H4 to H1 stamping question


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ANy imputs on H4 to H1 stamping in Toronto.
My friend's wife has to travel to Canada on her new job for a week. No US degree. No prior H-1 stamping in passport.
ANy chances of rejections.If rejected what happens. DO they allow to enter into US or do they send back to India

ANy experience or inputs greatly appreciated
Originally posted by parshu

ANy imputs on H4 to H1 stamping in Toronto.
My friend's wife has to travel to Canada on her new job for a week. No US degree. No prior H-1 stamping in passport.
ANy chances of rejections.
----- you dont know till you apply with Toronto US consulate
If rejected what happens. DO they allow to enter into US or do they send back to India
----- If Visa applied in Toronto and Visa NOT stamped or rejected then she cannot enter US from Canada, she has to go India directly from Canada

ANy experience or inputs greatly appreciated