Guys !-140 approved or to be approved soon Help serious!

C\'mon guys...giver her a break !!!

Why don\'t you re-write....

Afraid of getting laid off and looking to get laid....

I am under H-1B for 2 years, never out of status, never married before, with Masters degree in the US. Just tired of being afraid of getting laid off anytime...
no more talk but actions. Post your pic, or get out of here.

You know the procedure of selling and buying. Present your good and wait for buyers, and negotiate for price. You are upside down. Pictures and a brief of yourself including the private parts.
A Request - Everybody, let\'s close this out!

Hi Everybody:

 Can I suggest closing this out? I had a laugh to begin with, then felt compassion and wrote to her. However, seeing her follow-up email, I find her postings offensive to women -and men- and disturbing. This person clearly lacks civility, grace and discretion.

 This is a great immigration website, we derive invaluable benefit from it. I feel partially responsible for keeping its integrity intact.

 Those who want to be in touch with her, you have her email, write to her directly. For the rest of us, let\'s not credit her with more importance than due - she\'s clearly desperate for attention and doesn\'t know how to seek it positively.
I don\'t think there is any harm

I saw lot of my friends getting married just before
applying for 485 (taking lot of dowry) and I don\'t
see any difference between this & that.
As some people said, if you want to help contact her
or else keep quiet. But don\'t post cheap & narrow minded
comments like "are you good in bed" etc.
I bet my life savings that you will definitely accept
the offer if a person gives a offer which is of simillar