Going on Monday


Registered Users (C)
My wife and I are accumulating all our stuff for Monday, including copies of everything which we can leave with them if they want them.
If I don't report how it went next week, it means I've been deported! I am pretty confident, though.
Can't wait to report success! Later!
Congratulations....wish you all the best Canuck..


Man...finally you are going to see the power brokers....:rolleyes: I wish you all the best and a cool, calm and fair adjudicator, who can ensure that your deportation isn't painful, especially via a business class seat....:D

Let us know the experience, but since you are an avid reader and poster on this forum, I am confident that you are well prepared to withstand any unpleasant situation on Monday....:D You evidence should be strong enough to ensure your approval and I hope your name check was cleared a long time ago....:p

I approve you.... oh....wait.... victory shall be mine....:eek: