How to complain our bad situation

Daddy ..Mommy mommy..he's beating me up

wat_04 said:
Dear Administrator:

Administrators, please help us help this half-baked nut called Sumanta. You know what needs to be done.

In the meanwhile, Sumanta, go and try to get laid. Looks like you haven't since you were born.

Don't cry dude !
I know what i have done since birth pretty darn well :)
Sumanta said:
As your profile says....when you write your biography ( such a megalomaniac
soul indeed needs one ), please send me a copy...I will find a place for it
amongst the hallowed souls from history. You are the man!

Sending a copy. Definitely - considering the fact that you have some sort of "educational background". Who can avoid that offer! Wait for that date!
Dharti ka Kalank

And not just you....a few others as well....its kinda weird ( or maybe natural )
that there is a quite a flock here.
Who says who ?


I don't need it. Its for the weak.

On the other hand, you need care and grooming.
You are disgracing everyone I know from Bengal....

BTW: How did they let you live there for so long .......

Also why do always keep asking questions ...... you look so confused.......

Man you need some serious therapy.......

Once gain my sympathies are with you......

Poor Bengali Guy.....
Why harp on bengali stuff

goodluckgc2003 said:
You are disgracing everyone I know from Bengal....

BTW: How did they let you live there for so long .......

Also why do always keep asking questions ...... you look so confused.......

Man you need some serious therapy.......

Once gain my sympathies are with you......

Poor Bengali Guy.....

Lived a good life ..always had good and thorough grooming. And no thanks
to you.

And you are not some illustrous judge....its time you realize you are
from a howling mangy fringe herd. And why bring up my Bengali self here ?
Frankly, its ridiculous that you do so looking at info in my profile ( which
I don't care or mind )...coz neither am I proud nor ashamed of being
one ( after all, nobody has any control where s/he's born ).....but then
what's your character ? Come out and don't hide...which illustrous and
hallowed soil brought a mangy soul like you on this planet ? Your sympathizing comments are already looking so out of point and
outright ridiculous; in fact it illustrates a character that is hell bent upon,
and derives a sad satiation on meaningless bickering.
You are Bengali but not proud to be one.

Need to come up with a new name for you

How about IBCB: Indian Born Confused Bengali

Man that's why I keep saying "You are a Disgrace to Nature" ==> Dharti Pe Bhoj

From your post it looks like you were not born but you just Happened
Do you wanna know how were born ?

Send me a PM....I think its better we talk about it one on one :)

It would make you think twice about people in your family, I mean very
near and dear ones. Its better not discussed here; could be extremely

That's why I said... you are what is called "Dharti Ka Kalank"....a thorough
shame, inside out.

As I Said You "Happened"

If you would have had born I would have been interested in your story.

BTW I do not send PM to IBCBs. They are so messed up.
I think that's good decision.

Because knowing my exploits especially when very near and dear ones
of your family and you are involved won't do any good to your already
howling and flagging mangy spirit.

And neither do I expect a PM from a IBMA :

"Illegally Born Mangy Asshole"

( on a side note however, I still think I have the sense to say you were born, just in a very cadaverous way; not the mangy logic of "happened" :) )
Bad Situation

There are lots and lots of places where you can express your concern:
Majority Leader
House Representative
News Media
Director, USCIS
City Representative
Head, Immigration SubCommitte
Head, Government Accounting Office

You can keep writing everyday, one letter, it cost you 37 cents. It will work one day. It need a continious efforts. If you mighthave seen "Swashank Redemption" this worked even for prisoners, why not for Immigrant.

Another most powerful tool given to us by Gandhi was "CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE"

Although I do not see any bad situation because of GC, it is just our mental bend that getting GC is the ultimate goal of life? Am I mistaken?
Sumanta said:
but then
what's your character ?

Hmmmm. You are a perfect example that "educational background", "clear eye-sight" is not enough for being a person with "character".
Who's the judge here...YOU ?

Or IBMA ? Or someone similar from the societal fringe ?

Holy shit !
Not a judge

Sumanta said:
Or IBMA ? Or someone similar from the societal fringe ?

Holy shit !

That's my opinion (I hope your "educational background" will help you to understand the difference between "judgment" and "opinion").
benarasibabu said:
Although I do not see any bad situation because of GC, it is just our mental bend that getting GC is the ultimate goal of life? Am I mistaken?

It's a major step if you intend to live here. But "ultimate goal"? Certainly not.