help me pls


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my case is for aslyee.
i have been approved but my case is in processing in order to get a green card in my hand. it's been almost 8 years i haven't heard anything from BCIS. what i like to know is that when will i get my fingerprint appointment, interview and green card. my recived date is july 26 99. and notice date is november 10 99. i call BCIS to ask them what happend to my case. they said that u will recieve something in 30 days. and i don't knwo what is something is? is it fingerprint appointment, interview or green card? pls comment on this. i really want to know. is there anyone here that has same problem?

yea. it's saying that

Your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status was received at this office on November 10, 1999. It is taking between 570 and 600 days for us to process this kind of case. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing is complete.

but it's been that long. they are saying i should wait 30 days. i will get something. but it's been 60 days. still nothing. should i wait or should i call again. what should i do? pls reply.!!!!
Contact your Congressman or Senator's office. Do not waste time talking to US CIS. If they haven't done anything since 1999, the chances are they are not going to respond.

So you best option is to find your congress person; write a letter explaining the situation with a time table, case number and receit number. Generally you will get a response as to the status of your case in about two weeks. DO IT
did you..

Did you not try to contact them last year sometime. You should have known the processing dates... as other people must have gotten it a long time back.

I'd say to talk to the lawyer and send/fax them some complaint letters nad have them do an inquiry for your case.

Congressman seems to be a better option. Lots of people got some possitive results after contacting a congressman.

Go ahead and do it.

Good Luck !
On a side note, the processing date for asylum cases in NSC is November 16, 1999. Thus, they may be saying that you should wait until your RD is 30 days after official processing date before they can initiate an inquiry. I may be wrong but I think someone on this forum with EB case was told that recently when attempting to launch an inquiry.

Anyway, senator is the best way to go.
Originally posted by nanok
my case is for aslyee.
i have been approved but my case is in processing in order to get a green card in my hand. it's been almost 8 years i haven't heard anything from BCIS. what i like to know is that when will i get my fingerprint appointment, interview and green card. my recived date is july 26 99. and notice date is november 10 99. i call BCIS to ask them what happend to my case. they said that u will recieve something in 30 days. and i don't knwo what is something is? is it fingerprint appointment, interview or green card? pls comment on this. i really want to know. is there anyone here that has same problem?

It is an abomination to sit on an application for four years, and then make you go through, in perpetuity, the so-called 30-day routine. Rajiv was inquiring, in a VSC thread, if there are any family-based applicants facing inordinate delays that may like to join the class-action lawsuit being contemplated. If you are willing, you may want to post in that thread and find out if you qualify to be a plaintiff in that suit.

thanx to all of you for your replys and suggestions.
everybody suggested me to contact congressman or sentor. actually i am new at this. and i have no idea where and how i will contact to the congressman or sentor. i live in Baltimore county MD and can anybody help to find me who is my congressman of the baltimore and how to contact with him (email adress or phone number or website)
pls help me!!!
i really need your help.

i also would like to tell everyone that i did ask them to do my inquiry. and they did inquiry my case and they said wait 30 days to recive something. i waited 30 days then i called again and they said wait 30 more days if u didn't get anything then just call us. i will call today. becasue it's been 60 days. i will let u guys know what they said. but pls from what i said in above pls give me any comments or tell me what to do. pls help me!!!!!!!!!!!
thanx so u much frodo.
i emailed him and tell him about my problem, will he email me back will he help me? what if he don't reply to me? thanx again.
The best way is look up the name of your Congressman at then go to his/her own website.

At the congressman website you should find the phone number and the addrerss of the congressman. Also you should find information about immigration help. Generally most Congressmen have a privacy form posted on their website for you fill to authorize them to check with the US CIS for you. Print the form and fill it out. Also write a letter addressed to the Congressman explaining the situation to him/her. Send the letter and the form to the address provided on the Congressman website. I would also suggest that you call the phone number provided to follow up on your letter. Most Congress representatives offices are reliable and will answer your questions. I had very pleasent experience with mine.

If you need more help, post your zipcode + 4 digit and I will look up your representative and get you going.

Good Luck
but I wonder

But I wonder if Rajiv can use asylee case as a plaintiff?

Also, I'd try with congressman or really get my lawyer to start an inquiry.

i went to this link that u all suggested me and i emailed him explainy my problem. when i went to this site they asked me my zipcode and state where i live. my zipcode is 21228-2535 and Maryland. and then i clicked on the contact my representive. then the page shows about write ur representive The Honorable Elijah E. is this my congressman then i just wrote him a email. if he is not then pls help me to find him. can u find him and his email adress,phone number for me that i can talk to him or personally meet him.
Based on the zip code you provided your Congressman is Elijah E. Cummings. Do the following:

1- Go to the following address and print out the privacy form and fill it in,

2- There are two offices for Congressman Elijah E. Cummings

1010 Park Avenue, Suite 105
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 685-9199
Fax: (410) 685-9399

754 Frederick Road
Catonsville, MD 21228
(410) 719-8777
Fax: (410) 455-0110

Choose the address closer to you and send a letter (describing your situation) and attach the privacy form. Send the letter and the completed form to the Congressman. Then follow up with a phone call. You do not need to meet the Congressman for this.

This is the Congressman's website:

Good luck
THANX wella

i did worte him a email but he didn't reply to me i will send a letter by tommorow. thanx everyone. u all are helping me through with this. i am really glad that i join this forum. pls help me through all the way. i will let u guys know what my congressman is saying. so far he didn't reply to me. should i email again? or something.
i am waiting for my reply so i can fill out that form. pls pls reply to me someone. i need to know.
The Congressman is not going to reply to you right away, even through email. Give it time.
again my asylum was granted and then i filed for I-485 in november 99. and it's processing and not got any response from then. Today i have talked to my congressman. and he said that my case was transformed to my local office (Baltimore). he told me that i should call him next week on monday. i like to know is it bad if my case was transfored in my local office. why did they transfrared? pls pls pls reply me . i am worried sick.
waiting for someone to reply me.