help with estimating approval,please


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

I am waiting for the adjustment in order to go to a state medical school. My ND is 03/2004 and I was asked and sent medicals and did all bios in November and December last year. would anyone have any idea when I could expect approval?

'sick of NSC. I made an infopass app. in June and the person there emailed them at NSC explaining my situation but I still did not hear anything!:(
sooooooooooo sick of waiting. I am getting sick of America in general. The immigration is really treating many of us as if we were cattle.
Sick of America? Well no body forces you to stay here. You are living here as a result of your free will.

As to your question, it is not too difficult to expedite your case as long as you do it right. Without the cap they have more flexibility these days. It it best to have a lawyer to approach them via established AILA channels.

I know that it varies from state to state, but in many states you are eligible for medical school admission as an asylee. Make sure you read the applicable rule on this.
ianyu said:
Hi all,

I am waiting for the adjustment in order to go to a state medical school. My ND is 03/2004 and I was asked and sent medicals and did all bios in November and December last year. would anyone have any idea when I could expect approval?

'sick of NSC. I made an infopass app. in June and the person there emailed them at NSC explaining my situation but I still did not hear anything!:(
sooooooooooo sick of waiting. I am getting sick of America in general. The immigration is really treating many of us as if we were cattle.

first of all, you must correct your attitude to USA. INS is handling your application for GC. If you are sick of America, then go back to your motherland.
for most of us, we were escaped from motherland's jails and persecutions. we are safe in USA at least.
hi again

thank you for your responses. there is no need to be so hostile and immediately send me back to the "motherland." It happens so that I believe there is no motherland or homeland aside from home planet. I also reserve the right to be sick of any country's system and the US immigration certainly deserves despise. I know, I know - the US gaves us asylees protection....I am a true asylee,however, living here also gives us freedom to say what we think without being punished for it.
cody2 - it appears that you still have the unfree mentality.your post in no relevant way addressed the issue I raised - expediting I-485. I apprreciate your effort to reply. But it is better to help the fellow human instead of jumping up and using harsh words. This also is unhealthy for your hormonal balance and the planet. As for attitude correction - it sure sounds like it comes from the mouth of a secret police agent in a communist country.I hope one day you will open your mind and free yourself. It is possible.
thankful - thanks for your reply. it too sounded laced with anger. I do live in the US by my own will. I also do not have any other country to go to.I am an asylee.So stating the fact, as you did, was not helpful and was misplaced. If you have a good lawyer to recommend I would appreciate your help.

As for getting sick of America, it might have been a slight exageration on my part. But it really is not far from truth. America is the biggest environmental threat to the planet and the biggest arms producer. Talking about bad things in America is a form of showing genuine concern for the American people and the world. It is not meant to make America look bad. The government certainly does a good job these days with that.It is a way to address the problem and help solve it and is certainly more intelligent then shoving one's head into the 9 to 5 shift, the tv screen and shopping.And thinking how great it all is.
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Freedom of Speech Goes Both Ways

You have every right to say that you are sick of America. And people here have every right too to say that you should leave. They are able to exercise freedom of speech too.

ianyu said:
thank you for your responses. there is no need to be so hostile and immediately send me back to the "motherland." It happens so that I believe there is no motherland or homeland aside from home planet. I also reserve the right to be sick of any country's system and the US immigration certainly deserves despise. I know, I know - the US gaves us asylees protection....I am a true asylee,however, living here also gives us freedom to say what we think without being punished for it.
cody2 - it appears that you still have the unfree mentality.your post in no relevant way addressed the issue I raised - expediting I-485. I apprreciate your effort to reply. But it is better to help the fellow human instead of jumping up and using harsh words. This also is unhealthy for your hormonal balance and the planet. As for attitude correction - it sure sounds like it comes from the mouth of a secret police agent in a communist country.I hope one day you will open your mind and free yourself. It is possible.
thankful - thanks for your reply. it too sounded laced with anger. I do live in the US by my own will. I also do not have any other country to go to.I am an asylee.So stating the fact, as you did, was not helpful and was misplaced. If you have a good lawyer to recommend I would appreciate your help.

