H1 transfer/renewal paystub question


Registered Users (C)
Hi can someone inform me on what documents are required for h1 transfer or renewal, how many pay stubs are required!
also is there a way to get a new h1 with company B if i am working with company A on less than LCA wage
Dude: Are u gonna do it urself or ask the company lawyer?
1) Paystubs are NOT necessary... Why? Cuz I got mine w/o them... As my lawyer put in clean/to-the-point paperwork...
2) You need to get same papers for a TRANSFER as for a new H1 application.
i will go thru a lawyer, so help me get more understanding.

H1 renewal = no paystubs needed.
H1 transfer = dont know? if its like a new h1 then the first one may not even get mentioned? I should mention i havent gone out of usa so passport does not have visa stamp
sorry to be a pest but my original question was how many paystubs for a h1 transfer, if biweekly payroll 2,4,? will a latest ONE do!
Hey man:
Usually u need last 3 paystubs.. (be it biweekly/monthly).... That way paperwork seems more "Complete".. But as I indicated.. it is NOT necessary if the Lawyer can put BETTER documentation in other areas of ur application.