Help In Opening A Bank Account

Try BANK OF AMERICA, and when you go let your husband open the accoun t and then add you as a beneficiarry or joint holder.
hi guys,
i am trying to open a joint bank account with my usc husband and seems to be hitting a brick wall.
All the banks we have applied to are all asking me for my SSN which i don't have yet but i know some of you guys have joint accounts with your spouses so i am wondering if you can give me some pointers.
i came in on a B1/B2 visa so do not have any us id except my marriage licence which does not seem to matter as they are asking me for an identification number.

I resonded to this thread, because this person needed some info from all of us, who think we can put our 2 cents in.

The issue was a SSN, I gave the info on how to obtain a ITIN, which the irs will issue to non resident inplace of one (you cannot use it to work or apply for credit) but it can be used to open a checking and savings account, since you earn intrest on a saving account, the bank have to report it to the irs, depending on how much money you earn at the end of the year. The bank will also have you sign a w-9 or w-8

Now some people said the bank did not ask for SS#, well great, each bank is different. People come to this country for different reasons. If someone came with the intent on buying a house, im sure they have money from their bank abroad. All long as you have money to purschase a house then the real estate do not care where your money comes from as long as they get their commission. I Love you PraetorianXI lets not fight over such a small issue.:eek:
yeah i agree but not EVERY visitor HAS to pay taxes, only those that indeed generate an income. I see how that would apply in Vegas to a visitor who hits jackpot. But not to an ordinary tourist who does not have income, that is why in some cities they even refund a visitor's sale tax on purchases.

Also visitors can't very easily own property here (lack of SSN & credit) and their bank accounts are not taxable, that is what they made sign. Something telling IRS that my bank account is not taxable.

Well if you and your American wife file a joint tax return, it will be taxable
I did not say it was illegal to buy property, but that it would be hard. Who buys a house without credit/loan?

Lots of people, or they take out a loan in their home country. My parents owned US property for years.

There are lots of B visitors who own property and/or have legal US-sourced income.
Praetorian can not file tax return, unless he is listed as dependent , because he does not work.

I know people that owns property here as well, are not americans and live overseas.
But he does not have any income anyway

I'm just commenting on the general situation, not the specific one. There are situations where a B visitor would be eligible to file a 1040 and have US-sourced income that they would need to declare and pay taxes on, even if they are not a dependent (or have any).
hi everyone
thanks for all your advice about getting an account opened, it was all very informative and helpful.
I went to 4 banks yesterday and they all told me the same thing " i can't open an account without my SSN ". I pulled out all i have from here but they all still insist that they can't do, that it is the new federal law, it's one of the ways they can track people bla, bla, bla because of 9/11 and all other terrorist attempts on th US, that without a kind of identification number, nothing can be done even if i am married to a usc.
i then decided to try one more bank and went to TCF bank as my usc hubby has accounts there too. we went straight to see the manager and she said all we've been told is true but i can open a personal account if i can show proof that i am adjusting status and will be receiving an EAD/ greencard soon but we cannot have a joint account as he already has his SSN and i don't.
we decided to take it as it was the best offer we've gotten so far.
i will be checking out bank of america later in the month as it is far from where we live so it will take some planning to get there, i have already opened an account there for my hubby, hopefully, i will be added with no problems.
once again, thank you everyone who contributed to this thread.
well the personal account is good enough and best of all its in the same bank, so all u guys have to do is to show that to the Io and explain why and i'm sure that will not be a problem, just have other stuff ready in both names ,, lke bills, insurances etc.