As for getting sick of America, it might have been a slight exageration on my part. But it really is not far from truth. America is the biggest environmental threat to the planet and the biggest arms producer. Talking about bad things in America is a form of showing genuine concern for the American people and the world. It is not meant to make America look bad. The government certainly does a good job these days with that.It is a way to address the problem and help solve it and is certainly more intelligent then shoving one's head into the 9 to 5 shift, the tv screen and shopping.And thinking how great it all is.
ianyu said:
As for getting sick of America, it might have been a slight exageration on my part. But it really is not far from truth. America is the biggest environmental threat to the planet and the biggest arms producer. Talking about bad things in America is a form of showing genuine concern for the American people and the world. It is not meant to make America look bad. The government certainly does a good job these days with that.It is a way to address the problem and help solve it and is certainly more intelligent then shoving one's head into the 9 to 5 shift, the tv screen and shopping.And thinking how great it all is.

Wow--are you a student of the esteemed Professor Shamshon?
Mr/s: IANYU: First of all welcome to the forum. We are all asylees and went through all the kinds of problems you are going through. Even though I am grateful to the American people and their government for their kind assistance, I have to admit that the process of getting my greencard was the most difficult challenge in my life; therefore, I understand your psychology, and if for some reason other colleagues don’t understand what you are going through I think you should understand them…they may be having good time…and if you are planning to go to medical school, you need to understand others when they don’t understand you…

As you are going to medical school, I don’t see the connection between Greencard and medical school. There are scholarships and government jobs that may require citizenship, but I don’t think there are restrictions on asylees for going to medical school both at the graduate level and undergraduate. Most school admission requirement would require applicants to be permanent residents; many asylees think that they are not eligible given this requirement; however, for the purpose of higher education, asylees are considered to be permanent residents. I am in graduate program, and at the time I got the admission I was asylee…
As regards greencard processing and given your priority date, there is little you can do. Your case depends on the officer who has it; however, there are little tricks you can do to have the officer put his hands on your file. For example, you may call the 1800 number for NSC. Many colleagues here would say that is pointless; however, the trick is when you call them they will ask on what basis are you adjusting. Don’t say asylee because they will hang up on you…Just say Refugee.. Remember asylees are refugees themselves…in this case they will initiate an inquiry on your behave…Once the officer handling your case receives this inquiry he certainly review your case;; Upon review of your file, it depends on him whether he will approve your case or that he will send you a letter telling you that there are other people ahead of you; however, given the cap is not there any more there are good chances of him approving.. And there are other techniques that you can get the attention of the adjudicating officer.

My final advice:
Concentrate on the other aspects of your life that are positive. American is a great country and I am sure sooner or later you will get your greencard and citizen.
ianyu said:
thank you for your responses. there is no need to be so hostile and immediately send me back to the "motherland." It happens so that I believe there is no motherland or homeland aside from home planet. I also reserve the right to be sick of any country's system and the US immigration certainly deserves despise. I know, I know - the US gaves us asylees protection....I am a true asylee,however, living here also gives us freedom to say what we think without being punished for it.
cody2 - it appears that you still have the unfree mentality.your post in no relevant way addressed the issue I raised - expediting I-485. I apprreciate your effort to reply. But it is better to help the fellow human instead of jumping up and using harsh words. This also is unhealthy for your hormonal balance and the planet. As for attitude correction - it sure sounds like it comes from the mouth of a secret police agent in a communist country.I hope one day you will open your mind and free yourself. It is possible.
thankful - thanks for your reply. it too sounded laced with anger. I do live in the US by my own will. I also do not have any other country to go to.I am an asylee.So stating the fact, as you did, was not helpful and was misplaced. If you have a good lawyer to recommend I would appreciate your help.

As for getting sick of America, it might have been a slight exageration on my part. But it really is not far from truth. America is the biggest environmental threat to the planet and the biggest arms producer. Talking about bad things in America is a form of showing genuine concern for the American people and the world. It is not meant to make America look bad. The government certainly does a good job these days with that.It is a way to address the problem and help solve it and is certainly more intelligent then shoving one's head into the 9 to 5 shift, the tv screen and shopping.And thinking how great it all is.