Green Card = Ph.D


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My professor used to say that the Master\'s student should continue to do Ph.D. The reason he used to give was that once you do Ph. D you are a different person altogether. It teaches you patience, perseverence and a lot of other good qualities. I am thinking the same thing about Green card. This is also taking the same time (~5 years). This also teaches you the same qualities. We all become better persons psychologically after green card. It is not the green card itself and the -process- that makes you tougher.

What do you guys think?
Virtues of PhD

At my job I am sorrounded by PhDs ranging from doctorates in Nuclear Physics to Mathematics. You name it we have a guy with a PhD in that field.
In case you are wondering I just have a measely bachelors (but I finished in 2 1/2 years with magna cum laude in EE :) ). So, anyways coming back to PhD\'s I don\'t know but it seems that a lot of these people are very narrow minded (prefer Fortran to C++ etc. etc.) and talk a lot of bull.
Just my 2 cents .. I respect people who pursue higher education. But except for a very few people (with PhD\'s) a lot of them are either very conniving or just plain dumb.
No Title

My view of PhD is that they can\'t do or don\'t know how to do anything but phd (lab work). PhDs are like same minded people trying to gain something not real, but GC seekers are diffrent kind of people trying to get one real thing, GC.

I am not trying to flame anything, just my personal opinion.
Sour Grapes

It is easy to say about Ph.D\'s. Most of the work you guys implement originially came from the works of Ph.D\'s and others alike.
It is easy to say all or most of the Ph.D\'s are fools, for those who don\'t have one. Sour Grapes.

If you are a PhD then you did prove our point. None of us said anything about \'all PhD\'s\'. See this is what I implied about PhD\'s being full of bull.
I consider arrogance and being filled with pompousness as signs of insecurity.
Sour Grapes

Read Carefully to what I said,
All or most of them and others alike:

I hope you get it this time: Just making a point, Chow
Who cares

you graduated within 2.5 years with MCL. Bill Gates was a high school drop out. I dont need to compare u and him. Your message only shows that you either a bully or a narrow minded person. BTW, keep those opinions for yourself. Your opinion is not suitable on this board.
Sour Grapes

Ciao - is an Italian word; and I did not use Ciao.
I used Chow, a chinese word: check the meaning yourself. Just making yet another point.
No Title

When you talk about "sour grape" I do feel that there are some attitude problems here. Lets stick with facts or personal experience without getting personal.
Wrong on the contrary read on....

This long green card process makes you irritable, unreasonable, Poor, Unable to make small decisions after all those fights and bad treatment from the Consulting company, loss of self confidence. Even the client know that you are stuck with the contracting company and exploit you because you are ready to do anything to not to come on bench and move. Can’t buy a house , salary substantially below the market. This agonizing process will most probably turn you into a hardened, shrewd and opportunistic person ( because you lost many opportunities during the process).You will never be the same person.
In india

In IITs there is a saying:
BTech = Main Product
MTech = By Product
PhD = Waste Product.

ps.:I am a by-product of IIT delhi.
Or maybe....

Or just maybe they just think at a level your simple, Baccalaureate mind cannot comprehend.....