===>Summary UPDATE Tracking

Some Scary News...................

Sorry to those guys who are effected:
This is a news article I found in one of the websites.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has confirmed an investigation into possible improper shredding of immigration paperwork at the Orange County service center. The service center in Laguna Niguel, California, one of 4 service centers, serves California, Arizona, Nevada and Hawaii as the first point of entry for immigration applications. The service center routinely handles thousands of immigration documents a week and shreds much of the paperwork after processing, but allegations of improper shredding by an INS contractor initiated an internal audit.

Hope this helps.
Summary UPDATED (05/21/2002)

Added Apr-June 2002 months. Some html file names changed (did some code cleanup that was due). Added a view for novice user where it spells out everything.

Pcee; A Great Work !!

I found three errors, missing "/" between "immigrationportal.com" and "WebX?".
1) Mar 2001 : second stage
2) Jan 2002 : TensedAlways
3) Jan 2002 : z2e2
And, I guess MD year of soccerhero at the top of the list sorted by MD might be 2000 at your original data,
but I think it should be 2001.
Anyway, it\'s great, and very helpful for all of us who are waiting green cards.
No Title

Thank you for pointing out those errors. I just fixed them, and am in the processing of uploading those corrected pages. Corrected some other similar typos too.
AP,FP,EAD - all done - I have received all

My RD - 1/17/2002
AOS,AP,EAD - WAC-02-089-5xxxx
I received all receipts for AOS,AP,EAD etc.
I received AP on March 5th.
I received FP on April 30th.
I received EAD card on May 25th.
FP DONE - on May 1 st.
Talked to III and FP was received on May 4th.

Please update. Can you tell me when I can expect GC Approval????

Pcee can you update my particular

In the remarks column please add AVM "processing resumed on 3/14"
Summary UPDATED (05/28/2002)

Recently there are more RFE cases in approvals list! Several members on this board speculated that app. 80% of people are getting RFEs! Here is the picure as of today based on numbers.
1. In May there are 77 approvals
2. Out of 77, 29 are RFE cases
3. 2 are interviews.
4. Out of 29 RFE cases only 2 to 3 cases got RFE after 04/12 (Note that as per data, there were no approvals inbetween 04/12-04/30, when CSC was implementing new security check).

1. So that means app. 40% only got RFEs (not 80%)
2. Contrarory to the new belief that "after this new security check more people are getting RFEs", it looks normal to me becasue only 3 got RFEs after 04/12. As per RFE thread there isn\'t much increased activity either!
3. It is possible that (at least looks like..) RFE cases are given more priority in this new security check thing!
4. Also in the second half of the month approvals slowed down considerably!

Just my observations :)
A news item regarding the PP stamping

There is a number of cases have come who were unable to obtain stamps in their passports after receiving notification of approval of I-485 applications for adjustment of status (green card or GC). The reason for this problem is that the INS will not issue the stamps without conducting an IBIS (Interagency Border Inspection System) check. As we have previously reported, border checks are now required for all cases filed with the INS.

Ordinarily, individuals receive "temporary evidence" stamps in their passports after obtaining approval of their I-485 applications. Approval of the I-485 grants the individual permanent resident status. In order to have proof of that status prior to arrival of the actual, plastic "green card," individuals get "temporary evidence" stamps in their passports. This stamp suffices as proof of permanent residence for all purposes, including work and travel.

The inability to obtain a stamp, if protracted, will create enormous complications. The stamp is necessary for proof of employment authorization. Without this stamp, one will not be able to renew employment authorization documents (EAD), because the EAD is available only while the application for permanent residence is still pending. A permanent resident is fully authorized to work. One presents the passport stamp or plastic green card to the employer as the required proof. One does not have this proof while awaiting the production of the actual green card, which can often take several months.

The same problems exist for travel. The stamp or the actual green card, together with a valid non-U.S. passport, is the appropriate document for reentry into the U.S. after foreign travel. Travel is often necessary for business or for family obligations and emergencies. Prior to approval of the I-485, individuals would generally use an advance parole to reenter the country (or an H or L visa, as appropriate). For permanent residents without appropriate proof of status, however, travel is certainly problematic if not impossible.

For those who recently have received approval notices in the mail without an interview, it is necessary to go to the local INS office and present the approval notice. The Service Centers have facilities to conduct the IBIS checks much more efficiently than the local offices. So if the approval notice was issued after the security-check requirement was instituted, it is likely that the check would have been completed at the Service Center. Even if the local office will not stamp the passport, they still need to process the paperwork required to generate the actual green card. Additionally, the ability to process IBIS checks is subject to local variations. Some locations may have much more efficient processing of IBIS checks than others.
IBIS check at the time of stamping and delay due to that...

I did hear about this recently but in only LocalINS offices that come under VSC though! I didn\'t see even a singel case where some one was not able to get passport stamped on the same day with an approval from CSC! In couple of cases people mentioned that when they went for iEAD to local INS it got delayed app. 1 hour or so due to this IBIS check that\'s all!

I think VSC and CSC are going in different directions on this point!
My interpretation

PCee, first of all thanks for the wonderful job you are doing.

My guess is, that INS is trying to clean out it\'s dates, and process as many WAC-01*.* cases before proceeding with WAC-02\'s. At this point I feel, they have mostly RFE cases (and a few others) left, and the slow down probably means they are running out of WAC-01-*.* cases to work on. This also explains why the RFE approval percentage is increasing.

This means, very soon, the big head honcho at INS will ask his munies to move the dates fwd. from 05/01/01, and once all the WAC-01 mess (in their eyes) is cleaned or is a non-issue (will be cleaned shortly, and there are no unassigned wac-01 cases left at all), move on with WAC-02\'s, where we should see a pickup in speed again.

The slowdown is a good indication in my eyes :). Just a gut feeling.
Summary UPDATED (05/31/2002)

In this update made some improvements to Summary pages (Please let me know if you don\'t like these changes or if you come across any problems using these summary pages).

1. Added Secondary views to monthly lists based on ND (note that earlier these monthly lists are provided based on only MD). Based on the data we have, I am convinced that approvals depend on ND so I thought providing monthly lists based on ND may be more useful at approvals time.
2. Even though I believe that FPDone date don\'t have much influence on approvals, provided FPs are done before approvals started in that month.. I provided a special view sorted by NDYear, NDMonth, FPDone date and ND. Please see "Glossary-ColorCoding" in summary pages for detail description of these secondary views.

Summary UPDATED (06/04/2002)

Fixed some sorting problems (especially in the list sorted by FPLoc).
Sorry for jumping in.No body can predict that.

But typically at CSC, you can get approved 2-6 months after FP.But there are cases which are pending more than that.

Good luck.
Summary UPDATED (06/05/2002)

Added another view based on ND. Click on "5" next to ND to get this view. This lists displays sorted by
b NDYearMonth, FPDone, AD, ND, RD and MD.
This view may be more useful to people with Sept or earlier NDs. Assuming that approvals are based on ND month, one can see when approvals started for their month, who are all waiting (sorted by FPDone date) etc.

Summary UPDATED (06/14/2002)

Based on couple of posts it seems Oct,Nov ND cases are now being assigned to officers (there were 2 RFEs reported in this series). Probably we will see some approvals with WAC# with 02 series soon. I hope next JIT ate for I-485 processing moves to 09/01 (right now it is 06/01)