Guru\'s Please advise : Re Address Change


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

My I-485 was applied in Feb\'00 at Texas service center. Now I have a stable job ( Used AC21) and we are going to have our second baby. Right now we live in a appartment and desperately want to move to a house. would you guys recommend to buy a house at this point of time when my finger print has expired and I do not have my green card approval yet. I just want to know your opinion about it.

My question is \'what you would do if you were in my shoes?\'

Go Head

Buying a house is no way related to I-485. All you need is a stable job if you have that go head and buy. In the worst case you need to resell them. I see lot of folks buying house with H-1 Visa.
They have nothing to do with each other

What does having or not having a green-card and buying a house have in common? Absolutely nothing. I bought one more than a year ago and just filed for my 485. Buy one and after you move just send your change of address to your lawyer and ask her/him to update INS. Good luck and best wishes !!
No Title

Congrats. You can move. I did the same and informed my attorney about the address change and they filed it and all my records has been updated. I got my EAD and AP documents to my new address.
No Title

I bought a house even before I strated my GC application. Although the GC process has been slow, we are enjoying living in a new house and seeing the value increase (much better than stock market).
Good luck.
what if the new address is outside texas like NY?

I have that predicament..can u suggest alternatives for me

Rent a P.O.Box?

How abt renting a P.O.Box here in Texas use it only for immigration purposes and ask some of your local trustworthy friends to keep an eye on it once in a while. This way INS doesnt care whether you moved or not. Just a thought. Good luck !!