Here we go again Stinkenbrenner' bill


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:D you guys are so lucky ,

Sensenbrenner is going to ruin many peoples life,
Another would eliminate birth-right citizenship for children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants.
Though Blunt said there was a "growing debate in the country" over the policy of granting citizenship to anyone born in this country, he did not know whether the House was prepared to take up the subject next week.

Well read this,1,2077971.story
Would never vote for republicans when i get my citizenship.

But let me ask you, I didn't find anywhere in the article that he intends to ban citizenship to illegal immigrant's children.

Would it have any effect on asylee's children?
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There is an attempt going on to deny citizenship to children of undocumented aliens. I would not worry at this point. It has a long way to go in the legislative process and probably will not pass. Even if it were passed and signed into law, it would be immediately challenged in court. Most legal experts believe this is not constitutional--14th Amendment.
thankful said:
There is an attempt going on to deny citizenship to children of undocumented aliens.

So even if it will go through, the asylee's children will be ok?
solovei said:
So even if it will go through, the asylee's children will be ok?

That would depend on the PRECISE language of the amendment. I took at a look at some proposals floating around. Some said one parent at least had to be a citizen or a green card holder. Asylees would not be OK. But some other proposals have more lenient language.

Again this is a crackpot long shot idea for the time being and do not fret over it.
James Sensenbrenner(R) has nothing to do with the "anchor babies" bill which it will never pass anyway for all the reasons thankful stated....last time I checked Sensenbrenner did a "very bad :rolleyes: " thing for asylees like including the "removal of the asylum cap amendment" from the WH on the real id act.
Actually it's funny cuz the same "liberal times" paper predicted doom and gloom for immigrants if real id passes ..and that turned out to be a bunch of BS most of the things they write anyway
Scaring immigrants into thinking Reps are bad and Dems are good it's an old trick by the libs but doesn't work anymore...
thankful said:
There is an attempt going on to deny citizenship to children of undocumented aliens. I would not worry at this point. It has a long way to go in the legislative process and probably will not pass. Even if it were passed and signed into law, it would be immediately challenged in court. Most legal experts believe this is not constitutional--14th Amendment.
It may take long time but I think this kind law is caming.
it's not about deny citizenship for newborn but to extended the right to apply for U.S.citizenship to age 18.
this what happen in democratic country like france or Italy for example.
this my personel point of view ...and really I hope I'm 100% wrong.
jubilee said:
It may take long time but I think this kind law is caming.
it's not about deny citizenship for newborn but to extended the right to apply for U.S.citizenship to age 18.
this what happen in democratic country like france or Italy for example.
this my personel point of view ...and really I hope I'm 100% wrong.

Do you happen to how one goes about amending the constitution? Good luck to any politician who tries.
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solovei said:
Would never vote for republicans when i get my citizenship.

But let me ask you, I didn't find anywhere in the article that he intends to ban citizenship to illegal immigrant's children.

Would it have any effect on asylee's children?

Go to FOX news and search their site. They were first to report this last month (old news).

We are you guys mad? Many countries do that, in fact most European countries require one of the parents to be a citizen of that country, and for the kid to have lived in the coutry for some time before becoming a citizen.
bringslite said:
Go to FOX news and search their site. They were first to report this last month (old news).

We are you guys mad? Many countries do that, in fact most European countries require one of the parents to be a citizen of that country, and for the kid to have lived in the coutry for some time before becoming a citizen.

I think the US and Canada might well be the only two wealthy democratic countries that give automatic citizenship right upon birth. Australia and England have severe restrictions. And in Germany I heard that it is almost impossible. Anybody knows of the rules elsewhere--like France?
In Italy if the child is born from documented immigrant parents he/she can apply for Italian citizenship when is 18 years old and has been residing in Italy for at least 6 years. I'm not sure what happens if parents are illegal (but not surprised if they start deportation proceedings right after birth). Europe is completely different on illegal immigration compare to the States
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Here We Go Again...

Bitter Debate Over 'Birthright Citizenship' By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer
46 minutes ago

NEW YORK - A proposal to change long-standing federal policy and deny citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants on U.S. soil ran aground this month in Congress, but it is sure to resurface — kindling bitter debate even if it fails to become law.

At issue is "birthright citizenship" — provided for since the Constitution's 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868.

Section 1 of that amendment, drafted with freed slaves in mind, says: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States."

