===>Summary UPDATE Tracking


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==>Summary UPDATE Tracking

Go to http://pceegcee.tripod.com/ and click on links provided on top right corner.

From now on I will post to this thread every time I update the summary. Also any discussions related to summary tracking please post here. Please post data updates to respective thread only.


Please discontinue using this thread and use new one (link given below) -PCee
**SUMMARY** Tracking (from 07/08/2002)
Last edited by a moderator:
Giant Leap - CSC I-485 Approval progress from Jan.2000 to Jan.2001

CSC Guys,

As per latest released CSC JIT Report on Feb.1, 2002, it seems CSC has cleared almost all cases with ND pior to Jan. 1,2001.

Until last JIT Report on Jan. 18,2002, CSC had cleared almost all cases with ND prior to Jan. 1, 2000.

You might be aware that some cases as late as ND of June 2001 have been already approved.

So INS may now proceed to clear almost all cases for Jan. 2001 onwards gradually.

I have been working with scanning and imaging operations for last 12 years and I exactly know how complicated it is to process a huge and ever increasing intake of applications. Kudos to INS - CSC!

Now 485 approval for almost all cases until ND of Feb 2001, March 2001, April 2001 or jump to May 2001 is in order in coming month(s).

Though the real test would be in RD of June 2001 and July 2001 for which ND was somewhere in August 2001 or Septemeber 2001 when relatively large numbers of applications were filed from EB3 category.

I am speculating that JIT Reports may quickly show progress for about 2 months and then slow down little bit when ND of September 2001 comes.

PCee, it would be real beneficial for everyone to discuss on this thread and provide brief information on your tracking site - what is going on in general at INS CSC as regards to 485 processing instead of individual cases of update of every single thing in the case cycle.

For example, as of today,

I485 cases are being approved with RD of April, May and June 2001 and prior.

Finger Print Notices are being sent for December for XYZ Service Center etc.. etc...
PCee, I am still not in the list of October mailers :-(

I posted a request to the corresponding thread a few days ago.
My WAC is 02-041
No Title

I do remember that I added you to the list! I just checked and you are there in Oct list (Note that, that list is sorted by MD)! I will update your WAC#
- PCee
Summary UPDATED (02/07/2002)

Summary UPDATED (02/07/2002).

As I wrote earlier I have small problem w.r.t. not carrying year in RD,ND,AP, EAD. Because of this while sorting records will appear in different order (those that have dates in 2002). I know I need to fix this and I apreciate your patience until then.

By the way I cannot add records if proper dates are not specified (wher only month and year is specified).

Summary UPDATED (02/11/2002).

Summary UPDATED (02/11/2002).

Soon I will add fields for Plastic tracking as requested by couple of users.

AVM column

Hi PCee,

I do use the sort by remarks feature.

My reason for suggesting a separate AVM resumed processing column are

1. This takes up less real estate on the screen
2. It frees up the remarks column for noting oddities (age out,
RFE etc ).
april filers information for Pcee

aran-case assigned to officer posted on 2/8/02 5:53 PM
PCee "APRIL 2001 thread for I-485 Mailers to CSC (from 12/27/2001)" 2/11/02 2:23pm
10. me too
Posted By: 485gang 1/27/02 11:34 AM
(#12 of 77) RD 04/11
ND 05/15
FP 11/21 (done& schd)
waiting with famous Dec 29th msg ringing in my ears :)

485gang "Anyone with Apr RD left" 1/27/02 11:34am

PCee - one correction

Hi PCee,

Great work as usual and we all appreciate your valiant efforts.

In the april sheet could you mark chandu123 as approved. I believe he posted his approval under the handle yshekhar.
pcee - another correction

ven1234 in May thread also got approval.
He is #1 in rsrgc\'s feb approval list
pcee - small correction

. no 56=>yshekhar(chandu123) rd apr 17 2001 - approved
Posted By: rsrgc 2/11/02 12:41 PM
(#96 of 140) Got Approval
yshekhar - 12:14pm Feb 11, 2002 EST
Hi Guys,
Got my I-485 Approval after a long wait.
RD 17-apr-2001
ND 06-jun-2001
This forum was very useful.
yshekhar "Got Approval" 2/11/02 12:14pm
congratulations - rsrgc

rsrgc "Recent Approvals - February 2002" 2/11/02 12:41pm


I think yshekar and chandu123 are the same person
Please check

PCee small change

485gang 04/10 04/11 05/15 01-184 09/20 00/00 10/26 11/21 11/21 San Jose 02/11

was posted on April Thread but i\'m not approved yet !!!!! although I wish :)

Cheers !
pcee - details of handle gcfriend

gcfriend "Any one With RD

2. My details. Waiting.
Posted By: gcfriend 2/19/02 12:55 PM
(#2 of 7) RD: 05/02/02
ND: 07/02/02
FP 11/07 (San jose, shd 12/07)
Same Dec 29th ... resumed msg.
PD 11/00. EB2 RIR / INDIA. AP & EAD sometime in Oct. 01
Posted By: gcfriend
WAC # 01-225-xxxxx
Posted By: gcfriend


To Pcee

The above details are of handle gcfriend - please add his name to your spreadsheet

Updated SUMMARY (02/20/2002) 4:00pm

Updated SUMMARY (02/20/2002) 4:00pm

This time created new threads and did some cleanup so that these updates will take less time for me. As some of you observed I used PCeeTmp ID to do these changes. I lost password to my actual ID and I asked the sysadmin to send me a new password. Once I get it I will post with my new ID. Because of this reason I am not posting frequently in the past few days.

We saw couple of June approvals this time. Its a good news for all June (and after) waiters. Hopefully all the cases before June are already assigned to officers and we will see those approvals soon. Congratulations to all those who got approved.

With very best wishes
Pcee - I received the following message when I went to the spreadsheet at tripod.com

Temporarily Unavailable
The Tripod site you are trying to reach has been temporarily suspended due to excessive bandwidth consumption.

The site will be available again in approximately 2 hours!

Are you the owner of this site?

To check your daily bandwidth usage, click here.
To obtain a higher bandwidth limit, click here.
No Title


I read private message you sent, and give me some time to respond to it.

Some thing strange is going on with tripod since yesterday! When I signed up there was no bandwidth limit (remember I moved from GeoCities when they gave me hard time w.r.t. bandwidth), and it seems they started adding that bandwidth limit to all accounts. Even then one thing I don\'t understand is it says I can use upto 1GB bandwidth per day and on average our summary pages are 100KB (the largest one is 116KB) with this we are allowed 9pages per MB (minimum) and app. 9000 pages per day. We are very well below that limit! They didn\'t say any where but appearently they have per hour limit set to app. 6MB and when it goes above that limit they are disabling the site for two hours! Looks like they want some money from me! :(

Lets wait couple of days and see how it goes...

Thanks for letting me know about this though!

PS: Please see attached picture about BW usage...