Have anyone FP got rejected?

Case Transferred to local INS office - Ciba please update

As expected due to finger print issues, my case was transferred to local INS Sacramento for interview.


PD: May 98
RD: 02/22/01
ND: 03/16/01
FP: Agust and Sept 2001
Case transferred to local INS on 10th Oct
Waiting for interview

Ciba please update details. Thanks,
Nik, how could you verify interview is due to FP?

My wife\'s going to redo her FP according to IIO today. The IIO said if her FP failed second time, INS will send notice telling you what to do next. Does the notice mean Interview or go to local police office?
Anything else than case transfer after your second FP failed?

Thanks for any reply
IIO and ASC told me that FP rejection generally results in interview

And the same happened to us. So I am quite confident in saying that our cases got transferred to local INS just because of FP.