Green Card = Ph.D

doing PhD

You do a PhD if you really find it interesting. That\'s it. Why do you need to become patient? The world requires aggressive people who can get things done.

It depends. I did have the option to work for my EE Semiconductor professor doing VLSI research (he offered me MS + PhD with financial aid). But, my opinion is that life is so short (also you need money) enjoy it - why spend 4 years in a lab and just pray that your professor is not a prick and approves your thesis and that you get a little bit more spending money so you could fix the broken muffler of your 15 year old car.
Just my 2 cents worth. I have a lot of respect for PhD students. Most of them are really super smart. But most PhD\'s that I have met in my professional life are \'different\'.
Sour Grapes

According to the defintions from one of the subscriber.

I am a main product from IIT Madras, and I am sure the By Product from IIT was not taught by yet another By Product; instead he should have been taught by a Waste Product. Then how come he calls himself a By Product instead of calling himself a super Waste Product.

Making yet another Point: