Has any asylee invited his Parents or Relatives to US?

applyarea said:
China is not able to become a superpower until communist party collapes.

Exactly. The country is going nowhere with those murderers in power. Almost 17 years after Tiannment the butchers are still unpunished.
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applyarea said:
By the way, I am Chinese and want to let people here know that most of chinese are still rational.

It is a pleasure to know that. I commend you.
applyarea said:
I don't think thankful made any improper statements. I concur with the facts. China is not able to become a superpower until communist party collapes.

Casaca, don't make people laugh at you and remember that you are the one who escaped from the 'super power'. I know we've all been mind washed by the Communist Party culture. But at least we've been in the free country for a while and should gradually get out of shadow.

By the way, I am Chinese and want to let people here know that most of chinese are still rational. The traditional culture teaches us to be generous.

How can I say you? Listen: Jiachou bukou waiyang!
If you are/were chinese!
casaca said:
tell me where you come from then we can compare which country is more great!!! Can you???

My hometown was Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

Now, Mr. 共奴, tell me where you are from?

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14ksusha said:
I saw a lot of Foochow cases in the court in NY, which take about 60% of the caseload in NY- those poor people are forcibly sterilized by the government. It is all documented by the State Department report. They come here with the help of 'snakeheads' who either take them across the mountains or by boats where they are almost starved to death. They end up owing about 30,000 dollars for the trip and slave in sweatshops in NEw York for many years ahead just to pay back to the snakehead. Those people must be desperate if they are willing to go through this.

This is by no means limited to NY courts. I am a part-time interpreter for the Atlanta immigration court. Even down here we have a fair share of Chinese asylum cases. I agree with your assessment. This shows how oppressive China is. I always think of the people who climbed the Berlin Wall in spite of the certainty of being shot by the East German guards. Now the East German evil has been destroyed.

The applicants come from all over China, not just Fuzhou (though it is a major source of the caseload).
comcast said:
My hometown was Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

Now, Mr. 共奴, tell me where you are from?


since you love your "superpower" home country so much, please, come back to China! And get out of USA! I don't understand why you apply for asylum, while at the mean time not becoming a "traitor of CHinese" by yourself? I believe your asylum case is fraud and should be reported to BCIS and FBI, and you are cheating to get your GC, which you do not need it at all. China's communist regime is exactly the same as Nazi's, or even worse. And people are escaping from China risking their lives!
I have seen many other threads in which a simple asylum question was turned into political question. It is really irony and none sense to come to US and ask for asylum and be proud of your country. It is contradiction if you understand what asylum means. For those of as who are on the asylee forum are individuals who have in one way or another lost their country and are not willing to go back their countries. Any way for those of you who have a strong attachment to their country that is good, but this is not your forum.

As for the comments made by thankful regarding china, I dont think it was offensive. That was a matter of numbers, and numbers can be verified. For instance if you search the percent of chinese individuals who come to US and come back to china you can challange thankful. But if the facts are there I don't see why the comments should be offensive..........................Any way please avoid turning simple asylee questions into political questions. :)
casaca said:
I totally agreed with Pvlaca,
thankful, you have no right to talk about China & Chinese like this way,
So shut up and go back to your country!!!
China is the most powerful country except U.S.A.
BTW, where you come from??? I'm sure you are come from a small & poor

Well talking trash about China or any other country you know nothing about is really bad. However, I can't agree with the idea that China is #2. Clearly it's not if they get their advanced military stuff from Russia.
My best regards
comcast said:
casaca said:
China is the most powerful country except U.S.A.

The Chinese Communist Party is the most evil entity ever known to men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right on!!!!!!! man right on!!!!
Well any communist party is no defferent from "National socialist party of germany"
porkman said:
since you love your "superpower" home country so much, please, come back to China! And get out of USA! I don't understand why you apply for asylum, while at the mean time not becoming a "traitor of CHinese" by yourself? I believe your asylum case is fraud and should be reported to BCIS and FBI, and you are cheating to get your GC, which you do not need it at all. China's communist regime is exactly the same as Nazi's, or even worse. And people are escaping from China risking their lives!

