Has any asylee invited his Parents or Relatives to US?

kalvar said:
Also, we should stop calling them communists or People's party to begin with.They are nothing more than bloodthirsty animals who just discovered that capitalism combined with terror can make them profits.

The Chinese Communist Party is more like the Nazi Party--in other words, a danger not only to the Chinese people but potentially to the world. They cannot keep improving its economy forever. When the economy falters, it is probable that they will divert attention from its internal problems by enroaching upon it neightbors. No wonder the Indians are getting so worried.
Historically China has not been a counquering power.They are too big to look for counquest.
I believe they will be forced to open up once their economy reaches the necessary level.

You can't be a communist and have cell phones, cars, lavish lifestyles.

I agree with you though....the communists are no different than the nazis.
pvlaca said:
And I'm sure Chinese only makes up a tiny proportion of illegal aliens in this country. Asians in total make up less than 4% of US population.

This just shows how brainwashed, igorant and stupid you are.
Chertoff: China won't take back deportees
By Lara Jakes Jordan, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON — China is refusing to take back an estimated 39,000 citizens that have been denied immigration to the United States, clogging detention centers on the taxpayer's bill, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Tuesday.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Chertoff said that China last year readmitted 800 Chinese nationals. But that made only a small dent in what he described as a backlog of thousands of Chinese who are being held by the U.S.

"The math is pretty easy — at that rate, we wind up with increasing numbers of migrants who, if we're going to detain them, we're going to have to house at enormous expense," Chertoff said.

He added: "We can't be in the position any longer where we are paying the burden and bearing the burden for countries that won't cooperate with us and take their own citizens back."

The Chinese Embassy in Washington did not immediately return a call for comment. Costs to the U.S. of detaining Chinese citizens were not immediately available.

Chertoff also said Homeland Security would open detention facilities in the next few weeks to house entire families of illegal immigrants who hope to bring their children along in order to avoid jail time. "It'll be humane, but we're not going to let people get away with this," he said.

Chertoff's remarks comes as the Homeland Security Department aims to end its so-called "catch and release" immigration policy by Oct. 1. After that date, all illegal immigrants will be held in U.S. detention centers until they can be returned to their nation of citizenry.

Over the last five years, Homeland Security has deported more than 2,580 Chinese nationals, department data show. Though other nations also are refusing to take back citizens who have been denied U.S. immigration, Chertoff refused to name them Tuesday, noting that the number of stranded citizens from China far outpace those from other counties.

Chertoff visits China, Japan and Singapore at the month's end. He said financial decisions and a cumbersome process may contribute to China's reluctance to take back its citizens, but also "I think sometimes maybe it's a low priority."

"But they've got to understand it's a high priority for us," he said.

Speaking earlier to the National League of Cities, Chertoff made a veiled reference to recent criticism aimed at him for his department's inadequate response to Hurricane Katrina. Though some lawmakers have called on Chertoff to resign, or said he should be fired, the White House has repeatedly maintained its support for him.

"People used to say to me, 'Why would you want to give up a lifetime job in order to take this job?'" said Chertoff, who was a federal appeals court judge until he was confirmed a last year as the nation's second homeland security chief. "And I didn't realize until a couple weeks ago that really, every year in this job is a lifetime. So in that sense, maybe I've traded up."

Your article didn't refute my statement. You'll have to prove that people from other countries don't have bigger illegal immigration issue.

We were not talking about numbers, but scales here. I guess it took you quite some time to dig up something like this, which was not even relevant.

You are certainly a very bitter man, so I choose not to argue with you. As a chinese, I strongly disagree with some of the practices of the government, but I deeply love the country and its people, which should be differentiated from the government.

All you posts reek a deep hatred that is frighteninly pathological.
First of all, I am amazed that some of you have so much time to debate complete strangers in an Internet chat room.

As a former asylee from China I will say the followings:

*A significant number of Chinese nationals do want to depart their country at all costs regardless of the destination. They are migrating to obscure islands in the Pacific and the Caribbean. They live in the most dangerous parts of Israel. And they are also flocking to Iraq, of all places.

*This belies the talk of China as a rich or rising power or whatever. For the past two hundred years or so China has been an immense tragedy. That tragedy continues as long as communism is not destroyed.

