Hopefully, the LAST thread for April\'01 CSC I-485 filers

Good friend..

You seem to be a good friend of your friend...

Anyways, I had seen this site for FP during OCT and I found that early FP at Oakland is a problem.
I have seen Oakland people doing early FP at San Jose.

So, if you r a good friend of your friend tell him/her this...
Thanks for your information, Mighty


Thanks a lot for your information. I got a phone call this morning from my laywer that my case has been approved on 12/3/01. Cheers!
I am so happy about it. As you said, it is a beautiful day!

Take care, appreciate your hard work to main the April mailer list.
It\'s really valuable.

Keep your good luck later on.

Mighty count, please add me to your list at your convenience

RD - 04/25/01
ND - 06/26/01
PD - current
FP (scheduled) - 11/29/01
FP (actual) - 11/08/01
EAD - lost in address change
mightt count ---- Please update my record.... I-485 Approved on 12/06/01


Just checked the AVM and heard the sweet sweet voice ....
Me and my wife\'s I-485 got approved on 12/06/01....
I am so surprised because yesterday the message was the same old sentence..."on 11/9/2001... finger print was collected.... pending review...." And it\'s approved today..... Wow....

Thanks everyone in this forum for posting thier information and share the information. INS is working hard for us and hope all of our
April applicant will get their approved by INS before Christmas...

Again, thanks all and thank you, might count for the effort.

My info:
FP Done: 10/25 (Scheduled date 11/01)
I-485 Approved: 12/06
Congratulations :) Go Party Dear Friend. ND > 04/15/01 !!!

So Now We Can Say INS has started Approving Cases with ND > 04/15/2001 and thats a Good News for all of us April Mailers.

Thanks for Sharing the Information.
Case assigned to an officer

Just spoke with an IIO and found out that my case has been "assigned" to an officer. Does anyone know how long does it typically take for approval after the case has been assigned.

RD: 4/18
ND: 6/7
FP: 10/27 (scheduled 11/24)
Receipt: WAC 01 204
Case asigned on 12/3
Pls add my data

PD: 8/96 (No mistake) EB3 India
RD/ND: 4/12/2001.
EAD: 10/12/01
FP: Scheduled 12/21/2001. Done 12/5/2001.

mighty count - 485 approved . PLS. UPDATE. RD = 04/18 ND=06/10

485 approved as per AVM for both me and wife

My details:
RD = 04/18
ND = 06/10
EAD and AP recd
FP recd for Nov 15th but done on Oct 31st
Approved date : Dec 4th 2001

Santa claus did give us this wonderful gift just in time.
Thanks to all those who gave me so much info. and sharing their experiences. Great Board.

THANKS mighty count for all the help
Finally recieved FP notice

Both myself and my lawyer sent Fax enquiries to INS and I have FP scheduled for 1/5/02. My WAC is 01-179 and ND-5/9. I plan to go in advance. My FP center is SFO. My lawyer said he had a few cases which were missed when INS switched over to a new FP system. Man, I hope my case gets approved soon!
No Title

HI Rakhi,
        Can you let me know what your AVM says?

No Title

a week back it said "FP collected on Nov 9th..... pending review". Haven\'t checked it since.
Hi Bhagwan

I am only in Atlanta, GA for 3 months. I am still using CA driving license, still paying CA tax. An apartment in Riverside, CA.....

It might be true that NON CA residents got approval faster in mighty_count\'s list (mm4 in Phoenix, AZ), but for those who are in Seattle & Portland still waitting. I think we are just lucky. That\'s all.

There is no information on my I-485 application indicate that I am in other area then CA. So....
Hi AZ-Boy..

I only know the Priority Date I have is the date which EDD sent me after I filed the LC. It shows the Case number and Priority Date.
Mine is 08/30/2000.. Is it the one you want to know?

I haven\'t figure out if there is any different on Priority Date for LC and 485 (or visa numbers).... Anyway, hope I didn\'t confuse you...
