H1 visa for Occupational Therapist


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I am planning to do a certification in Occupational Therapy. I have a Bachelor in PSychology from India. I am going to do a certification course. What are chances of getting a JOB on H1 b visa in this field. Are their any good leads to do some more research in this field.

Your input will be deeply appreciated.
Thanks !!
I am not sure if you can do certfication in OT with your degree. My wife is OT with BOT degree and did her OTR exam here. I can tell you its such a long process and they will evualuate your credentials several times at different level.
Chance of getting job as OT are very bright provided you can get H1 visa , many employers/consulting companies are willing to do visa assuming there is any quota left to do.
if you are seriously looking for job contact me i can give you some leads

Workpermit for Medical Coding & Billing profession

Hi guys,

I got a Bachelors degree in Home Science from India and I am doing Medical Coding and Billing certification course here. Is anybody know, what kind of work permit I should get and is anybody have such kind of permits.

Any lead would help on this.

Thanks in advance.
I am not sure what do you mean by certification in OT. there is something called as OTR which is administered by NBCOT and everyone has to clear that before they are elibgible to work.
With your degree i am not sure but then i dont know if it will be applicabale. NBCOT will anyways do whole bunch of credential and educational evualation before they give to eligibility certificate to take test. So you should check ith them in this regards. it can easily take 3-6 mths to undergo credential evualations and plus you have to clear TOEFL and TSE before that. exam prep can take easily several months.
As for H1b there is no dearth of jobs and people willing to sponsor your visa if you are an OT. the only catch is there aren't any visa left for this year so you will have to wait till oct 2006 to start unless you can get any non profit organization to sposnsor you.
but then it can easily take you 6 months to complete the whole process. check at nbcot.org.

hope this helps

This profession does not require a Bachelors degree, High school graduate can do the job, hence does not qualify for H1. Managerial position in these field may qualify, if you do MS health care management just one year course.

MyImmQ said:
Hi guys,

I got a Bachelors degree in Home Science from India and I am doing Medical Coding and Billing certification course here. Is anybody know, what kind of work permit I should get and is anybody have such kind of permits.

Any lead would help on this.

Thanks in advance.