Harrisburg SESA Tracker

Does any one has contact Number of Harrisburg Office, so we can contact them and find about it.

The # is (717) 787-4781. However, they do not answer the phone. The recorded message says, to check status, send fax or email, stating date of filing, employer, beneficiary name, etc. When the employer sends the info (they won't accept your email), they send back a form reply:

>Please use the USDOL website for case status information.
>The url that the USDOL uses to update the progress of Foreign Labor
>Certification cases, in all states is:

Like we did not know that. I am extremely angry my friends. I was hoping to have the LC by now.

Please post here if you find out anything.
[Is there any update. Does anyone know if this SESA has moved atall in last 3 months??

This is torture man]
It hasn't moved since October 2002 is all I know. My employer left a voice mail last week, noone has called back yet.
Good News.

DOL updated website and it states Harrisburg moved to NOV 2002. So any Updates from anyone who filed in Oct-NOV 2002 .?

Do you know how the process works? When Harr is done w/ the file, it sends it to Philly; is the priority date in Philly the arrival time at Philly or at harr?

FYI: My Harr arrival date is 12/01/2002
Re: Looking for employer to file & get Green Card quickly?

Mr Mohit Sharma,

Could you be kind enough to tell us what strings are attached??

Please quit trying to take advantage of the GC situation to fill your own pockets.

Any Updates??

Any Updates on Harrisburg SESA LC ?
You should know your case status by now, Please post it the thread,so we will all know/
Mine was filed on Thanksgiving, but they apparently opened the envelope on 12/02/02, so mine is still IN harrisburg.

YET, the good news is, philly regional has jumped to January 03, which surprised me. So there's still hope we may get EAD within 03.

Mine was filed a day before thanksgiving and they opened the
envelop in Dec 2002.

I called SESA ,talked to employee ....

My Priority date is Dec 23 2002, a month after filing the application.
Wow, I guess I should feel lucky that they got to my envelope in only 9 days then. Apparently, we filed on the same exact date -- that Wednesday was when my package arrived on the office. I figured the holiday season would delay them to open the envelope. But in your case, a month --- that is a little extreme.

Let's hope that May update will show December '02.
Harrisburg Labour

I want to know if my company has applied for labour processing for the GREEN CARD at DOL at Harrisburg, does DOL give a case #?
My attorney says that there is no case # , the filing date is the reference and Fedex/UPS receipt can be taken as confirmation is it true?

Folks any idea whats the current processing date for DOL at Harrisburg for a long time it has been in Nov 2002. Also I heard that the Federal(Philadelphia), which is shown as Jan 2003 at most of the sites , actulally in MArch 2003.
Any one has any more info ,plz post it

Finally,.... learnt that my labor (RIR, EB2, Harrisburg, Nov 22) was received at Philly DOL on March 27th.
RIR/EB2 Nov22nd

I have applied for RIR/RB2 in harrisburg and date is Nov 22nd. I Have not heard anything till date.
Junior, Can you let me know how you got info that your sesa is approved already.

thanks in advance