help me pls

There is no problem when the case gets transfered. My case was transfered and I got the approval after an interview. No problems. Call the Congressman office on Monday as they asked you to do. And do not worry. A lot of cases get transfered, and finally approved. Hang in there.

u got ur approval after interview? how? i didn't get any interview yet? i am just waiting for my approval. my congressman told me that they transfered my case but when i called in BCIS they said that my case is in nebraska. then i called again to let him know what they said. then my congressman tells me that he called in nebreaska and they said that my case is transfered in baltimore. i don't know who to belive. i don't know what to do. i will call him on monday. pls wella can tell me what to do next? i don't know i am worried. maybe u have any experience with that. it's been long i am tired of waiting.
Not everyone gets approved right away. Some cases gets transfered. When a case is transfered, the applicant is called for an interview at the local office. The interview is generally very simple and straight forward. At the end of the interview, they give you the approval.

Now, keep contacting your congressman, he is your best bet. Or if you have a lawyer that would be good too. Generally the USCIS will not entertain your requests effeciently.

As far as whom to believe, of course I do not know. But I would tend to go with the congressman. Ask him/her to send a status enquiry and to officially find out where the case is (Nebraska or Baltimore). They should be able to do that easily. This is why they have case workers.

As for the worry. You should not worry too much. There is nothing you can do. As long as you have your asylum approved and you have the documents to prove that, it is a matter of time, that is all. However long it takes is a matter of convenient. I know it is easier said than done, but that is reality. As long as you have your an EAD and can work, it is only a matter of inconvienience to renew that every day.

Now, having said that, I encourage you not to worry and keep contacting your congressman but be "cool" and polit in order not to frustrate them.

Good luck and keep us posted
thanx well
i will post u my update.
well i don't know what u mean by "As long as you have your an EAD and can work, it is only a matter of inconvienience to renew that every day" What's EAD stand for? pls tell me what u mean by that. thanx again for helping me through this. i will post my update to u guys.
Sorry for the misspelling, I was typing a little too fast. The EAD stands for the Employment Authorization Card. I meant that you have to renew this card every year (not every day, sorry for typing error).

I am assuming you have an EAD if you are working.

well my congressman is not a good helper.
he told me that my case was transfered on april 8 2003 and he sent email to baltimore to find out about my case. he said they will response in months. and i don't have any time to wait that long. i want to know about my case. and i called BCIS to find out that if my case was transfered to baltimore but they said it's not. i don't know what to do. i want to go to local office to find out. i think i am going to call them. wella can u tell me find out what is my local office phone number. i would really appricate it. actullay i am very new at this. i tried to find out but i couldn't. can u pls help me on this. thank u
I do not know if just calling the local office will help. You can find the address of your local office on the USCIS website

Go there and inquire if your case has been transfered and what is the status.
What I Would Do

Ok so the Congressman was a bust.

You have 2 Senators that you can use for this.

Mikulski, Barbara - (D - MD)
(202) 224-4654
Web Form:

Sarbanes, Paul - (D - MD)
(202) 224-4524
Web Form:

I would call their offices and find out which of their aides deals with immigration matters. I would then get their email address and or fax number and phone nukmber and send them a letter detailing your problems. I would follow this up on Tuesday with a phone call confirming that they have recieved your letter and discuss what they can do to help. What they will do is make an inquiry on the congressional liason person at the service center. Hopefully you will be able to get some action that way.
well i chose milkulski barbara

i emailed her and i am hoping that i will get quik response:) i will call her and will fax her. i will do everything to find out about my case. they can't just ignore me:mad: anyway i will keep posting u guys about my case and one day i will give u a good news.:cool: thanx guys. i really appricate ur responses thanx again.
hey again
i contact with Sarbanes, Paul well the it was lady who deals with immigration. and they send a inquary to find out if my case was transfered or is in nebraska and my sentor recived the enclosed interim response from the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Serives and i have recive a letter today from sentor which says that

"The file was sent to the National Record Center (NRC), not nebraska service center (NSC). I have request it and will advise after review".

then i called BCIS to find out. i talked to the officer. he said that my record is in NRC but my case is in nebraska.????? i don't get it. what does have this to do with my case???????
what is NRC?? Is it good or bad????
pls plps reply.
i do need your help. i am trying to find out.
pls help me with that.
I Dont Know About NRC

Perhaps someone else can help on that. I think you should feel encouraged that you now have someone to follow up. I would work closely to with the person in Senator Sarbanes office. They have the best line into the CIS.
today my congressman called me and he told me that my case is going fast now. my case is in jury now. they are making a decison. of approval or denial. they passed my serutiy check. and now it's up to decision. does anybody had this kind of situation when ur sercurity check was clear. what is next? how long should i wait? i don't know will they sent me my second fingerprint? or intervew? i don't know someone pls reply.
and thx for everyone who is helping me through this situation.