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help with DV-2015


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I plan on applying to the DV-2015. I'm not that experienced, so I've been reading about the subject.

I'm confused as to how I should write my name. I am Egyptian and it is typical to write 4 names. My name then my father's name, my grandfather's name and my family name. So, I'm not sure should I skip writing my father's and grandfather's name? or would they be considered my middle name?
And that would seem odd, when it comes to my children that their middle name would be that of their father's.

So I hope this great forum will provide me assistance regarding my inquiry.
I plan on applying to the DV-2015. I'm not that experienced, so I've been reading about the subject.

I'm confused as to how I should write my name. I am Egyptian and it is typical to write 4 names. My name then my father's name, my grandfather's name and my family name. So, I'm not sure should I skip writing my father's and grandfather's name? or would they be considered my middle name?
And that would seem odd, when it comes to my children that their middle name would be that of their father's.

So I hope this great forum will provide me assistance regarding my inquiry.

The name you write should be your legal name - but it should match the name as written on your passport and important documents like your birth certificate.
The name you write should be your legal name - but it should match the name as written on your passport and important documents like your birth certificate.

Thanks for your reply, but if you could further elaborate:

My passport has my name, my father's, my grandfather's, my family name. (and above it FULL NAME)

My birth certificate has my first name only written separately at the top, my father's and grandfather's name are written in the parent section, and my mother's and other grandfather's name are also written in the other parent's section.

So basically, I want help as to what I should write in the application when it comes to:


(4) Data Entry
(a) The best method to enter Arabic names depends on the
country of origin of the name. The names are generally
divided into two groups: those with stable name strings and
those with variable name strings. The groups do not fall
neatly into national boundaries, and both types of names can
be encountered in the same country.

(c) Variable surnames occur where the name string may include
the fathers name, grandfathers name, a tribal name – or
sometimes drop these names. Variable names are common
in Egypt and Lebanon, Sudan, Syria, parts of Iraq, and in
Palestinian names. The passport and other civil documents
may show different variations of the name, making an
accurate and complete identification or namecheck more
difficult. In order to get the best check on such names, all of
the potential surname elements should be entered in the
surname field. This includes all names in the string except
the first name.
• Ex.: Passport shows – Ahmed Abdelaziz Wahab Hassan
• Enter Surname: Abdelaziz Wahab Hassan Given Name: Ahmed

• An inverted version may be used as an alias: Hassan,
Ahmed Abdelaziz Wahab

My passport has my name, my father's, my grandfather's, my family name. (and above it FULL NAME)

Enter First Name:
my name
Enter middle name: Checkmark - No middle name
Enter Last Name:
my father's, my grandfather's, my family name
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Hi raevsky & Britsimon!
I'm a 2014 dv lottery winner from Sri Lanka.My case number is little bit high(2014AS000162XX).Can i apply for the dv 2015 lottery program?
if u know the answer for above question please let me know asap...(if u can please give the URL link too)
Hello Egyptian, I'm from Egypt too and I have obtained my visa in DV-2013 :)

We have 4 names in Egypt, so if your name is Mohamaed Ali Salem Radwan, enter first name "Mohamed", last name "Radwan", and middle name "Ali Salem". In Arab countries the father's and grandfather's given names are equivalent to middle names in Western societies. Do not enter "Ali Salem Radwan" as your last name as was suggested. That would invalidate your entry! Good luck!
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Hi raevsky & Britsimon!
I'm a 2014 dv lottery winner from Sri Lanka.My case number is little bit high(2014AS000162XX).Can i apply for the dv 2015 lottery program?
if u know the answer for above question please let me know asap...(if u can please give the URL link too)

Don't worry about the high case number, you can never rule out your chances based on this. Apply for DV-2015 just in case, there is no problem in that, but keep working hard on your DV-2014 applications because this is your best chance to get the Visa. Good luck.
Don't worry about the high case number, you can never rule out your chances based on this. Apply for DV-2015 just in case, there is no problem in that, but keep working hard on your DV-2014 applications because this is your best chance to get the Visa. Good luck.

All good advice. AS16XXX isn't too bad at all - but yes, apply for DV2015 just in case...
Hello Egyptian, I'm from Egypt too and I have obtained my visa in DV-2013 :)

We have 4 names in Egypt, so if your name is Mohamaed Ali Salem Radwan, enter first name "Mohamed", last name "Radwan", and middle name "Ali Salem". In Arab countries the father's and grandfather's given names are equivalent to middle names in Western societies. Do not enter "Ali Salem Radwan" as your last name as was suggested. That would invalidate your entry! Good luck!

