H1Bs a threat to Green card holders and Citizens

Re: My 2 cents

Originally posted by YJay
Many Asian countries (India, China, Japan to name a few) are not paying enough attention to very important aspects of education: social skill, leadership skills, and communication skill.

Our graduates may be able to solve very complicated differential equations, which may not be of much use for 99.99% of the graduates in their whole life. However, very few of them can formulate a practical science or engineering problem into a simple mathematical equation, which everyone can solve.

Social skill, leadership skills, and communication skill will create a tycoon like Donald Trump.

Solving very complicated differential equations will make the space shuttle fly.

I don't see anything wrong with either. If anything, the second set of skills help mankind, the first set of skills help some hillbilly make a lot of money.
Remember waytoolong, it still requires a very good manager to coordinate and release the work done by the NASA scientists.
That's a good point, I read somewhere that even though the technology has advanced, it is impossible to recreate the Saturn 5 project since the management team is not around any more.
Originally posted by manjit
Stop outsourcing?

Don't worry, soon India will start outsourcing. Since I'll be CEO of India (PrimeMinister of India) by that time, I'll remember you guys so USA will be my No.1 favored nation on my list

I personally prefer the customer service from India to the ones
we get in the US. I think outsourcing will help the US economy with more savings and more oppurtunities for business.
C D u Suck....

Din't u come on a H1, once you get you GC u think that u are an American .... Don't forget ur roots..

U want to abolish H1. What kind of an Idiot are U.... If u are an Indian.. U are a disgrace .... U are ......................................

I think H1Bs should be banned. If you look at history there
was a time in the 70s when a lot of doctors migrated to the US
as they were wanted then. They are not wanted now. In the
90s a lot of computer professionals migrated. They were wanted then. They are NOT wanted now.

The whole era of shortage of the computer professional market is over. Why do you want to come to the US when so many good jobs are being outsourced to India. Stay in your country. and enjoy. By attempting to migrated to the US, you are only causing more grief to yourself and American citizens/EAD/green card holders.

Please ignore CD and the likes of him/her/it. CD seems to be extremely insecure! No one said that with the approval of "green" card, there will be an unlimited, uninterrupted and lifelong supply of "green". That 's what seems to be CD's impression of getting GC.

CD, if you can't compete against, whether it is a citizen, a GC holder, non-immigrant visa holder or a professional in a different country, then your skills are quite questionable and you are not worth keeping around. After all the fittest (and the most flexible) are the ones that survive.
Re: kanthus

Originally posted by C D
I If you look at history there
was a time in the 70s when a lot of doctors migrated to the US
as they were wanted then. They are not wanted now.

The shows how ignorant you are! There is an acute shortage of healthcare professionals at all levels. I am sure you have problems scheduling your next appointment with your shrink!