H1b visa for BA degree holder


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One of my friends has found an employer who is willing to sponsor her for h1b visa due to her work experience and diploma in insurance related field. However she only has a BA in English as a degree. My question is how difficult is it for her to get a h1 visa sponsorship. She has recommendation letters from her employer who is a subsidiary of an american company. Insurance field is a niche market and there is no real degree or such thing for insurance most experience is gained either thru certificate courses or on the job experience. How can this be shown to the consulate or the INS? What do any of you think is possiblity of getting an h1?
Got to build a labor certification

for the post to convince INS or the consulate. Is the insurance certification available in US? Can you find somebody to state that a BA + the diploma/certificate is equivalent to the degree requirements of a H1(i.e. equivalence certificate)?
You also need to prove that such certificate holders are rare in US.
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Hi the employer can state on behalf of the applicant that her qualifications suit the job skills that they are looking for. BA by itself is a degree so it is sufficient technically to qualify for h1. only concern is the major is english not something technical. but insurance is a niche field there is no as such degree you can obtain for that. As far as certificate holders in US there are probably but its not easy to find and also more importantly hard to find someone with the necessary experience to handle cases.