver for his illegal stay and become a US citizen.

Wishful thinking, even if Amensty Act was passed those who were in the USA Illegally would have to WAIT BEHIND THOSE WHO OBEY THE LAWS and went through or are currently going through the process legally.
I am in a bad situation, and my children do need their father. I have had to seek the help of a child psychologist because of the behavioral issues I am having with my children. One has started to wet the bed, the other is overeating; another is angry and hurts people, and the youngest cries constantly. This is very hard on us all. I should've moved to the border before school started and at least then I could have made weekend visits. But where I live at, I am 20 hours away from the border and driving 20 hours with 5 screaming kids for a weekend is not an option! :p
addie _goodvibes i really think your a big time hiprocrite . Now that you have your green card its like no feelings for others, just put ur self in this lady's situation and see how u would feel what if ur wife/ husband decided not to file for u and they stopped the entire process would u would be illegal too and u would want sympathy,(diffrent situation but same feelings of dispair exists) u don't judge people because people don't choose who they fall in love with nor do they wear a sign that say green card or no green card or legal entry or illegal entry. I am sure this woman married this man in good faith and did not think that this would happen . Basically you are saying she should have known from the begginning and if she did should she have passed up real love just because he came into the country illegally?? Remember this could be a family member of yours , a close friend,somebody u know, tell me would u feel the same way about amensty????
Thanks so much for the support need to know!
Some people just need to realize that we are all God's children, even though we were born in different places and into different situations.
I wish you and your husband Good luck and I hope and pray you will all be reunited soon and your family will be back together ..I wont get into all the other stuff because I feel your going thru enough being seperated from your spouse has to be very hard ..I would get yourself a good immigration attorney and see if he/she can do anything to help you and your family..But since he entered illegally it may be pretty tough to get things changed...I will say this you cant help who you fall in love with our hearts dont have boundries and borders, you and your family are in my prayers
need2know1 said:
addie _goodvibes i really think your a big time hiprocrite . Now that you have your green card its like no feelings for others, just put ur self in this lady's situation and see how u would feel what if ur wife/ husband decided not to file for u and they stopped the entire process would u would be illegal too and u would want sympathy,(diffrent situation but same feelings of dispair exists) u don't judge people because people don't choose who they fall in love with nor do they wear a sign that say green card or no green card or legal entry or illegal entry. I am sure this woman married this man in good faith and did not think that this would happen . Basically you are saying she should have known from the begginning and if she did should she have passed up real love just because he came into the country illegally?? Remember this could be a family member of yours , a close friend,somebody u know, tell me would u feel the same way about amensty????

The Husband Thought nothing of entering the USA ILLEGALLY so he put is new family in jepordy for his careless actions, the past always comes back to get you. I believe the husband did not let hi sfamily know he entered illegally
The OP is not at fault she & her children are the victims here, and By granting amnesty it only causes more problmes with more victims.

I never said anything about what she should have done, I simply pointed out the obvious. If someone I knew entered illegally knowingly Broke federal immigration Laws to enter the country ,compromise national security, steal from the public & Tax payers , commit fraud to gain illegal employment..the list goes on.. costing USC/ Legal residents Billions per year HELL NO! I DO NOT & WOULD NOT SUPPORT AMNESTY!
IM85U said:
More liberal crap in this thread. People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

Memorable quotes

How to Be a Good Republican:

1. You have to believe that the nation's current 8-year prosperity was due to the work of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, but yesterday's gasoline prices are all Clinton's fault.

2. You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own.

3. You have to be against all government programs, but expect Social Security checks on time.

4. You have to believe that AIDS victims deserve their disease, but smokers with lung cancer and overweight individuals with heart disease don't deserve theirs.

5. You have to appreciate the power rush that comes with sporting a gun.

6. You have to believe...everything Rush Limbaugh says.

7. You have to believe that the agricultural, restaurant, housing and hotel industries can survive without immigrant labor.

8. You have to believe God hates homosexuality, but loves the death penalty.

9. You have to believe society is color-blind and growing up black in America doesn't diminish your opportunities, but you still won't vote for Alan Keyes.

10. You have to believe that pollution is OK as long as it makes a profit.

11. You have to believe in prayer in schools, as long as you don't pray to Allah or Buddha.

12. You have to believe Newt Gingrich and Henry Hyde were really faithful husbands.

13. You have to believe speaking a few Spanish phrases makes you instantly popular in the barrio.

14. You have to believe that only your own teenagers are still virgins.

15. You have to be against government interference in business, until your oil company, corporation or Savings and Loan is about to go broke and you beg for a government bail out.

16. You love Jesus and Jesus loves you and, by the way, Jesus shares your hatred for AIDS victims, homosexuals, and President Clinton.

17. You have to believe government has nothing to do with providing police protection, national defense, and building roads.

18. You have to believe a poor, minority student with a disciplinary history and failing grades will be admitted into an elite private school with a $1,000 voucher.

The only truly new ideas [the right] has come up with in the last twenty years are (1) supply side economics, which is a way of redistributing the wealth upward toward those who already have more than they know what to do with, and (2) creationism, which is a parallel idea for redistributing ignorance out from its fundamentalist strongholds to those who know more than they need to.

Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.

A conservative is someone who makes no changes and consults his grandmother when in doubt

A conservative is a man who believes that nothing should be done for the first time.
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Truly right now she dont need the negitivity she came her looking for support or some advice..I am not saying who is right and who is wrong but right now she is hurting her family is hurting and she needs some support from those who have experince even if it means we have to tell her it may take a very long time to get her husband home :(
Hi, Vanidosa27! I'm very sorry about your situation and all the sufferings you and your kids have to go through. Don't give up, just hang in there, this bad times will end soon, and your family will be finally reunited.

To some folks who wrote above: Where is your compassion, guys? This poor girl has so much going on already and the last thing she needs-somebody to judge her or leave useless comments on what she shouldn't have done...why don't we all together help her with some real constructive suggestions?!

Good attorney would be definetely helpful. Vanidosa27, there is always some legal help available for free. For instance, this site has some info about free legal assistance, check out churches and non profit organizations in your community.

Another important thing-I would get a help from local authorities, Senator and Congressman, these are the people who can do a lot in such desperate situation. You mentioned you asked them already but may be instead of waiting for their calls, go ahead and call them yourself, if possible make the appoinment to talk to them in person, write and fax them letters again, call to make sure they are getting everything.

Hope, other people here will add more useful info for you. From all my heart wish you the best of luck and let your family reunite soon forever!