Help us please!!!


New Member
Here's our story.... I hope someone can help!
I met my American lady over a year ago online (I'm english)
We fell for each other, despite the fact that she has a very rare form of cancer, which is
agressive and could sadly flare up again at any time.
In fact, she's not keeping the best of health right now and we can't get a lot of help from
her cancer doctors (They have been keeping a lot of stuff from her... sadly that's another story)
True love knows no bounds though, and as I said, we well and truly fell, spending hours and hours on the phone each and every day.
In Early August this year I travelled to the States to be with her,
Everything we'd thought was immediately and overwhelmingly true, very much in love and we lived
together in her apartment like a married couple.I Got on great with her family who really liked me and said the situation was having a real positive effect for her! (love and happiness are a remarkably good cancer"medicine")
As I'd gone on a visa waiver I had to return home before the 90 days was up, but we got engaged as we
wanted to marry, so I came back to the u.k. for about 4 weeks,gave up the tenancy of my house, sold everything
and returned to the u.s. at the end of September.
When I arrived the immigration guy at the airport pointed out to me that I should have stayed away
for at least 90 days before returning (something I didn't know and is NOT clear on the u.s. gov web site)
I pointed out to him why I'd come back, the fact she has cancer and how bad it could be,
he was very kind and said although he could turn me back home there and then, he believed me, allowed me entry, and wished me good luck!
We decided, that, on a trip to see one of her relatives in Tennessee, we would go and get married.
We loved each other and could see no reason at all why we shouldn't be man and wife.
We got a marriage licence, no questions were asked, all we needed to do was supply I.D, she her driving
licence, me, my passport.
We were married a short time later and ... there we were! What we both really wanted!
I had to return to the u.k. a couple of days back (I had a return ticket, as I have grown children and we'd already agreed I should spend a little time with them as it's coming up to christmas)
I would return to the u.s. in time for christmas.
Neither of us had any idea that we'd done anything wrong and just assumed (wrongly I guess) that as we were married we had some kind of "rights" to be together
In our situation, all we want is to be together for however long God may grant us under the circumstances.
With her health issues she's come to rely on me, and rightly so! and it does give her the strength"to "fight on"
not necessarily "citizenship" .... all we want is to be able to be together, as I said, for however long God may grant us, and the opportunity for me to take up a little employment.(I'm a software engineer so a lot of that can be done from home)
Perhaps we may get the miracle we pray for... the "all clear" then the citizenship could be taken up.
Where do we go from here? We love each other "heart and soul" and being parted from each other could have very bad health issues :(
What do we do? what's the best way to proceed? I badly need to be right back with her as her husband, support and soulmate.
Please!!! some advice?
No. However if you can find an H-1B job and get an H-1B visa, that will be quicker than getting a green card through her.

Is there no kind of visa or something under the circumstances of her suffering with the cancer I might be able to get?

I think the OP is thinking of something the order of a few days to a few weeks so H1-B does not fit into his urgency since that will be at least a few months seeing he does not even have that job.

No. However if you can find an H-1B job and get an H-1B visa, that will be quicker than getting a green card through her.
Then his only option is continue to attempt to use VWP. However, now that he is married to a US citizen, there is a strong chance he might be denied entry.

I think the OP is thinking of something the order of a few days to a few weeks so H1-B does not fit into his urgency since that will be at least a few months seeing he does not even have that job.

Since you're already married it will be difficult to get a visitors visa since you will have to declare on your form who your spouse is and if you have any relatives abroad. I believe they will essentially reject you for a visa when they see that although it is not a 100% guarantee.

In your situation and considering the cost of a visa is relatively affordable, I would give it a shot, answer the questions on the form truthfully, but indicate I will be returning to the UK in say 5 months and then when I arrive in the USA, I will wait a few months and file for a green card together. I know some would say it is unethical however that is what I would do if I experienced similar circumstances.

There is no crime involved in my suggestion and I would not advise you thus if it were criminal. My understanding is that immigration is purely a civil issue.

Good luck.

Thank You, yes I am aware of this but I need to be back with her asap.
Is there no kind of visa or something under the circumstances of her suffering with the cancer I might be able to get?
Trafic ticket

i have just finished my interview and was asked to turn in court disposition for traffic violations. 2 speeding ticket and 1 stop sign, and unregistered vehicle. could this post a treat for me given that, these are the tickets have gotten in my 7 years of staying in US.I HAVE TURNED THEM IN.. WILL THESE TICKET BE A CAUSE FOR DENIAL, THOUGH I HAVE PAYED AND CLEARED IT WITH THE COURT.
Please do not post multiple times for the same query and do not hijack someone else's thread.

i have just finished my interview and was asked to turn in court disposition for traffic violations. 2 speeding ticket and 1 stop sign, and unregistered vehicle. could this post a treat for me given that, these are the tickets have gotten in my 7 years of staying in US.I HAVE TURNED THEM IN.. WILL THESE TICKET BE A CAUSE FOR DENIAL, THOUGH I HAVE PAYED AND CLEARED IT WITH THE COURT.