H1 withdraw and cancel


Registered Users (C)
hi all

my prev emp said that he withdrawn my h1, so what does it mean? because i m with my current emp, but that transfer denied, so thoght to go back to prev emp...

prev emp told to ask his lawyer what can be done..

I and my wife have valid visa of prev emp. she has gone to india in jan 08, so can she come back?

please reply
You are still entitled to move back to the previous employer. Talk to the lawyer and let us know. Now, as long as you are get paid in future (assuming you joined the previous employer) your H-1B status is maintained.

As for your wife, there should not be any issues.
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hi all

my prev emp said that he withdrawn my h1, so what does it mean?
-------------- you were working with employer A on H1 of employer A and your H1 status was because employer A filed for your H1 petition then you moved to employer B and employer B filed H1 transfer and that got denied and now the situation is that if employer A has revoked/ cancelled your H1 by writing to USCIS then you are not on H1 status of employer A and your H1 transfer through B got denied.

because i m with my current emp, but that transfer denied, so thoght to go back to prev emp...

prev emp told to ask his lawyer what can be done..
--------------------- if the compnany A lawyer says that he has not written to USCIS to revoke your H1 then you can go to A and can work with A if lawyer of A says that he/she wrote to revoke/cancell your H1 of A then you cant work with A as you are no more on H1 status of A

I and my wife have valid visa of prev emp. she has gone to india in jan 08, so can she come back?
------------- Yes if you are on Valid H1 status of A or B or C employer
please reply

----------------------- if A revoked your H1 petition by writing to USCIS and your H1 Transfer of B got denied then problems with your STATUS in US
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The OP is out of status and cannot go back to work for the previos employer since the H1 with them has been cancelled/will be cancelled. This is my opinion.
Darli seems to be out of status currently due to the revoke from previous employer and a rejection for the transfer. You can only get back on H1 by leaving the country and re-entering with a newly approved I797 from any employer using CP.