H-1 revalidation tracker in St.Louis/Washington



I am sorry to hear your story. I wish you good luck this time. Hopefully we all get our stamped passports soon. Other than what you mentioned I don't think there is any additional stuff you have to send.


I hope that you'll get your PP before April end. Due to passport stamping machine broke down (around November I think) there is huge backlog. I am gussing that's the reason for all this mishandling and frustration. Hopefully things will come back to normal and your PP will reach you soon. By looking at the previous posts in this forum even though you didn't put envelop DOS will take care of that. But, every case/officer is different. Good Luck!!!
Vasu: Don't worry, you are sure to get your passports. It is just some cases in early November 2002 that have been delayed. There are people who have had applied in the 3rd and 4th week of November who have received it.

Talking about vacations, I already lost more than 160 hours of vacation in this waiting game. That makes it very hard, and is possibly one of the reasons of my outburst in one of my earlier post.

I am sure the personnel are doing their best. Its like waiting in the bus stop, and see all buses go by except the one that we want :)

Good luck to every body.

If some of you are not getting tickets to India, you can blame me :). I have blocked seats with several travel agents on several dates and several airlines. We are in such situation, where we have decided to skip buying the usual gifts and pack all the usual stuff. Just pack the travel documents and board the flight :)
Ha ha.....Crossed the breaking point, so can laugh and smile at my plight.

For those curious members:

Sent Nov12th.
DC received: 13th/17th
Status: still waiting........
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any updates?

I talked to the officer at DOS today. She said my case is 'in process' and she couldn't give me an estimate about how much longer should I wait.

did anyone manage to get any useful info.

my SD 11/5
RD at Washington 12/13

still waiting.

Kiddo, how much longer did they say your visa processing would take ? I guess my application reached washington approx. the same time as yours.
Received stamped passports...

Hi Guys,
Happy to tell you all that I received my stamped passport along with that of my wife (also stamped). I did not have any imminent travel plans unlike several others. I plan to travel in about a month from now. However, I was scared because I saw people who sent about a month before me still waiting. Apparently, DOS is adopting some kind of an ad hoc procedure.

Here are my details.

Sent to St. Louis : 22nd Nov 2002
Received in St. Louis : 25th Nov 2002
Visa Stamped : 15th Jan 2003
Received back : 17th Jan 2003

Here are some things that confused me when I sent my and my wife's application. Hope it will help someone.

1> I sent only one photograph per applicant. I have seen a lot of others sending 2, 3 or even 4 photographs. The photograph was a standard passport polaroid photo from Walgreens, which is NOT the exact same size as the one DOS wants.

2> I had to write my name in my native language in DS-157.

3> I have seen people sending all kinds of stuff not asked by DOS like paystubs, tax returns etc. I sent ONLY the documents required by DOS and nothing more. I recommend sending only what is asked for and nothing more, as it might confuse the dumb DOS officers, as to why the extra stuff is sent.

4> I sent two separate checks one for reciprocity and one for regular visa fees.

Since I have received my passports stamped, I assume that everything that I did was acceptable to DOS. So if anyone has any questions about revalidation application procedure etc, I will be glad to be of help.

Good luck to everyone waiting ...
Received stamped passport

At last after waiting for more than 11 weeks I got my passport back from DOS. I have checked the stamped visa everything looks fine to me. This forum helped me a lot. Thanks to all of you guys who all have written such a good comments.

Here are my details.

Sent to St. Louis : 31st Oct 2002
Received in St. Louis : 01st Nov 2002
Visa Stamped : 21st Jan 2003
Received back : 22nd Jan 2003

Good Luck to all those who are waiting... :D
The officer did not get any estimates to me too. She said it was still "pending". She asked me to check again on Friday.

When I asked the officer why my case was getting delayed, she answered that she did not know about it. She added, the cases are processed as they are received at DC.