Of course, correct way of filling the forms will not invalidate anyone's entry while incorrect one could

The naming guide differentiates between 3 different groups of Arab countries. Naming convention for those theree groups is different. It looks like you do not differentiate between those 3 groups, equating Egypt to Kuwait and to Morocco. I do not think your way of filling the fields on the form will lead to any problems, but I am surprised you are not familiar with common convention. Your way of filling the form does not reflect either one of those three groups.
As I said, even your way of filling the form could still be interpreted as "exactly as on your passport" as required by simple instructions.
I am an Egyptian winner as well. What Eddy said is what I did, it's the right way. Middle name is father and granny first names. Make sure the spelling of each name is exactly like in your passport, especially the (abd....) names because it could be (abd elrahman) or (abdelrahman).
It would be important to add that DV-14 is the first DV lottery where exact passport spelling is a requirement. Nothing like that existed in DV-13 or before. The same requirement exists in DV-15. That is why your logic of "precedent" from DV-13 would not work
I am an Egyptian winner as well. What Eddy said is what I did, it's the right way. Middle name is father and granny first names. Make sure the spelling of each name is exactly like in your passport, especially the (abd....) names because it could be (abd elrahman) or (abdelrahman).

Yep, despite the nonsense posted by some people this has always been a requirement

Enter your name exactly as listed on your passport
DV-2013 http://travel.state.gov/pdf/DV_2013_instructions.pdf

Enter your name exactly as listed on your passport
DV-2014 http://travel.state.gov/pdf/DV_2014_Instructions.pdf

PLEASE HELP. It says in the instruction 'You must list your spouse (husband or wife) regardless of whether or not he/she is living with you or intends to immigrate to the United States. You must list your spouse even if you are currently separated from him/her.' I am all of these things. Married, not living together with my spouse, basically been separated for over a year. Now, I understand I should list them, but I do not have their photo. Would that be allowed? What's best to do?
PLEASE HELP. It says in the instruction 'You must list your spouse (husband or wife) regardless of whether or not he/she is living with you or intends to immigrate to the United States. You must list your spouse even if you are currently separated from him/her.' I am all of these things. Married, not living together with my spouse, basically been separated for over a year. Now, I understand I should list them, but I do not have their photo. Would that be allowed? What's best to do?

If you are LEGALLY separated (I.e. the separation is registered through a court) then you can omit the spouse otherwise you must list the spouse. You could do it without her knowledge, BUT it would be best to let her know. If she were to also apply without you knowing you would both be disqualified for a duplicate entry.

Ask her for a recent photo if you can, if not find an old one.
If you are LEGALLY separated (I.e. the separation is registered through a court) then you can omit the spouse otherwise you must list the spouse. You could do it without her knowledge, BUT it would be best to let her know. If she were to also apply without you knowing you would both be disqualified for a duplicate entry.

Ask her for a recent photo if you can, if not find an old one.

I can't ask for a new photo, because we're not in contact. And I don't have any old ones, that would meet the requirement. Would I be able to proceed without a photo? Or should I not list them at all? I hope it will get figured out in nearest future to the point of getting separation legally/divorce, but right now there's no contact, not even a marriage certificate, and we were married in a country none of us resides, legally although.

'12. May my spouse and I each submit a separate entry?
Yes, a husband and a wife may each submit one entry if each meets the eligibility requirements. If either
spouse is selected, the other is entitled to apply as a derivative dependent.' I don't think you're right about duplicate entry, if this would concern me.
I can't ask for a new photo, because we're not in contact. And I don't have any old ones, that would meet the requirement. Would I be able to proceed without a photo? Or should I not list them at all? I hope it will get figured out in nearest future to the point of getting separation legally/divorce, but right now there's no contact, not even a marriage certificate, and we were married in a country none of us resides, legally although.

'12. May my spouse and I each submit a separate entry?
Yes, a husband and a wife may each submit one entry if each meets the eligibility requirements. If either
spouse is selected, the other is entitled to apply as a derivative dependent.' I don't think you're right about duplicate entry, if this would concern me.

If you don't list your spouse you are risking disqualification. They are very clear about that.

The quote you gave says each may enter once each. If you enter for yourself ONLY (but list her as your wife) that is fine. She can do the same. However if she enters for you and herself, then you would be disqualified.

Assuming you are only entering for you, you won't need her photo - right? It's been a while since I did the entry but each entry only has one photo....
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Or should I not list them at all? I hope it will get figured out in nearest future to the point of getting separation legally/divorce, but right now there's no contact, not even a marriage certificate, and we were married in a country none of us resides, legally although.

Britsimon is right on. Unless you are legally separated and the marriage is officially dissolved you MUST list her or your application would fail and you might face other consequences that affect your future applications for US Visas for purposefully supplying incorrect information. Since you are not divorced yet you are bound to be in touch one day at the very least to end the marriage, so it shouldn't be a problem to call (or contact through a friend if things are still raw) to ask for a photo if your application needs one of her. She would need stuff from you in the future as well as long as you are still legally married.
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Britsimon is right on. Unless you are legally separated and the marriage is officially dissolved you MUST list her or your application would fail and you might face other consequences that affect your future applications for US Visas for purposefully supplying incorrect information. Since you are not divorced yet you are bound to be in touch one day at the very least to end the marriage, so it shouldn't be a problem to call (or contact through a friend if things are still raw) to ask for a photo if your application needs one of her. She would need stuff from you in the future as well as long as you are still legally married.

I think we got away too far from my original question. And 'it shouldn't be a problem' - let me be the judge of that, yes?
Q: Can I submit all the information on my spouse EXCEPT their photo? Or at least explain somewhere why there is no photo available to proceed with my application?