How To Apply Advace Parol


Registered Users (C)
I Know this question has been asked many times on this board but I'm still confused... I just want to confirm following points before I send the package.

Is it True that

<1>. Personal check of $110 should be Payable to "BCIS"

<2>. I131 Form should be mailed to

Department of Homeland Security
Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization Services
Vermont Service Center
75 Lower Welden street
St. Albans, Vermont 05479-0001

If it's VSC Case.

<3>. We need to attach following documents with I131

Copy of I485 Application
Copy of passport and I94 card.
2 Photos with I485 receipt number and A# written in back

Hi cat&mouse:

1. Are you applying for AP first time?

2. I have read on I-131 form that they need a brief letter of explaining about the trip out side U.S. , do you happend to have format for that letter ?

Please advise...
Sample AP Letter

Sample AP support letter
Wannabe Immigrant
I485 Receipt SLW 03 XXXXX
A# 00000000
1 Main Lane
Anycity SS 00000

BCIS- summa service center
PO Box xxxx
SomeTown XX 11000

Dear Sir,

Re: Application of Advance Parole- I485 pending

I have applied to adjust my status from Useless Visa to permanent resident per application SLW 03 XXXXX with you. While this application is pending your approval, I have to undertake travel to DaCountry in order to
(write one)
-visit my elderly parents
-attend a family function
-take care of my property in smalltimetown, DaCountry

during anymonth anyyear.

I have enclosed the following documents
1. My I485 Receipt notice copy
2. Personal check for $ XXX
3. 2 Photos with I485 receipt number and A# written in back
4. I131 duly filled

Kindly approve my advance parole.

Your Truly

Wannabe Immigrant
Although there is no copyright, it does not hurt people to direct to I485 FAQ.
Are people really that dumb?
Don't waste your valueable comments....


I though u are going to varify what I posted above by just one words YES or NO.

Every one know you are a SMART ASS, that's why they ask you, it does not mean you should say people DUMB who are really dumb like me.

Next time be careful before u post this kind of posts...



There is nothing to steal and pass of without crediting the source.....

Everything is open here, people are here to help each other not to take credit..... I don't say I wrote that letter, I didn't came here to post your letter.....(Anyway!! Thanks for that Letter!!!)

First I came here for help.... looked all FAQ got little confused so asked for help... Sometime it's hard to find if you provide link..

I thought you are here (as Volunteer Moderator) to help guys like me but now it looks like you are here to take some CREDIT, WHAT YOU DO.....

Feel Sorry for you Jaxen....:eek::
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Jaxen thinks that all are fools only he learned the Immigration information from his mother’s womb. He visits the other lawyer Chat and reads the Bulletins sent by many lawyers and gathers the info and posts here for the benefit of others.
The language he uses to many replies you can know about his upbringing.

Helping others is very good and everybody appreciates, but if you post wrong info or offend others by your language, one should apologize or change his/her language the Thread has EDIT option. He feels superior by offending others, the real reason for these kinds of people is that they suffer from inferior complex and get please out of hurting others or feeling superior to others. That is the unconscious defense mechanism they use unconsciously or consciously.
By being Moderator Jaxen feels as if he got Oscar and no body is equal to him.
Jaxen cannot take the criticism; he feels that he is the only cosmic identity who should not be criticized by others. One should accept his mistake if it has offended others. He has complexes and in past somebody criticized him then he posted that he will NOT post after reaching certain number of postings as if this immigration forum is only depending on Jaxen . My dear share the knowledge, help others and don’t offend or hurt others

He will try to close the thread so that no body can post against him. See!!! He is closing the thread.
Well. Since the second successful post is about my fear or inferiority complex psychosis, DingDong deserves credit. please continue your work.
Cat&Mouse I was merely trying to make people visit 485 FAQ. that is all. I dont crave for credit and I dont want to accept your thanks. Let us forget this incident happened and move on. You have the attitude to help others, dont be fazed by requests or comments by anybody else. Continue your quest, your conscience knows what is best.
DingDong I am not closing this thread. So what is your beef? Hatred for somebody definitely means a deeper problem than a "credit or fame seeking, inferiority complex sodden person"

!!!Hatred for somebody definitely means a deeper problem!!!

Jaxen ,You are 100 % right. If your comment is towards me then my reply to your statement is that I don’t hate anybody easily, my hatred has to be earned and it is an honor to some one. My hatred is to be deserved; those who don’t deserve it they are not hated by me. They cannot provoke me to get hated. I just forget the cosmic identity of that person if I don’t like and it does not affect the other person because many on this planet like him. No easy hatred to anybody from my side on this planet. I have very less time to live on this planet, I was not born to hate others, I was taught to love others and I have not read any book that taught me to hate others or hurt others. I don’t believe in man created Gods and don’t visit churches, Mandirs, Masjids aur Gurudwara Temples where you find hatred from one religion to other religion discussed by the pimps of so-called god that in reality don’t exist and is imagination of human mind and by creating God they running religion Shops. I have nothing to do with these people those who hate, hurt or get hated and get hurt.

Do you know that who crave for the Fame by any means are trying to prove the world that accept us “ we exist” the politicians and many criminals commit the crimes unconsciously just to be famous to be known, they have actually a bad childhood or product of disintegrated family, they have not been loved as a child from parents side they just want to get attention of others, in realty they have not accepted themselves what they are. They have unconscious need to be recognized by others. FYI that is called Need for achievement, in reality it is need to be known by the world or to be famous, because by getting attention they want to prove to the world that “we exist”. Normal human beings achieve fame by hard work, no short cuts, by inventions, by doing great researches in science, by doing hard work as an artist and…

Keep the good work going and help others. I am sorry if I tried to hurt any body. I hope I am not needed in this group, I leave you friends.

Regards to all
Well handled

Jaxen -- I think that your plagiarist criticism was 100% on the mark. Better wording may have exacted the same response, but then at least it would not have given the plagiarist ammo to use against you. From the way you finished off the interchange, it appears that you learned the value of a softer approach. Your antogonists, however, showed no such inclination....