How long can I stay out of USA on TN status?


New Member
I am on TN visa/status working for a US company through approved I-797. I am in usa for almost 50% of time and the remaining time I work from Canada. I was told (by a US immigration officer at one of the POE) if I stay out of USA for more than 30 days, automatic visa revalidation does not apply and they have to recheck all my TN documents. At other POEs, the US immigration Officer did not raise this issue at all. Is this correct? How long can I stay out of USA on TN status?

Everytime when I enter the US, the immigration officer asks me how long i have been out of USA. I am not sure why?
You don't have a visa, so AVR doesn't apply to you. As long as you maintain a relationship with your sponsor, there is no limit on how long you can be outside US.
Do you live in US?
Where are you coming from that you would clear immigration in Minneapolis airport? that would further answere why they don't understand TN, since it is rare to enter on TN at a US airport.