How much time after 2nd FP?


Registered Users (C)
I just gave early 2nd FP. How much time usually after that? I already have had an RFP and have replied to that as well. The 2ND FP came after RFE.

nd: 12/26/01
rd: 01/10/02
fp1: 03/20/02

rfe: 06/06/03
rfe rec'd: 09/23/03

fp2: 10/ 25/03
Still waiting for the good word

I have done 2nd FP in Aug (15th,2003). Still not a word from BCIS.
Simmialr case for me


My details:

RD 01/27/02
ND 02/14/02

FP1 05/12/02
RFE issued 09/23/03 (PayStubs, W-2, Spouse's medical)
RFE Reply Recd 10/27/03

No FP2 info yet.

Stuka, Can you please share time lag between FP2 notice and RFE receieved by BCIS for your case?.

- Inteha
I believe, its 2+ months after the 2nd FP scheduled date and not the date you got it done.

RD : DEC 21,2001
ND :JAN 4, 2002
FP1 : Jan 27 2002
FP2 : Aug 15,2003
Orig Schedule date for FP2 : Aug 28,2003

I am hoping to hear something soon. I have been hoping since Dec 2002.
I completed 3 months after FP2

My RD 12/19/01,
ND 12/28/01,
FP 4/3/02,
RFE 6/04/03,
RFE Received 6/17/03.
FP2 7/29/03
Ad :

Is RFE is generated before FP2 or after ????

I did my FP2 a month ago(09/20/2003), Is there any chance for RFE or I should wait for approval???? :D
Completed RFE and FP2

I finished my RFE in JULY and FPS in SEP and Waiting for approval. What do you guys think when i can expect my approval.
My case got approved after 4 months of 2nd FP. I had however contacted senator's office for a couple of times for status on my case.

First RFE and THen if you get FP2

it makes a difference in the case processing tim,e because already case has been assigned to the officer.
what do you say guys?
Re: First RFE and THen if you get FP2

Originally posted by Master06
it makes a difference in the case processing tim,e because already case has been assigned to the officer.
what do you say guys?

I sure would hope so. But you never know man....
1. Security check
2. Further consideration
3. Transfer
4. Inaction

Take your pick :D