huge fight before interview

sesame chicken

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I had a huge fight with my husband last weekend and the interview is next Monday. We are both deeply hurt...his sister told me he still loves me and willing to take steps to save the marriage but I need to admit I made a mistake for letting things out infront of his family..I don't really want to get into details on here. I am angry and hurt..I am thinking about rescheduling the interview. has any one had experience on that?
If at all possible - DON'T try to reschedule. It's a huge pain in the butt to try to reschedule and adds months of delays.
I am really not that kind of person who can hide feelings...I married him because I really loved him. Now I am very hurt and I don't really care about green card that much. I've got my work permit good through sept and I can get a job that sponsors green card. A couple of months of delay is okay. If I go to the interview, I am afraid we will fail it...
I am really not that kind of person who can hide feelings...I married him because I really loved him. Now I am very hurt and I don't really care about green card that much. I've got my work permit good through sept and I can get a job that sponsors green card. A couple of months of delay is okay. If I go to the interview, I am afraid we will fail it...

This sound like a marriage entered in good faith to me. Just that you are having some problems at the moment. I don't foresee this being an issue...unless you guys are planning on getting a devorce soon.

Actually, my wife and I had a recent argument and that's not stopping us from going to the interview on Thursday. The fact is you entered in good faith and marriages are very difficult at times.

That's just my opinion.

I gues the best person to make the decision is you and your husband.

Please keep us posted and all the best.
I agree with Maggy.

There must be something really BIG or really fishy, to impede you to pass this interview if you two are true to each other.
It's probably not uncommon for emotions to run wild right around the interview date. In my case, it's more like I had a fight with myself at 4 am the day before our interview. I searched for a professional looking bag for all our documents and didn't find one, and started throwing bags and yelling "I'll be deported because I can't find a f**ing bag!"

Ask yourself, was it coincidence that you had the argument so close to your interview date? Or did it have to do with tensions leading up to the interview?

Anyway, this one is really up to you. A fight doesn't stop a good faith marriage and there will probably be many more to come. If both of you are still committed to one another, as you should be in marriage even after a fight, then I doubt you'll fail your interview. In that case you'd want to concentrate on why you chose him as your partner for life rather than why he's hurt you for 2 days. But, nobody forces you to go through with the interview either. Since you've applied a half year ago and are only doubting your actions for 2 days, I'm assuming you've had good reasons until at least a couple days ago to follow through on your interview.

Oh, just in case you're wondering ... we ended up not taking a bag to our interview. Carried the thick folders and photo albums in our arms. And I wasn't deported (yet). :)
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we ended up not taking a bag to our interview. Carried the thick folders and photo albums in our arms. And I wasn't deported (yet). :)

tsk tsk... :rolleyes: don't leave things up until the last minute... you should have researched online for USCIS approved bags at least a week in advance, then purchase one through the USCIS online store, have it certified and fill it with the documentation according to the official protocol.
Hey, huge fights are part of a legitimate marriage.
USCIS will just want to verify that you guys didn't get married with the sole purpose of obtaining a green card.
They won't ask you personal questions. And having had a fight doesn't look bad.
Just go there and answer their questions with your husband. You guys will be fine.
true story, one of our family friends, she had a fight with her husband on some silly stuff about dinner and breakfast, washing dishes, it carried over to the interview. In the middle of the interview, the wife made some remarks they both started fighting again in front of the IO. The IO had to seperate them and ended the interview by approving their application [stamping his passport]. they thanked him and continued their fight home, lol. they kissed and made up. but it was def a funny story.
true story, one of our family friends, she had a fight with her husband on some silly stuff about dinner and breakfast, washing dishes, it carried over to the interview. In the middle of the interview, the wife made some remarks they both started fighting again in front of the IO. The IO had to seperate them and ended the interview by approving their application [stamping his passport]. they thanked him and continued their fight home, lol. they kissed and made up. but it was def a funny story.

the most honest proof of a real marriage is a fight ;)...
They won't ask you personal questions.

Yeah, just innocent questions such as, when exactly did you first decide that you wanted to share the rest of your life with to this man/woman, and please enumerate all the reasons you had at the time why you wanted to get married. Oh, and of course they might ask the other innocent question, when was the last time that you had ***.
tsk tsk... :rolleyes: don't leave things up until the last minute... you should have researched online for USCIS approved bags at least a week in advance, then purchase one through the USCIS online store, have it certified and fill it with the documentation according to the official protocol.

We were going to get our USCIS approved bag on ebay or craigslist, but unfortunately we didn't find one in time with the intact USCIS sealed certification tag that is supposed to read:

I, the bag distributor, certify that I am a USCIS approved Civil Merchant, and that the fabric enclosure whereto this certification is permanently attached meets or exceeds every specification set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act Sect. 245(n)(iii)(B)(2) entitled "Permissible pliable containment and transportation devices for certain immigrant aliens."


*** = P I E ? :rolleyes:

That's a tough choice between pie and something else I had in mind when I said that. ;) Anyway, call me paranoid, but we actually noted down and memorized the date of the last time we had ... pie ... before our interview.
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We made up. We were heading toward divorce so you guys could know how bad the fight was. We made up because we still love each other, future still looks good if we work things out. But I am still hurt so bad, now while I am typing, my tears are dripping down and I am freaking at work! I just don't think I will ever get over it this time. We might pass the interview, but I don't know if I really want to stay with him for 2 more years just to get the permanent GC. I love him but sometimes you just get hurt so bad that you don't care about it any more. what's the deal about the certified bag? If you guys can tell me what I need to bring for the interview, that would be great. I am not in the greatest mood to do research now, so I will just do whatever you guys tell me to do....thanks a lot for your support.
We made up. We were heading toward divorce so you guys could know how bad the fight was. We made up because we still love each other, future still looks good if we work things out. But I am still hurt so bad, now while I am typing, my tears are dripping down and I am freaking at work! I just don't think I will ever get over it this time. We might pass the interview, but I don't know if I really want to stay with him for 2 more years just to get the permanent GC. I love him but sometimes you just get hurt so bad that you don't care about it any more. what's the deal about the certified bag? If you guys can tell me what I need to bring for the interview, that would be great. I am not in the greatest mood to do research now, so I will just do whatever you guys tell me to do....thanks a lot for your support.

Happy to hear you made up. The bag was a joke.