My thoughts:
The office probably works First-In-First-Out. St. Louis must be sending the pass ports to DC in bulk - say boxes. When handling these boxes, some might get skeltered here and there.
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Waiting case

--Sent on Nov 14th
--Rcvd at Washington DC. on Dec 11th
--Jan 23 rd ---Still waiting

One question for you guys,I did not send my change of address to INS untill a week back, is it going to impact my case in any way?Will the DOL look into the non-immigrant addresses before it seal a stamp in the Passport?Do you think INS and DOL exchange this kind of information?

Thanks in advance.
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Got my passport..

St. Louis Recd date: 11/07/2002
Passport recd date: 01/23/2003

Just now got my passport with stamps and all the details look fine..

Good luck for all of you who are waiting !
How soon do they cash the money order?

I sent in on 1/13 and the money order was cashed on 1/21 ... both money orders, $100 + $75, were encashed ... I thought that one money order will be sent to DC, maybe I am wrong!

Do they cash the money orders right-a-way?? TIA.
Called the Visa office this morning. DC is presently processing applications received on 10th/11th at DC. It looks like they have been asked to process the applications for these days within in 5 days and "move on".

Am one of the unlucky ones that's been caught in the enormous delay (nearly 12 weeks, whereas some have received it in 7-8 weeks)

SD: Nov 12th
DC: Dec 13th/17th (entered into DC's system on 17th)

Still waiting....very sadly...
It will take atleast another couple of weeks. They have been saying this for the last 3 weeks. Lost hope...
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Spoke to Officer at WD, she said my passport is waiting to be stamped, am expecting some time in the next week. My file was actually received on 12/11/03 by WD office.

Will update you guys once i get my passport.
it's my turn

I just spoke with DOS officer. She said that both my passport and my Husband's passport got stamped. Hopefully they'll mail them today. I'll let you know as soon as we receive the passports.

MD: 12/02/02
St. Louis RD: 12/03/02
Washington RD: 12/11/02
Stamped Date: 01/24/03
Passports Received: Hopefully this Monday

The officer said that they are processing Wasington RD's around 12/11.
Thats great news , I was actually waiting for you to get your passport as my passport sent date to St Louis is 12/12/02 , 10 days after you , I can now call DC by next week to enquire about our passports status.
Got vacations approved & Travelling from feb 14th,although I still have to buy tickets ,hopefully I should get it in 2 weeks if you get it on monday.
Question about Address

Hi There,
Could somebody clarify the From address in the Fedex airbill sent along with the application. Should that be St.Louis address or Washington DC address since the PP seems to be mailed out from Washington DC.
washington or st luis address

well I left the from address field blank.. have done it twice.. got the passport back both time.. so don't worry.. just leave it blank..
I have left it blank since i was't sure what address at Washington DC it will be dispached from.
Still waiting, will let you know once i receive it.
December 3rd RD

I just got a call from my husband. He told me that he received both of our passports at his office address. All the visa entries are correct.

We put St.Louis address in "from" address section of FedEx label.

If any one has questions, let me know.

MD: 12/02/02
St. Louis RD: 12/03/02
Washington RD: 12/11/02
Stamped Date: 01/24/03
Passports Received: 01/27/03
Are the phones working ????

I have been trying to call DOS since
last week.

After selecting options 1 & 6. I hear to some
std message and then all I get is a busy
tone and then I get disconnected.

Is 202-663-1125 the correct number. Has
anyone been able to get through to an officer
of late ??

Waiting for PP

I have sent the passports on ov 7th and still waiting. Here are
the details.

MD : Nov 7th (Multiple PPs)
St Louis RD : Nov 8th.

I am not sure it still there in St. Louis or in DC. I was trying to
reach the DOS officer for last 10 days. No luck. Every time
i am getting busy tone. I am using 202-663-1225.

I even send a withdrawl notice ( by fax) twice. On
20th and 22nd. Still no luck. I am not getting any response.

Is 202-663-1225 is the correct number? If yes, in case if
i speak with a DOS officer, how do i find out whether our
PPs are in DC or in St. Luis. If i give name and pp number
is that enough?

Also, I saw several guys waiting like me who have mailed the
passports between Nov 5th and 15th, Are you guys still

Please let me know. Thanks in advance..