Help on Resident return visa


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I and my wife are australian permanent residents, living in US. The five year term of australian visa is going to expire in couple of months. I need to apply for RRvisa. I made investment in australia last year(bought land and builiding house, which will be ready by the end of this year).

My question, is it easy to get extend the australian visa with support investment documents?

Is anyone have any experience please share with us.


If you have spent 2 of the last 5 years in Australia, then you won't have any problems in obtaining a Resident Return Visa.

However if you did not spend 2 of the last 5 years in Australia, then you will have to provide evidence as to why you should be considered for a Resident Return Visa e.g You can provide evidence of substantial business, cultural, employment or personal ties of benefit to Australia,
Also , you have to prove you are the immediate family member of a Resident Return Visa holder.

If you need any help in obtaining this visa, I am able to help you out. I am a registered Migration Agent in Australia, (MARN 0636264).

Hope this helps you out.

Thanks for the reply.

I did not stay 2 years out of 5 yrs. in australia. But we are planning to move permanently to australia once the new house is completed. I have bought land and building the house, and i have taken loan from westpac. I'm paying monthly interest.

Producing all the documents, do you think i can able to get 5yr rrvisa?


It is not a matter of producing just the paperwork for the house and land. Your submission must be very substantial in order for them to consider a 5 year RR visa. You must demonstrate that you have a genuine need to be in Australia for eg. employment - (provided that you have suitable employment in place, your employer can verify this in writing and you can include this in your application), business ties - evidence if you are planning to start a business in Australia or have an established business which has been active whilst you have been overseas, family - evidence if you have family members who are in Australia (permanent or citizen) and you have to also provide detailed reasons as to why you have not been in Australia 2 of the last 5 years (these have to be compelling enough for them to consider your application).
Basically, they state that you have to have considerable business,cultural, personal and employment benefits to Australia.

I hope I have clarified some points for you.

If you need anything else let me know.

My email is

Thanks and good luck!