Health insurance for Parents with Green Card and beyond


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I'm going to sponsor Green card for my parents who live in India currently. The only major issue I have is their medical insurance while they are in the US on a green card and after they get their citizenship. I have been told that they would not be eligible for medicare since they would not have contributed towards social security. I was also told that they won't be eligible for medicaid or federal medical assistance since they are sponsored and not refugees.

The questions I have are as follows:
1. What kind of insurance can I get for them while they are here on a GC and
how expensive is it?
2. After they get their citizenship does anything change, meaning would they
be eligible for medicare or medicaid?

Any information and help would be highly appreciated

There are a few spammers on this board, who check for posts like yours on a weekly basis and peddle their business. Please educate yourself well in these "health insurance" matters. There are a lot of these people out there to get your money.

Check with your own insurance provider first on the coverage they offer. Some insurance providers will provide coverage for you and "one adult" besides your dependent children. This way, if you and your spouse both work and have independent health coverage, then you, your spouse, your children and one set of parents are covered.

This is my understanding: To qualify for Medicaid your parents should meet both income and categorical eligibility requirements. If your parents are your dependents then they will not qualify for Medicare/Medicaid. If they are not your dependents and are US citizens, or they have worked/get wages and have contributed to the social security system continuously for 40 quarters they may qualify for Medicaid in some states. If they are your dependents you better shop around for a good/honest private health insurance provider. You may want to check with your local town/city Senior Center and other people in your local community and ask around.
Where did you hear that if both are insured independently, one set of parents may be covered? I never heard anything like that. Parents are not considered dependents when it comes to employer sponsored health programes.

As I mentioned earlier, you will have to check with your insurance plan to see if dependent parents can be added. I know that my employer/insurance provider does allow this with my current plan. Having said that, let me reiterate that MOST employers/insurance providers don't include "parents" in their health plan's definition of qualified dependents.

I'm not an insurance expert. I'm just sharing all of the little information that I know. You'll have to ultimately do your own research. HINT: Please do a web search for "sponsored dependents".
Wivnmgm - Thanks for your advise. My employer's insurance doesn't allow parents to be added as dependents. I guess I will have to shop for private health insurance and bear the cost until my parents become US citizens.
Wivnmgm - Thanks for your advise. My employer's insurance doesn't allow parents to be added as dependents. I guess I will have to shop for private health insurance and bear the cost until my parents become US citizens.
I think that even if your parents become US Citizens, this won't change anything to the fact that they would need to have contributed for years to be eligible for this type of health benefits.
I have been told that they would not be eligible for medicare since they would not have contributed towards social security.
hello, my mom became a us citizen last year, she got her citizenship because of disability,is there anyway to apply for any kind of health insurance?your answer is much appreciated
After doing research for abt 6 mths, here is what we have done for our parents:
Bought insurance @ 635/person under the La state health plan as that is our state of residence.
Try contacting this company. This is the facilitator for various state run programs:
Covenant Administrators
678 258 8200
800 680 8728
try talking to Lisa Krutchfield(she is my facilitator)
What state will your parents be residing in?
Hope this works out for you.
After they attain citizenship, they will automaticlly qualify for medicare.
My parents are going to be residing in MN. And after they attain citizenship they won't automatically qualify for medicare. They might qualify for medicaid (federally sponsored medical assistance program)
You should read

It describes many different options that people may think of for health insurance for elderly parents that come here on green card.

The so called Bridge Plan:

seems like an option - although not cheap it won't make you bankrupt versus not having any insurance at all. One of my colleagues, whose father had to be hospitalized recently (and eventually passed away) is looking at $150,000 or more in medical bills (not counting funeral expenses). So having an insurance policy for PR parents is perhaps prudent; else you can easily risk bankruptcy for serious situations.

The Bridge Plan covers gaps until you become eligible for Medicare (for paid premiums after 5 years - no free coverage there either).

I'm seriously considering going for this. Also in MN someone told me Blue Cross offers a plan. I'm about to find out and will share here once I know more.

Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: If the parents are employed, they may have the option to obtain health insurance through their employer. Many companies offer health insurance benefits to their employees, which can extend coverage to family members, including parents.

Health Insurance Marketplace: Parents with a Green Card can explore health insurance options through the Health Insurance Marketplace in the United States. The marketplace offers a range of health insurance plans with varying levels of coverage and costs. They can apply for coverage during the annual open enrollment period or during a special enrollment period if they experience a qualifying life event.

Medicaid: Depending on their income level, parents with a Green Card may be eligible for Medicaid, a government health insurance program for low-income individuals and families. Medicaid coverage and eligibility criteria vary by state, so it's important to check with the local Medicaid office to determine eligibility and apply for coverage.
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I'm going to sponsor Green card for my parents who live in India currently. The only major issue I have is their medical insurance while they are in the US on a green card and after they get their citizenship. I have been told that they would not be eligible for medicare since they would not have contributed towards social security. I was also told that they won't be eligible for medicaid or federal medical assistance since they are sponsored and not refugees.

The questions I have are as follows:
1. What kind of insurance can I get for them while they are here on a GC and
how expensive is it?
2. After they get their citizenship does anything change, meaning would they
be eligible for medicare or medicaid?

Any information and help would be highly appreciated also Get the buyers guide here

Hi all. I need some advise. I’ve lived in US over 20 years … married to US Citizen and obtained my citizenship. My parents are in UK. They are older and unfortunately have just recently been diagnosed with some illnesses that will require some care. They are toying with the idea of coming here to have me look after them , so we can be all together with my husband and kids, as they don’t have anyone else in the UK. What is the process, and how do I go about finding health insurance options for them, to see if it actually feasible financially. I do know that it is very very expensive. If anyone can provide some guidance for me, with regards to visas, and how to find a decent health insurance i would appreciate it immeasurably. Many thanks.
Hi all. I need some advise. I’ve lived in US over 20 years … married to US Citizen and obtained my citizenship. My parents are in UK. They are older and unfortunately have just recently been diagnosed with some illnesses that will require some care. They are toying with the idea of coming here to have me look after them , so we can be all together with my husband and kids, as they don’t have anyone else in the UK. What is the process, and how do I go about finding health insurance options for them, to see if it actually feasible financially. I do know that it is very very expensive. If anyone can provide some guidance for me, with regards to visas, and how to find a decent health insurance i would appreciate it immeasurably. Many thanks.
After they immigrate to the US, they will be able to buy an insurance plan from the ACA marketplace, and they can get a subsidy if they are low-income.