Have anyone FP got rejected?


Registered Users (C)
As I know, lots of people have done their FP during July/August timeframe. Have any of you received FP rejected notice either from INS or from FBI??
friend\'s FP got rejected by fbi

My friend did FP last week and got rejected by fbi. The reason is that he injured one of his fingers while cooking.
Depends on how long FBI takes to inform?

If FBI takes long time to inform about poor quality then it makes sense to call-up FBI within a couple of days and confirm - so that one can quickly go back and re-do FP.

My question: Does ASC again need a new FP notice for FP re-do?
My understanding: For people doing FP before scheduled date, it should not be an issue as they can still show the old FP notice but can someone tell how to take care of it if you come to know after FP scheduled date that you need to do FP again.
You need a special FP redo notice and the clark have to find your name on their list. I just redid t

I\'m sorry, my friend got letter from INS, not FBI

He got the letter in a week after he did the FP.
FP got rejected

My wife\'s FP got rejected. After doing FP in August, we got letter from ASC that her finger prints are not good. So we went second time. After that we have not received any communication from FBI or from INS. I called IIO and he told me that my wife\'s finger prints are rejected for second time also. He was not knowing the next steps. Anyone in same situation.
Can you tell us when you get you first and second re-FP notice? Thanks a lot.

Nik, what is your next steps then?

Hi Nik,

I am extremely interested to know what would be the next steps then for your wife, after her FP being rejected for two times. Have you asked your lawyer? Or do you have some other info now?

My wife and I just did FP. My wife\'s hands are kind of little, and for each finger she did several times, but still there were only two passed. So I am worrying that she may need a redo, and probably redo will not improve much, since the technician actually already tried his best. So I just would like to know what if eventually even redo got rejected, just like your wife\'s situation.

Anyone\'s feedback or info on this is much appreciated!
Hi goodwishes, I am with you.

My wife and I just did FP today as you two. My wife\'s fingers have the same kind of problem as your wife\'s. She had more than fours fingers got "bridge break" message instead of green passed. We are thinking of contact FBI first and then call INS CSC in a week so. Let\'s keep each other posted.

Soon Wang
I just called FBI

I just called FBI, and the lady on the phone said both of our results were returned to INS yesterday (10/09) the same day we did our FP. I tried to get more info from her by explaining my wife\'s problem, but she said that was all she can release.

According to what I read on this forum and the theory from ciba (http://www.geocities.com/ciba_2/I485/experiences/FP/FBI_check.htm), we can assume they are in good quality???

Could someone please reconfirm, by giving your either negative or positive experience on this?

Thanks a lot!
More specific question about FP

To be more specific, I would like to ask this question:

Did anyone call FBI, get the answer like "your results have been returned to INS...", but still got a redo notice later?

Thanks for any help info you can give!
Hi goodwishes, you need call INS

One of my friend\'s wife did FP on Aug. call FBI couple days after FP, was told result sent to INS, no good or bad released. 2 weeks later got FP redo notice from INS (Oakland). So we don\'t know FP is good or not till confirm with IIO.
I will call FBI first and INS later today.

Soon Wang
goodwishes, here is what I got from FBI

I just called FBI, the guy said they have received both of us\'s FP yesterday. He also said it will take couple of weeks from INS to laod the result. Looks like INS will download FP result from FBI\'s database server. I will call INS in 2 weeks to find out the result.

Soon Wang
No Title

Soon Wang, I called INS today.

Actually I called INS today, talked with an IIO about my concern. He said they got a response from FBI, and the system did not tell whether the quality is good or not. It seems you are right that INS will take couple of weeks to load the result into their database. I am just wondering it is that the result has been there and INS just has not loaded it, or INS will run some other process to check the fingerprint?

keep posting your info, thanks!
goodwishes, thanks for your info.

I have been keeping calling this morning, but no luck to get through.
INS should know the quality if they got FP from FBI. But they said no, you have to wait at least 2 weeks. Any way I will try to talk to INS to see if I get the same answer as yours.

I will post my info.

Soon Wang