H1 trfr based on I140 in appeals


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My previous employer(A) had filed my I140 and it got rejected and it is in appeals for the last 18months. Based on that I had been getting H1 extensions(since I have completed 6yrs). Last month I switched to company B and applied for H1 transfer. At the time we applied for transfer the I140 appeal was still pending , but recently previous company(A) has sent cancellation of my pending 140.

In that case will H1 teansfer be rejected, I was thinking I should be getting the transfer which will be valid till my current I94 date(May 2009).

I-140 must be approved to get 7th year. I think if I-140 got cancelled, you'll lose eligibility to 7th year if your 7th year was based on I-140. But I doubt your 7th year was on I-140 as your I-140 was not approved yet. I'm sure it is based on 365 days labor.
H1-B transfer would have been ok if you old company wouldn't have requested to cancell the I140. With new company you should have started a new labor that should be the way to go.
You can get a transfer based on I140 appeal.. but of old employer is withdrawing it means trouble...
Check with a lawyer..

My previous employer(A) had filed my I140 and it got rejected and it is in appeals for the last 18months. Based on that I had been getting H1 extensions(since I have completed 6yrs). Last month I switched to company B and applied for H1 transfer. At the time we applied for transfer the I140 appeal was still pending , but recently previous company(A) has sent cancellation of my pending 140.

In that case will H1 teansfer be rejected, I was thinking I should be getting the transfer which will be valid till my current I94 date(May 2009).

My H1B extension was based on the fact my I140 was on appeals process. I am on my 8th year extension and have I94 valid till May 2009.

My question is when I do H1 transfer ..shouldn't I get it valid till my current H1 date(which is May 2009). My current H1 doesnt say it is based on I140 appeals and it is non trasferrable.
I checked on USCIS website and don't see any rules related to H1 transfer.

I had asked this to my attorney earlier and he said there should be no issues...but sometimes they are not always correct -:(