Some conservatives in Congress, as well as advocacy groups seeking to crack down on illegal immigration, say the amendment has been misapplied over the years, that it was never intended to grant citizenship automatically to babies of illegal immigrants. Thus they contend that federal legislation, rather than a difficult-to-achieve constitutional amendment, would be sufficient to end birthright citizenship.

With more than 70 co-sponsors, Georgia Republican Rep. Nathan Deal (news, bio, voting record) tried to include a revocation of birthright citizenship in an immigration bill passed by the House in mid-December. GOP House leaders did not let the proposal come to a vote.

"Most Americans feel it doesn't make any sense for people to come into the country illegally, give birth and have a new U.S. citizen," said Ira Mehlman of the Federation of American Immigration Reform, which backs Deal's proposal. "But the advocates for illegal immigrants will make a fuss; they'll claim you're punishing the children, and I suspect the leadership doesn't want to deal with that."

Deal has said he will continue pushing the issue, describing birthright citizenship as "a huge magnet" attracting illegal immigrants. He cited estimates — challenged by immigrant advocates — that roughly 10 percent of births in the United States, or close to 400,000 a year, are babies born to illegal immigrants.

"It's an issue that we are very concerned about," said Michele Waslin, director of immigration policy research for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy organization that opposes any effort to revoke birthright citizenship.

"This was always seen in the past as some extreme, wacko proposal that never goes anywhere," she said. "But these so-called wacko proposals are becoming more and more mainstream — it's becoming more acceptable to have a discussion about it."

Alvaro Huerta of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles said his organization opposes Deal's proposal and is girding for a battle for public opinion.

"This is red meat for conservatives," he said. "They throw out these issues they know aren't winning issues, and they create an environment of anti-immigrant sentiment. We need to do better job of educating people why it's wrong."

According to a survey last month by Rasmussen Reports, a nonpartisan public opinion research firm, 49 percent of Americans favor ending birthright citizenship, and 41 percent favor keeping it. The margin of error was plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., a leading proponent of tougher measures to stop illegal immigration, believes public opinion could shift further in favor of Deal's measure.

"Any issue that has a `damn right' response, you can go with," Tancredo said. "You ask if we should stop illegal immigrants from coming onto this country and having a baby here who is an American citizen, and most people say, `Damn right.'"

However, Tancredo acknowledged that Deal's measure faces major obstacles. Though he believes the House GOP leadership will eventually allow the proposal to come to a vote, Tancredo said it could flounder in the Senate or draw a veto from President Bush, who has sought to steer a middle course on some immigration issues.

The best strategy, Tancredo suggested, might be to avoid presenting the measure as a separate, stand-alone bill and instead add it to a broader piece of legislation that the Senate could not disregard.

Tancredo, Deal and others have noted that the United States is among the relatively few wealthy nations that allow birthright citizenship.

However, Lucas Guttentag, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Immigrants' Rights Project, said some Western European nations with different policies have suffered problems.

"Look at Germany — the children of guest workers are not citizens," he said. "That creates enormous social and racial tensions. That's the opposite of where we want to go."

Guttentag also said the federal courts would probably strike down any measure that challenged the 14th Amendment's citizenship guarantees.

"It's a far-fetched, fundamentally misguided and unconstitutional proposal," he said. "It's not the kind of proposal that gets taken seriously by those who actually want to grapple with immigration issues."

Some critics of current policy refer to U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants as "anchor babies" because — when they reach adulthood — they can sponsor their parents for legal permanent residency. Immigrants-rights groups say the number of such cases is smaller than critics allege, but authoritative statistics are scarce.
jubilee said:
It may take long time but I think this kind law is caming.
it's not about deny citizenship for newborn but to extended the right to apply for U.S.citizenship to age 18.
this what happen in democratic country like france or Italy for example.
this my personel point of view ...and really I hope I'm 100% wrong.

Jubilee,I agree with you.You're definetely right.Being born US citizen from aliens parents(legal or illegal) is a privilege made possible by US congress.The same US congress has the right to eliminate it.That what hapenned in France and in most of european countries.If new law allows new born from US PRs to be US citizen,this will be acceptable.In france,at least one parent has to be a french citizen.New born from two aliens (PRs,illegals...) gets citizenship from his/her parents.Kid has to be 18 to be eligible to apply for a French citizen.
Folks,as aliens,we don't have much power on this issue.We have some limited rights and can't get over.

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