• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

how answer my question : please .


Registered Users (C)
I want to ask some questions about the 2008 dv-lottery have won but I would like to consult with you because I did not find one other than you, please :
1 - May when ticket sent me when I checked the age less than 18 years or whether I know out in 2008 to 18 years, although the birth date of 01 / 04 / 1990. Or will then inspect and.
2-truth, I am in the third stage secondary Is Siqublonne or need Baccalaureate * * Certificate of Secondary Education.
3-Lee said in the letter that they chose 100000 and the chances of seeing in the weak profit Why do I accept.
4 - they told me that they refuse to some other reasons Please report.
5-truth, I have work experience, but for two years without training and entered institutes.
What actions reject.
please answer quikly
In all honesty, your post is very difficult to understand but I will attempt to answer your questions (check facts elsewhere, too, since I may be wrong):

--I believe that you must be 18 at the time of application if you are the primary applicant, not just at your interview date. Can anyone else verify this?
--You must have completed the equivalent of high school (secondary school education) by the time of the interview.
--Getting the notification letter is no guarantee of getting the green card; They send about 100,000 letters but only 50-55,000 visas are available.
--If you do not meet all the requirements for the lottery or if you have a criminal record, inadequate finances and no sponsor, etc. your application will be denied.
--two years of training without proof of secondary school graduation is not sufficient

Good luck.
--I believe that you must be 18 at the time of application if you are the primary applicant, not just at your interview date. Can anyone else verify this?
there is no minimum age limit for DV lottery, just the education limit. In many countries kids graduate from high school at 17 (including me).

You have to have either an equivalent of a high school degree (secondary education) or two years in a job that requires at least two years of training.