Excellent post. :p :p :p

I fondly remember a story from the World Journal newspaper a few years ago. A high level criminal from the Chinese Communist Party came to the US for a visit. Some people in New York's Chinatown organized a welcome ceremony for this butcher. They got really overboard talking about how good the Party was and other Communist BS. The NYPD had undercover officers monitoring the ceremony. They decided to check out these people's background. Wonder of wonders: it turned out that they had asylum applications pending before the New York immigration court. :p :p :p :p

These people were obviously of casaca's ilk.
kjonim32 said:
Well talking trash about China or any other country you know nothing about is really bad. However, I can't agree with the idea that China is #2. Clearly it's not if they get their advanced military stuff from Russia.
My best regards

Russian "military stuff" is not advanced to begin with. In the 1991 Persian Gulf War almost the whole Iraqi arsenal was comprised of Soviet weapons. They stood no chance against the Allies.

It amazes me how delusional followers of the Chinese Communist Party are about their Party's capability. I pray for peace and tranquility in the Taiwan Straits. However, if it ever came to armed conflict, I could not wait to see the People's Liberation Army soundly defeated by dazzling American/Taiwanese technology.
comcast said:
Russian "military stuff" is not advanced to begin with. In the 1991 Persian Gulf War almost the whole Iraqi arsenal was comprised of Soviet weapons. They stood no chance against the Allies.

It amazes me how delusional followers of the Chinese Communist Party are about their Party's capability. I pray for peace and tranquility in the Taiwan Straits. However, if it ever came to armed conflict, I could not wait to see the People's Liberation Army soundly defeated by dazzling American/Taiwanese technology.

"Russian "military stuff" is not advanced to begin with" That was the whole point of my message!!!!!!!!! If one gets his "advanced stuff" from Russia than he can't be #2. By the way the idea that" Iraqi arsenal was comprised of Soviet weapons." is true but veapons were from the 70 and 80. and a lot of them were so called downgraded "export" veapons.+ they had a lot of French made veapons too. Even if Iraq had weapons from the US outcome would be the same. If you remember, only about 10% of Iraqi army offered any resistance at all most of them simply went home. People simply didn't want to fight for Saddam.
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evidence that China is sick

The link is here (http://www.fulbright.com/index.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=5234&FUSEACTION=news.detail&SITE_ID=286&pf=y) and the story is as follows:

Fulbright Persuades Federal Court to Allow Young Zheng to Seek Special Juvenile Status

February 24, 2006
Young Zheng, the 17-year-old Chinese national whose father disowned him and handed him over to “snake-head” smugglers, got his first big victory in his immigration fight with the U.S. government. Fulbright convinced a federal court in Houston to reverse the Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") on its decision that precluded Young from applying for special immigrant juvenile status in the Texas family court. The court issued a mandatory injunction requiring DHS to consent to family court jurisdiction.
John Sullivan
HoustonThe Fulbright team, comprised of partner John Sullivan and associates Hannah Sibiski, Nick Morrow and Kate Blaine, persuaded Judge David Hittner that, despite the four denials by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of Young Zheng ’s request for consent to proceed before the family court, the national juvenile coordinator for the DHS’s Bureau of U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement abused his discretion by making an arbitrary and capricious decision that was based upon no presented evidence.

The Fulbright team must proceed quickly to the Texas Family Court to obtain special immigrant juvenile status before Young turns 18 on April 23, and must obtain a finding that he has been neglected and abandoned by his family and that it would not be in his best interest to be returned to China. Once obtained, Young Zheng will qualify for a permanent resident visa, but must then get "express consent" from a different division of DHS (Citizenship and Immigration Services). The case has been attracting national media inquires.
For those of you who have studied how democratization occurs:

History shows us that once a country reaches an adequate economic development and a certain income threeshold democracy will be introduced.

These are not my ideas...these are Samuel Huntington's words, backed by years of political research.

