H-1 revalidation tracker in St.Louis/Washington



In case if we send our original I-94 with passport for revalidation, are we going to get a new I-94 or any I-94 (old or new)?

how does it work? I am sure there are so many people who have done this before. Help me with this question!

Just a copy of recent H1 approval


You just need to send a copy of your latest H1 approval. Usually the new I-94 is attached in lower left corner of the H1 approval from I-797. You don't have to send the original I-94 to DOS. The I-94 is given to the airlines authorities when you leave USA. DOS doesn't send a new I-94 or applies any stamp on the old I-94.

Just for your information, I-94 is issued and used by INS. Revalidation of your current H1 visa is done by DOS (Department of State) in St. Louis. DOS and INS are two separate departments for now. They will fall under one umbrella of Home Land security, when the new department is up and running.

I hope your question was answered.

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No Traces


I sent the passport as the same date as yours and it was recieved by DOS on Oct'14 but i still have no information on my case. Been trying to get thru phone never succeed.

Any ideas on how to proceed... Oh btw i did try to track thru my fedex too but that does not have any info either.

Thanks Much,
DOS recd Oct 11....Still Waiting

Still waiting.......Planning to call DOS if I don't get it this week.

Originally posted by bnks on 18th October 2002 02:24 PM
H1 Revalidation along with spouse's H4 Revalidation

Sent to DOS, St. Louis: Oct 09
Recd by DOS: Oct 11

the waiting begins......
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DOS Phone numbers


Here is the DOS number for Status check. I tried calling about couple weeks back. Did get through after trying continously for half an hour. Better time to call is right in the morning at about 8:00 AM CST.

(202) 663 1225 press 1 then 6 ...you can speak with DOS officer
I think it's Mon thru Friday 8/9 AM to 5 PM (EST)

When I did get a chance to speak to the DOS representative, she did not give me a lot of info. The rep just told me to wait and call again after 8 weeks, if I don't receive the passport. But some individuals did get some kind of response.

Just relax and call DOS when you are in a better mood. Be persistent and keep on trying till you succeed in getting to talk to one of the DOS reps. I am sure you will get your passport stamped one of these days.

Good Luck.

Looking forward for that ONE FINE DAY...


I have been trying to get thru the same no. since more than a week and infact i got thru the call last morning after i was on hold for 20 mins and i gave the officer my details and she was about to give me the response the line was disconnected. Today also i tried reaching them and after several trails atlast i got thru the call just before noon and got the news that my passport has been stamped and it wud be dispatched in a day or two.

So thats the news.

Thanks for all the updates.
I-94 doubt


Thanks cpDelhi!

I just want to clear my doubt. I have 2 I-94. I have an original I-94, which is valid till May. 2003 and I have another which I received with my H1 approval (valid till Mar. 2004), attached at lower portion of approval.

Am I supposed to send both or am I supposed to send one of them or NONE? In case if I am supposed to send one, which one am I supposed to keep with me?

As far as I know we need to send the original I-94 with all the documents. Feel free to correct me.



Yesterday I sent my passport to St.Louis. To be on safe side I sent my original I-94 (stapled to passport and annotated by INS officer at the port of entry) and also the original H1B approval notice. Two years back (H1 transfer) I did the same thing and got my passport stamped with no issues. All of my friends (atleast 10 of them) did the same and had no issues in getting stamped.

So, I suggest you to send the original copy of H1B approval notice. My attorney (FDB&L, NY) confirmed the same. You will get all of your documents back.
Photo copy of I-94 is acceptable

DOS website (URL: travel.state.gov/hlop.html) indicates a list of all the required docs to be sent for revalidation. A photo copy of your latest H1 approval is acceptable. YOu may want to send the lastest H1 approval as that will have the longest period for you to stay in US.

Snap shot of the DOS website:
(3) A valid employment petition (Form I-797) issued by the INS must be submitted. The form will indicate the applicant’s current employer and the approved extension of temporary stay. A photocopy is acceptable.

I just sent a photocopy of my latest H1 approval (I-797) and there were no issues. I got my passport with the revalidated stamp on Dec. 2, 2002.

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My wait is all fruitful

Been tracking my fedex no. endlessly and last nite i get to know that my passport is all set for today;s delivery. Today i should be getting my passport.

Would update once i get my passport.

Thanks a lot.
Revalidate Visa. Original (1st) Visa expired more than one year back

Hi all,

I came on H1b Visa of Comapny A. The visa expiration date on the passport is Aug 31, 2001.

I go H1 transfer in Nov 2000 (i.e. before expiration of old visa date on passport) & visa expiration date on new I-797 (H1 approval notice) is Jul 2004.

I want to revalidate visa in US. But as mentioned in the link

for requirements for revalidation visa
" A passport valid for at least six (6) months. A visa may be revalidated if it has a remaining validity of not more than sixty (60) days, or
has not been expired for more than one year.

Since my visa on the passport has expired for more than one year , what are the options available?

Thanx in advance.
Unfortunately for you, you cannot send the passport for revalidation to St.Louis if the visa in your passport has expired for more than 1 year. You can only get it done in your home country.

Another situation where the passport cannot be revalidated in St.Louis is if you now have a different type of visa than the one stamped in your passport.

US Embassies in Canada and Mexico are currently not stamping visas of third country nationals easily with the excuse that they don't have the means to verify the visa applicant's documents.

In my opinion the only viable option for you would be to get it stamped in the US embassy of your home country. However you don't need to have the stamp in the passport as long as you have a valid I-797, unless you intend to travel outside the country.

Hope this helps ...
My wait is all fruitful

Hello All,

After more than a year's struggle things turned out my way. I initially sent my passport for revalidation

Sent to DOS Nov'12-2001
Recd. by DOS Nov'13-2001

And after regular enquires, In feb i got to know that my passport was dispatched for delivery on Feb'3 and i have been waiting the whole month of feb, march and april . THE MISTAKE WHICH I DID WAS , DID NOT ENCLOSE THE RETURN ENVELOPE and it costed me to lose the passport. Since i did not enclose the return envelope they dipatched it in a regular mail and it was lost. Then in June i went to the Indian Embassy in NY with and got all the information ot get a duplicate passport. In the month of July i gave all the documents requried and got the passport this year Oct'10.

With all the documents sent for revalidation, since my visa was expired more than a year ago had no other choice.

Sent to DOS Oct'11-2002
Recd. by DOS Oct'14-2002

And then yesterday 12-04'2002 all my wait comes to an end and got the passport stamped with visa for the full term of my h1 period. I sent my original I-94 copy stapled to the passport and it was returned along with it.

THanks all.
Lesson learnt

Congrats Face-off and thanks for sharing your story.

Lesson Learned from face-off story: Never send important documents, like passport, to any office without a pre-paid/self addressed FedEx/UPS envelope.

My frined had also lost his passport when he had sent to its country embassy without a pre-paid envelope. The Embassy sent the passport by regular mail. His passport was lost in the mail. Its a lot of pressure/tension/grief when such things happen and a lot of effort is to be done to a duplicate.

I trust FedEx more than any other type of shipment.

Any visa re-validations this week?

Please help others by posting your visa re-validation dates. It helps all of us to estimate the delivery time.
My case is as follows -

SD= Oct 23
RD= Oct 25

Still waiting...:eek:

Neil123 and Ash777 and updates?
I have resubmitted my application to Washinton DC which got refused due to remaining validity of H1 visa on my passport for more than 60 days.

Resubmitted to DOJ, Washington DC:
sent: Dec 3 02
recd: Dec 4 02

Status: waiting again ...

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