*China is one of the leading countries of asylum application in the United States. In fact China and Haiti have been vying for the #1 position in the past few months.

*The situation in China is as pathetic as that in Haiti.

*China has been a peace-loving country. However I am too worried about the inclinations of the tyrants in Peking. Since the new generation of Chinese has been so brainwashed (as shown by some people on this board), it is certainly conceivable that they would be led by the dictatorship into a binge of foreign conquest if the country experienced a crisis at home. Just think about Taiwan.

*Therefore, China is indeed a sick country and the world needs to be wary of China.

Please don't be hypocritical. While complaining about other people having too much time detating, you actively joined in with you sick china-bashing rant. It seems that you are quite sick yourself.

Open your own thread where you can discuss China, Asia, Europe and any other parts of the world as you please...This thread is about experiences of people who invited their parents to the u.s.
I am an asylee from China.

It is a fact that the vast majority of people in China want to get out of their country for good. They see no hope in that stupid country.

It is also a fact that the current government of China is a sick and lethal regime. People who make contrary claims are purveyors of lies.

What is sicker, however, is clowns (like the two in this thread) who claim fear of persecution from the Chinese Communist Party and then vigorously defend that Party. They probably particpated in the Party's atrocities.

See this story: http://www.newsday.com/ny-womain0312,0,1873705,print.story
anotheryear said:
What is sicker, however, is clowns (like the two in this thread) who claim fear of persecution from the Chinese Communist Party and then vigorously defend that Party. They probably particpated in the Party's atrocities.
Can't agree any more. If I were the administrator of this forum, I would track these two clowns' IPs and report their statements in this thread to BCIS and the asylum office; and BCIS should review the two Clowns' aslylum applications to see if there any frauds and appraently none of them fear any persecutions from China. I noticed that one of them (p...) already got his GC based on asylum (what a Shame on him!) His/her GC definitely should be revoked.
kalvar said:
For those of you who have studied how democratization occurs:

I am not russian but my advice is to drift away from military arguments regarding russian technology.From what we know, the russians have super modern militarily equipment just as good, if not better, than the US arsenal.Not my opinion again, do a simple research in defense message boards.

Well, I'm from Russia and there is nothing that I like more than looking at Russian military development. + I served with Russian military as well. They do have a lot of very advanced stuff over there but the problem is that they can't spend as much money as US can. + During "Old times" Soviet military had a very good traning as well,but I can't tell the same about now. So I do have first hand knowlege about this issue.
My best regards,
nasrmobin said:
I hope that you are enjoying the answers about your question. As a Refugee I can tell you about the HIAS (Jews Organization) which took me here thru Austria. Jew people have a lot of power here in Congress (USA) so basically they can do many kind of stuff for the case (True Cases). Depending on the country of Origin you can bring your parents as sort of Refugee with filing the AOR(Affidavit of Relationship) in certain circumstances which : Their country of Citizenship has to be on the list and They have to live out of their country to process this kind of application, for more Info. either you can search on the website or call the local Resettelment Agency for further help.

My parents applied for a Tourist Visa a while ago, but the got rejected due I am a Refugee. as soon as the told the consular that our son is refugee overthere the embassador deny the application and we never tried it again since then.
I think it all depends on the Country of their citizenship and mood of embassador.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this issue.

Good Luck
I know there is "Lautenberg Ammendment" which allows jewish natinalities and some asylees who are members of certain christian sects to invite their relatives to US as a Refugee.

but iam not jewish . so it means i have no any chance to do that. i think i will try to make visitor visa or H1 for my parents.

I dont know guys when do people stop to talking about politics. it is obvious that Politics is nonsence.

Do u think HIAS can help Asylee to invite their Parents at least for 3 weeks?
porkman said:
Can't agree any more. If I were the administrator of this forum, I would track these two clowns' IPs and report their statements in this thread to BCIS and the asylum office; and BCIS should review the two Clowns' aslylum applications to see if there any frauds and appraently none of them fear any persecutions from China. I noticed that one of them (p...) already got his GC based on asylum (what a Shame on him!) His/her GC definitely should be revoked.

Interesting--one of the clowns (Casasa) has deleted all posts relative to this topic!!!!!!