Back in 89 the chinese society was not ready for democracy.With the ongoing economic changes the communists days in power are numbered.

Also, we should stop calling them communists or People's party to begin with.They are nothing more than bloodthirsty animals who just discovered that capitalism combined with terror can make them profits.

And any chinese that defends that system while still asking for political asylum in the US is liar. China is a great country, with a great history. It is destined to become an even bigger power that what it already is.But the average chinese lives 10 worse than the poorest eastern european.
And until 15 years ago their GDP was comparable to that of Belgium.

I am not russian but my advice is to drift away from military arguments regarding russian technology.From what we know, the russians have super modern militarily equipment just as good, if not better, than the US arsenal.Not my opinion again, do a simple research in defense message boards.
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Prc Is A Big Sinkhole

This is more evidence that China is a big sinkhole. It is also evidence of the stupidity of those who defend the communist party.

Miami Herald, The (FL)
August 13, 2004
Author: ASHLEY FANTZ AND GILLIAN WEE, afantz@herald.com

An emotional Miami juvenile judge gently touched the arm of 17-year-old Xi Mei Chen, reassuring the Chinese girl that she would never again have to face the parents who she said beat her and tried to force her into marriage with an older man.

``I know how scared she is,'' Judge Sue Ellen Venzer said, through a Mandarin translator in her courtroom Wednesday. ``But she doesn't have to be afraid anymore.''

Xi Mei, five feet tall and 70 pounds, was granted eligibility for an immigrant visa, which allows her to stay in the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security must approve the judge's order, but it's likely that will happen.

After a three-month odyssey through at least five countries and a year at Miami-Dade County's Boys Town, Xi Mei could move this week to Covenant House, a Broward County shelter for homeless and runaway youths.

Eventually, she hopes to join relatives in New York.

Even after the judge's soothing comments, Xi Mei did not stop crying. She smiled only once.

Dressed in a Florida Marlins World Championship T-shirt, blue jeans and blue Keds, Xi Mei clutched a stuffed teddy bear and launched into her story.

Guided by a smuggler she called ``Uncle Ah Liu,'' Xi Mei traversed a zigzag path through several countries before boarding a plane for New York. The guide was hired by her aunt in their rural Fujian Province. The circuitous route is a trademark of human traffickers. Xi Mei said she did not know her final destination was the United States.

``My aunt told me I would be taken to a place that is free,'' she said through a translator.

Ah Liu, she said, abandoned her at the airport, where she was detained by Homeland Security, then sent to Boys Town, a dormitory-style juvenile facility in Miami.

Xi Mei's attorneys offered an affidavit they said was signed by the teenager's parents relinquishing custodial rights.

``Her parents have expressed that she has brought shame on the family for not marrying and they do not want her back,'' said Carolyn Salisbury, a longtime children's advocate and associate director of the University of Miami's Children & Youth Law Clinic.

Xi Mei also claimed the Chinese police were after her for belonging to an antigovernment organization, The Iron Fan.

Her older sisters also ran away from home when her parents tried to force them to marry, court documents state. Xi Mei claims not to know their whereabouts.

Xi Mei will turn 18 on Saturday. Had Venzer denied her eligibility for visa status, she would have been taken to an adult lockup or she could have been deported.

``It's a very unusual petition and, at the very least, a disturbing one,'' said Venzer.

``We value you here and I will facilitate your transition here,'' the judge promised Xi Mei. ``My heart breaks for you. I wish you the best of luck. I'm terribly impressed with your strength.''

At those words, Xi Mei nodded and knelt to bow in gratitude and respect.

``There's no reason for you to bow in America,'' Venzer said.

The teen's attorneys from the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center succeeded in court on Wednesday, but they have additional goals, including finding a therapist for the traumatized girl. She got no counseling at Boys Town and, court documents state, her parents forced her to drop out of school when she was 15.

Surrounded by the media, lawyers and Department of Children & Families officials, she seemed overwhelmed, but was able to say this much, through translator Jonathan Wang: ``I want to thank everybody who helped me.''