H1b revalidation Stamping..Help needed


New Member
I changed my job 6 months back and got H1b approval and I-94. My earlier visa expires on November 30th.I am planning to go to India on November last week to attend my brothers marriage in Dec 1st week.I would liketo know few info regarding stamping my H1 in USA iteself.
1.Govt site says revalidation stamping can be done if less than 60 days for expiration. Does it means i can send only when no days for expiration is less than 60? I heard now it is taking 12-14 weeks. so can i send now so that by the time of stamping my visa expiration will be within 60 days ? Have anybody tried sending earlier like this?

2. Where should i send for stamping? To St.Louis or washington? From where can i get stamping earlier?

3. Do i need to send all original Mark sheets, experience letter For this? Also for my wifes H4 do i need to send wedding photos along with original Marriage Certificate?

Heard stamping in Chennai is also delayed like 5 weeks. I won't get leave more than 30 days. So i fear i can not reenter without visa stamped...Please give ur suggestions...
Thanks In Advance
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what happens if the reval application needs a security/company check when applied at canada/mexico. any guess on the probability of that happening?
Originally posted by samurai
what happens if the reval application needs a security/company check when applied at canada/mexico. any guess on the probability of that happening?
Theoretically it's possible, but from my experience of getting visa in Canada if you have all the papers they need you'll be fine.
more importantly, what happens if they need to do the checks (which tend to take a long time). can he return to the US without any problems?

I, myself, got my H1B visa revalidated back in oct 2001 in canada. it was very smooth. But am not sure, if it is safe enough to do that now. when did you or anyone you know, last got his/her visa revalidated in canada/mexico?
Originally posted by samurai
more importantly, what happens if they need to do the checks (which tend to take a long time). can he return to the US without any problems?

I, myself, got my H1B visa revalidated back in oct 2001 in canada. it was very smooth. But am not sure, if it is safe enough to do that now. when did you or anyone you know, last got his/her visa revalidated in canada/mexico?
He can return only if his old visa is not expired yet or he has an AP. Anyway the risk is not that high. I think almost all of the indian guys got their visas without any problems.
So it's up to him either try to get to canadian embassy before his old visa expires and use the old visa in the worst case scenario or to miss his brother's wedding since processing in St.Luis takes more then 12 weeks now.
>He can return only if his old visa is not expired yet

>or he has an AP.
Advanced parole is something that you get after you file I-485 or some like that, right?

actually, I was asking for myself too. however, I dont think my old visa will be valid when I go for my reval (still waiting for my h1b approval). anyways, thanks for the good info.
Posted by sd1975
“He can return only if his old visa is not expired yet or he has an AP”

----- One can return if he/she has valid H1 visa in the passport or Valid AP
If one applies for H1 in Toronto and they don’t stamp the visa then you get a stamp on your passport “ Applied” it means you can not enter back to US if H1 applied and got rejected, one is supposed to go directly to home country to get H1 visa, if one has valid AP then no problem.