Guys !-140 approved or to be approved soon Help serious!


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I am looking for a single man who has I-140 approved or to be approved soon (but has not submit I-485 yet), If I want to marry him and benefit from the "follow to join" policy, which is to include me in his I-485 application, is there any regulations, limitations regarding the marriage and application? How long do we have to stay in marriage for me to get my green card?

Your kind advice will be greatly appreciately


PS. Any single man interested in helping me, feel free to email and chat with me, any information and suggetion regarding Green card is appreciated! Need help!

I am under H-1B for 2 years, never out of status, never married before, with Masters degree in the US. Just tired of being afraid of getting laid off anytime...
Lily, You are a disgrace to all the people!

Everybody here is going through the painful process, but you want to take their advantage! Do you think marriage for this purpose will bring you any happiness? Is the green card so important that you want to give up your self-respect? Marriage is based on unconditional love. How did you dare to post your ugly thoughts on this board? You are really insulting people who gain lawful status through hard work, legal process, and patience. You should feel shameful for yourself!

I\'m sorry for not being sympathetic with you!
\'Kind advice\'

Wow, this is news to me... I didn\'t know single men had permanent job guarantees. Or are you saying they\'ll be guranteed a permanent job after they marry you? That THEY won\'t get laid off while the 485\'s being processed? Hey, posting this, either you are entreprenurial beyond measure or just at the end of your tethers but I feel for you.

 Look, everybody\'s sick and tired of the situation. So, just hang in there, hang loose, take it easy, hope for the best, put a smile on your face, keep an open mind, network, brush up your skills, and learn new things. Tall order? If you think hard, its easier than finding this single man, this magic medicine, who will solve all your problems. For all this is in your control. And maybe, just maybe, with these winsome qualities, you may just find this awesome job AND a great man. :) - and then the good thing would be you would want them both, but need neither for the wrong reasons.

 On a final note, let me tell you an incident about a colleague of mine. She married this great single guy, and was a few months away from getting a green card through this marriage. However, they decided to divorce. She survived a major layoff (40% cut) with my company, but guess what, 10 days later her manager called her on Christmas Eve and fired her on the spot - her husband had called the INS and her manager and told them he was withdrawing the green card application for her. She has no valid status in the US anymore...

... I am NOT making this story up. In fact, that\'s why I am taking the time to write you and posting this for others to read and think.

 Any choice we make has its risks. Whatever path you take, just weigh the risks and opportunities, that\'s all. Lots of people marry for pragmatic reasons and it works for them. Indian arranged marriages epitomize this. But, puhh-lease do a reality check. And, if you are still want to do this \'single\' guy thingy - you are in the wrong forum. This is an immigration website, not a singles forum. Thanks
Is it a joke?

I can\'t help laughing...great black joke. Guys cheer a little humorous
To lily


I did a search on all 4 I-140 groups and saw none of your such post. I think you were in wrong groups. We, I-485 guys, all cooked and bad-temperatured. This is why some are mad at you. But I understand you are a little despered so you can can go to I-140 groups and post the message. Those guys are pending to be cooked and ready to accept your message

I can\'t believe it!

I can\'t believe it that you are willing to "sell" your soul & dignity just for GC. How can an educated person (unless you lie that you got a Master degree) could post such an ugly statement? I can understand of your frustration of wanting to get GC but I can\'t understand your feeling towards marriage. If you can\'t find a way to stay in US, try Canada. BUT DON\'T GET MARRIED JUST BECAUSE OF GC.
From Lilylily: Glad everyone got a little fun here...


Before you write to me, remember the marriage is not serious, I am not going to be your serious life-time wife.


I am going to have my own company and I wont\' have enough time for romance...

Wish the best for everyone here. Smiles ! :)
Lily, I appreciate your courage(?)

Okay, so you want the benefit of a GC without getting involved. gr8!! Say, I am interested. What\'s MY benefit, huh? Are you willing to pay me for your GC? How much?

Guys, let the bidding go-on. We deserve some entertainment. Don\'t we?
Pictures? Are you good looking and sexy? Or rich? What can I get

from the marriage? Are you good in bed? ASAP!!!!!!!! I am available.
Come on, it is not a Joke! Sorry...

Sorry Can\'t help posting another note. It is not a joke, guys...

trust more, open your mind more
laugh more
And, don\'t become a person enjoy criticizing, complaining... not even at a homeless person on the street...

We all just traveler on this planet struggling for our survival.. make decisions, take risks and bear consequences. Good or bad you never know.

If you find pleasure in posting teasing messages, I am happy for you, at least you are enjoying yourself at that moment. If the note made you sick sick... too bad, sorry for you...

If anyone going to post after this ... honest reply please...

Smiles! :)