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Help me about my case pls - I don't know what to do.


New Member

I am from Thailand and just received a mail from KCC yesterday. My case number is 12xxx is it high for asia?

I will be coming to the US next month on the 19 of June with F1 visa and will be there at least 6 months and hope to continue my master degree program so it would likely to be 2 years.

my question is what process should I do, AOS or CP?

please help me please...
thank you so much.
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Sawasdee/hello. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your number is pretty high. If next year is anything like this or last year, your case number will not be reached. Of course, you should NOT give up hope but your best bet is to do prepare for CP, if your number is called. I won DVD2006 with AS5xxx and did a rather painful AOS, in spite of advanced degrees and solid finances (number current in April, case approved late August). If you search for postings under my name, you'll find an Excel sheet with the past few years priority numbers listed (so you can do some "guestimation" of your chances). You'll have a better idea of your chances late this year, because the first several months will give you an idea of the rate of priority rank progression.

Good luck to all.
Hi jbfortb,

I think your case number became current in DV2006 since September bulletin says "Current" in Asia region. But as researcher29 said, your number is very high and your case number is likely to be current in September 2008. So, I would do CP.
Thank you researcher29 and toomackie.

I have not submitted the application yet as I want to make another phone call to KCC.

I talk to my lawyer in bangkok he said that if I plan to be in the us anyway I can apply for AOS. I won't know untill my case is current which could be august or sep 2008.

I check the case number became current in DV2006 in my range case which is 12xxx it was in September for Asia region.

If i do CP then I have to come back to Thailand for the interview if I get one...but what if they deny, would my F1 and B1/B2 visa will be cancelled? as I read from this board someone said that your other visa will be automatically cancel if you don't get immigrant visa, is this ture?

Many thanks for help
You have to be extremely careful. F1 visa doesn't agree with the intent of immigration. If you do AOS and you do not get your GC in time, you might loose your visa. Check this with your lawyer!!!!!! Do not go forward unless you strongly believe that you have a chance to get your GC in time.

Good luck!

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If your number only gets current in September, you will most likely not have time to do AOS. Like others said, you should do CP. I wouldn't even think about doing AOS with your number.

Good Luck.
thank you for everybody answers to my question...

I think I will go for CP even I will be in the US...if i am lucky and get the interview I would not mind to fly back to thailand..

wish me luck!!
since you are doing CP, be careful about sending your immigration application in before you enter the US. If asked at the border if you have ever applied for immigration, you will have to tell the truth, and they will most likely turn you back.
since you are doing CP, be careful about sending your immigration application in before you enter the US. If asked at the border if you have ever applied for immigration, you will have to tell the truth, and they will most likely turn you back.

I call KCC and they said that F1 visa or B1/B2 visa are working independt with DV Lotto visa.

As I ask them would it be any problem when I enter US next time, they said no should be no problem.