Here's the info. on NSC I-140 backlog petition


Registered Users (C)

....And you thought this issue lost the steam! :p

Rajiv and Monica called me this morning and were extremely helpful and
co-operative in intiating this action.

Here's what is happening:

1) Monica forwarded me the format of a draft petition, to which I suggested some additions.
2) The on-line petition will be ready by end of today or early next week.
3) Depending upon the number of on-line signatures that we receive, (say ~200) the petition will be then forwarded to the top authorities for necessary action.

I'll update you as soon as I hear from them again and when then petition link is ready. Stay tuned!


Great work Buddy. Keep it Up. We are with you....

Have you told them to include the AC21 clarification also??

Good work AWS. Thanks to you & Rajiv Khanna for making this impetus going and our support will be there definitely!

Good luck!
Excellent news!!! Thanks to your initiatives and Mr. Khanna's quick help.

We are all here to support you guys.

Good Job

I am all for the petition. It is an excellent first step. However, A petition seems to be passive. I would be willing to financially support my share of any litigation costs for a more effective move. Can we sue someone about this without divulging info (for obvious reasons) about the persons filing the suit?
AWS, Thanks for taking the initiative

I am sure you are going to put this in already, but just in case....
Don't forget to mention the drawbacks of not processing 140's, otherwise they will counter our petition with "this is the ohato memo and we are proceeding accordingly"
so we need to highlight what we lost (AC-21 & ....) because of this drag and how the new policies are unfairly killing our existing benefits

will hear from Monica soon...


Thank you all for your motivation and suggestions.

I already have made all those additions to the cover letter of the petition (like use of AC21, etc.,) and hope that Rajiv/Monica incorporate them. They will finalize the wording today.
I expect to hear from Monica in a day or two. As soon as the petition is ready, I'll inform this to the forum members.

In the mean time, pl. pass on this info. to all your friends (some of them may not be members of this forum) whose cases are pending at NSC. By doing this, we will ensure enough support to push forward our case to the CIS and that it does not remains confined to this board!

How can I do on-line signature?

My I-140 petition is also pending in NSC service sender. I am also interested in this effort. How can I do on-line signature? How can I help this effort?