Gurus!!! please help. Use H1 extension or AP ?


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I am planning for a short visit to India due to my family emergency. Currently i am on H1 visa (in my passport) and it\'s only valid till April 30th. I also got an H1 extension and wondering whether to get the stamping in the passport or use an Advance Parle to come back here.

1) Since we have our new H1\'s extension papers, do you think that i should get a passport stamping while we are in India ? if yes, can my wife get a passport (Malaysian) stamping in India or she needs to go to Malaysia for her H4 stamping ?

2) Do you recommend us to use the Advance Parole or H1\'s at the time of arrival (US) ?

Any help please ????

H1 it should be...

1) If you have time for drop box, do H1 (and get the H4 extension for your wife too at the same time). But if your wife does not have a AP, then this is the only option for you.
2) If you have a valid H1, always use H1 (less questions, faster service) and it is legal too.
Thanks for your replies, guys!

We both (me and my wife) have AP. Do you still recommend us to get the H extension ? If yes, is it ok for my wife (Malaysian) to get a H4 stamp along with my H1 extension in India ????

Thanks a lot your reply!