How many Oct. 01-05 filers still left?


Registered Users (C)
According to rupnet, there are only 8 out of 34 of Oct.01-05 fillers got approved. I saw a lot of Oct. 1st filers here.
unlucky me

OCT 1/01: RD, PD: DEC 97, EB 3, NJ, India, AD:?????

Hope, INS Officer will have mercy on me after so many years of torture.
sorry, myself:

PD 10/2000
RD Oct. 01/01
ND Nov. 21/01

RD 10/01/01

PD:04-NN-2000 (could not remeber exact date)
RD: 10-01-2001 (EB3/GA)
ND: 11-20-2001
EAC: 02-042-510NN
FP: 01-25-2002 (received by INS on 01-31-2002 and processing resumed.)
AD: Waiting for approval.

BTW I have noticed that as per RUPNET.COM most of the persons who got approved with RD in OCT so far are EB2 and only very few of them are from EB3.
I think we (EB3) need to wait for sometime before we can think about our approvals. I wish even we (EB3) got our approvals, but hey no one can tell why and how INS process/Work.

Anyway, hope we get our approvals by end of this month.
Me too..waiting patiently..

RD: 10/4/01
ND: 11/23/01
FP : 04/18/02

AD : ????

Really scared, because i left my sponsoring company after 180 days and joined another company with EAD, working on hourly pay with them.
My previous employer told me that he wont inform INS about leaving him, but he said he had to cancel my H-1, it is according to law. .. I dont know what exactly he did, whether he informed INS or he didnt...really scared to find out from him also..
Keeping fingers crossed to get approved with RFE..
vp_vsc, I think your conclusion about EB2/EB3 is biased

Since the total # of EB3 is much less than EB2 (88 out of 287), there are only 1/3 cases are EB3 for all Oct. filers. If the 34 approvals were selected randomly(unbiased) we should expect 1/3 of the 34 = 11 approvals of EB3, now we have 7 which is not too far from 11 to be statistical significant.

God bless us,
me three... waiting


PD 11/98
RD 10/03/01
ND 11/21/01
EAD 12/04/01
FP 01/15/02
this is my theory

So it does not matter y r october 1st filer so u will be adjudicated before oct 2nd

Read on
This is typical of INS as I have been following over the last many months. If a case is assigned in the first go to an officer, than it gets adjudicted within that month or by the beginning of the next month ie, either it is approved or RFE or NOID (in rare case).This happens in 40% cases (approx).

Once that inital surge is over and the next month starts, the first bunch of cases for the next month RD gets assigned to officers and the previous month's remaing cases are then left in the workload distribution area.This is typically done to show that INS approving october cases in October and very efficient.There is no reasonable justification otherwise to leave many sept. cases even unassigned and approving october cases.

This has been a trend for the last three months atleast and is happening now for sept cases. At this point , the remaining sept cases are either with officers ( the lucky ones) and the left overs are in staging area waiting to be distributed. At this point there is no distinction between sept RD or October RDs and once november comes , then november RDs will also gets mixed up here. This explains why some very unlucky august RDS are still unassigned.

Just will have to wait and watch.
I am with you guys too !

RD 10/04
ND 11/23
FP 02/20

Eac - 02-044-5****

Hope to get the good news soon !

just checked the status and my case was approved on Oct. 9th.

I will write my details in another post.