Help! Unemployment


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Hi Everyone,

We got our GC a year ago, currently I'm in a permanent position, but there is a lot of politics at work, double the work load, pressure and hard deadlines, if I quit on my own, please let me know if I'll be eligible for unemployment benefits? also what is the duration of benefits? its a long long time since I visited India, so I'm planning to make a trip, I'm hoping to complete my India trip before I start my new assignment/look for new opportunities.

Please respond with your suggestions.

Different states have different requirements for unemployment determination. But in general, if one quits his/her job willingly, that person wouldn't be considered unemployed. The DOL also defines unemployed person as someone who is jobless AND actively looking for a job.. So if you quit your job, go on vacation in your home contry, and start looking for a job after returning to the US, strictly speaking, you won't be considered by federal definition as unemployed, not at least for the vacation period (would be nice, though, if it were!)
Check with the DOL website and also your state unemp agency for more precise information!
Does Unemployment makes any problem afterwards being on Green Card? Can you apply unemployment if you get lay off? but what if you got your green card on EB3 employment base petition? Does it jeopardize your GC status? The reason why US govt. gives GC is to work for the United states, not to get money out from them? Can you please put light on this matter.

fiaz said:
Does Unemployment makes any problem afterwards being on Green Card? Can you apply unemployment if you get lay off? but what if you got your green card on EB3 employment base petition? Does it jeopardize your GC status?

Not at all.

The reason why US govt. gives GC is to work for the United states, not to get money out from them?

I've never worked "for" the United States. I have for my employers - who have paid into UI on my behalf. I'm as entitled to that money as anyone else, should I lose my job.
But why they ask for the A# for the non-citizen people? Do they report to the INS that this person is applying to get a perk from the government? What do they check? Is it OK to apply for UC? Do you any person who applied for the UC?

Unemp benefit is NOT a perk. It's a form of insurance.
Anyway, that's a good question why they ask for A#. I could be wrong, but maybe the gov is more serious about catching cases of unemployment benefit frauds among non-citizens?
Once again, getting unemp benefits will not work against citizenship application, but committing unemp benefit frauds could (that is if you get arrested).
Can you leave the State or country once U R on unemployment? or U've to hang around? I wanna go to visit my family in Canada and will come back in 15 days. I can reactivate my biweekly reactivation online. Any sugessions on it?

JoeF,,,, is it OK if you apply for UC even your green card approved for your employer only. What happens if INS knows that U got unemployment after changing your sponsor employer? Does it jeopardize your status ?