Harrisburg SESA Tracker

Opened Labor at Harrisburg SESA

My case has been "processed"/"opened" by Harrisburg SESA as of 09/27/2004.
This is a REGULAR, EB3 case , Harrisburg PA, with a Priority Date of 06/13/2003.

Does this case go to the Phillly BEC or it gets processed at the Philly Regional?

My attorney's answers are confusing - which is why I am asking for help.
The rules as per the 09/30/2004 SWA memo seem to say that this case WILL NOT BE A CANDIDATE FOR BEC, since it was "processed"/"opened".

Any help is appreciated.

PRIORITY DATE - 06/13/2003
Master Tracker

Hello all,

I am trying to create a master tracker that will help all of us determine where we all fall in the BEC queue.

My goal is to consolidate into a single tracker all pending labor certifications from all STATES and all DOLs.

This will help us in the long run to better understand how BECs will be processing our cases.

I have attached an empty tracker. I will return next Friday, February 11 to “pick it up”.

At that time I will merge all sub-trackers into a single one and post it in the DOL forums section.

I hope you find value in doing this and participate. If your forum has a tracker already, it would be great if someone volunteers and populates the tracker I have posted.

Since it will be hard for me to check all forums next week, if you have any questions, please send me a Private Message.

Thank you for your help

Labor Filed In Non_RIR

My labor case has been filed in traditional process(non-RIR) in Oct 2004 in Harrisburg. Could any one help me to understand how long it would take to clear the state labor?

Thanks in advance!
where to check the status of LC

my company filed my ETA 9035 for RIR on May, 2004 in harrisburg,PA
According this Shipping Schedule:

Phase Local Office Receipt Date Date Due to Center
1 Prior to January 2003 Completed On 12-31-04
2 2003 to 2004 No Later Than 03-31-05
3 2005 No Later Than 04-22-05

my case should be in Backlog Processing Center,

But I still have not got a 45 days letter yet, Is this normal?
where should I check to find out the status of my case.

Thank you!
MY labor


I am new to this forum,

My attroney applied my Labor application in RIR at philadaphia during mind of June 2004, but during that time Phildaphia office stop acception labor applications, so mine was directed to Harrisburg.

So far I did'nt get any info from Backlog center.

Can anyone let me know how to know about our application, and what is the current date that the Philadalphia back log center is working on.


sakthi kumaran
BPC Tracker

The tracker can be found at:


Today I added the 600th record to the tracker.

There are 419 records for people that made to Regional DOL
The rest are SWA records which tells me SWA people are still underrepresented in the tracker.

The tracker includes reports that may answer some of your questions so do please take the time to look at the reports.

I would also encourage you to review your info and post updates especially if I have missed your 45-day letter.

Good luck everyone.
